Hidden Emotions

Within a dark cave flowed a strong stream, filling the empty room with the sound of rapidly flowing water.

Within the water, a humanoid figure could be seen. Wearing a black and red robe, this figure flowed with the water almost lifelessly. Face up with closed eyes, the figure did not move.

He could hear a voice. A voice directed towards him.

"Hey weirdo, wake up. The teacher's talking to you" said a somewhat familiar voice.

As his eyes opened, Jay witnessed an odd sight. He was in his old classroom dressed in his school old outfit.

Wasn't he taken to another world and treated like a criminal?

Wasn't he exploring a peaceful area in the dungeon after finally leveling up?

Other students sat behind their desk dressed in school apparel as well, all staring in his direction.

Navy blue pants and blazer, with a white shirt underneath and a navy blue tie. A black shoe was also apart of the outfit.

"You finally awake?" asked an obviously pissed off teacher in the front. He was a tall, middle age man with black hair and a goatee. He donned a black suit with shirt and black tie.

"Answer the question on the board" he said staring at Jay making sure the student was aware of who the directions were for.

On the board, a simple expression was written. An answer quickly flew into Jay's mind, but before he could answer, the numbers and symbols began to wiggle around and flew off the board.

The teacher along with the other students continued to stare in Jay's direction as if his face was a million dollars free for the taking.

Sweat trickled down his forehead and a sickening feeling was felt from the pits of his stomach. Jay could feel all the gazes on his face as different voices filled his mind.

"He cant even answer this simple question? What an idiot."

"He is so weird. Hopefully, I never get paired up with him."

"Look at this idiot. Might as well say the wrong answer and get it over with."

Jay stood up, and grabbed his bag in a hurry. He headed towards the front of the class as quick as he could hoping to exit.

A fat, pale, red headed boy stuck his leg into the aisle tripping Jay who fell face first.

The other kids broke out into laughter as the red headed kid fist bumped his friends.

Jay could feel his anger taking over. He wanted to fight, he wanted to hurt the kid sitting right there. He however fought the urge and left the classroom.

As he entered the halls, the final bell rang. Door after door opened as students poured out excited to finally head home. Jay rushed towards the door, pushing kids out of the way and nearly tripping over himself.

As he charged through the door, he ran and ran never looking back as he headed home.

Turning onto the last stretch to his destination, Jay was approached by three boys on bikes. They wore the same outfit that he did but did not sport a backpack on their back or bikes.

"Yo loser, you got me in trouble earlier. You should apologize right now." yelled a fat, pale, red headed kid.

"It was your fault, leave me alone." Jay replied keeping his head down.

The two kids with the fat kid had already gotten of their bike and stood behind Jay.

They grabbed him by his arms and held him in a t-pose.

The fat red head then walked up to them smiling. He looked down at Jay who was a couple inches shorter and struck with a punch to the midsection.

Flashbacks raced through Jay's head as he recalled being punched in the stomach by a man in all black with an eye-patch. The memory felt hazy but also real.

"I said apologize didn't I?" asked the fat kid before proceeding to slap the defenseless boy held by his friends.

The fat red head prepared another slap but was stopped in his tracks.

His mid section was in pain and he felt like throwing up. As he looked down, he could see a leg in direct contact with his nether regions.

As the fat boy fell, he could see a smile on the face of the boy responsible.

The smile was short lived as he was repeatedly punched and stomped on by the fat boy's friends.

About a minute passed, and the fat boy was back on his feet. He was visibly still in pain, but had the strength to stand back up.

He prepared to attacked the boy on the floor as his friends watched on. Before, Bang.

The boy on the floor kicked up his leg resulting in his foot colliding with the fat boy's nether region once more. This time the red headed fat boy cried out.

Again bombarded by attacks from the fat boy's friends, Jay could do nothing but hold out.

A car drove around the corner for the first time during this whole altercation. Not a single car had drove past all this time.

The car parked on the other side of the road and out came a familiar light skin man with short graying hair and a rough stubble with a recognizable badge in his hands who ran towards the scene.

The two boys saw this and helped up the fat friend. The three got on their bikes and dashed off.

The man crouched down near the boy on the floor and asked if he was alright.

"Does it matter?" he replied staring at the clouds in the sky identifying what animal or item they each reminded him of.

The man helped the boy up and after dusting him off, gave him a hug.

This man was Jay's father and the badge in his hand was one bestowed upon the law enforcers of the town.

"What was that about?" his father asked as he scanned his son for cuts or bruises.


"No it had to be something." replied the father.

"Nothing." repeated Jay.

"Tell me who they are, I will report them and get them suspended."

"It's none of your business!" the kid screamed at his father.

Before he could have thought about what he had just done, a firm palm smacked straight into his cheek turning his head nearly a full 90 degrees.

It was the first time his father hit had him. The father said nothing as he retracted his hand.

Jay broke out into tears as his father stood in front of him. Memories of his new life in another world now flowing out as if the slap had released them from the dark.

"I'm sorry dad. I'm so sorry." he cried out. I never spent time with you. Blaming myself for that mom left, and sometimes blaming you."

"I'm sorry that I may never see you again and you might have now lost your wife and child." "Please.. please forgive me" Jay continued to cry out now falling to his knees.

His father said two words to him in a manner often used in the military.

"Stand Up" he shouted at his son. As Jay looked up, he saw an unfamiliar sight. His father had tears running down his face which he had never seen before.

"It's not your fault he said now tightly grabbing his son, not letting go."

"Your mom left because she had to" he claimed now trying to hold back his tears. "and you didn't choose to go to that world. You were forced there, and treated terribly."

"If anything, I should be the one apologizing for now trying to spend more time with you. Maybe if I did, none of this would have happened."

"I love you dad." the kid now said with tears flowing heavier than before.

The man's grip loosened as Jay looked up to see why his father was now letting go.

His father and the surroundings were quickly fading away like smoke forced to blow away by the wind.

"I love you too. Stay Strong." his father replied before completely disappearing

With the surroundings now completely black, he sat there not moving.

Jay opened his eyes as he started coughing up water. He was now in a new cave where he laid beside a river soaked from head to toe.

He was no longer in the relaxing grassy area but a dark cave filled with the sounds of rushing water. Another tunnel waited further down as a faint light could be seen.