First Quest

Dripping from head to toe, Jay made his way through the tunnel connected to the cave he woke up in.

"What happened to me?" he asked The System hoping to understand what he had just witnessed.

[Host Was Affected By A Magic Spell]

[Analyze Is Not A High Enough Level To Reveal Hidden Spells]

"So the water had a spell on it?"

"Why did it show me my old world and my father?"

The tunnel similar to the rest of the dungeon had rough stone walls. The ground was slightly uneven and had sharp areas that could cause a deep cut if stepped on.

The light Jay had witnessed earlier were produced by glowing rocks. The rocks were all sorts of colors and were embedded into the walls at the top and bottom.

"Analyze" Jay commanded as The System read the information within his head like usual.

"Lux Crystals. These crystals glow a bright light. The lights produced lose their brightness over time. Uses include lighting dark locations."

"Were these crystals naturally here or were the placed by another person?"

Dungeons were often explored by adventurers and guild members. Many materials could only be found in dungeons as well as many new types of beast. Therefore, these crystals could have been placed here to light the way.

Jay was lost in his thoughts before "splat".

His feet made a weird sound as he stepped onto with a wet substance on the floor. Looking down, Jay could barely see what his feet had made contact with.

All around him were puddles of blood.

The blood green in color indicated that it had originated from a beast. Since the blood was not yet dry, he knew that whatever had happened must have been recent.

Paw tracks made from the blood led down the tunnel.

With his eyes moving swiftly up and down, side to side checking every nook and cranny, Jay moved forward quietly as to not alert whatever was ahead of him.

He eventually came across an opening with three more tunnels each heading in different directions. The bloody paw prints heading into the middle before being covered by complete darkness.

The other two tunnels barely lit by Lux crystals.

Without a doubt, Jay knew that the middle tunnel was his last option as he stared down the left and then right tunnel.

[New Quest Available]

[Will Host Like To View Available Quest]

"A quest? This system has everything doesn't it" thought Jay as he answered The System with the obvious "yes".

[Quest : Follow The Tracks And Slay The Beast In Question]

Jay stood there as he read the quest again not once but twice.

"Why the hell would I do such a thing?" he thought angrily.

There was no reply from The System. It gave him a quest based on the last thing he wanted to do right now without any sort of explanation.

"What do I get for such a quest?"

[ First Quest Will Grant Host 3 Stat Points and 100 Exp.]

The rewards were better than he had expected.

"I need to get stronger and those rewards will definitely help me. Damn it."

"Accept Quest" he reluctantly yelled within his head.

Jay continued forward into the dark tunnel which seemed to have lasted for quite some time. Step by step he marched forward, eager to finally escape the dark.

Continuing his journey, a wet feeling engulfed his lower body. No longer moving forward and not being able to see Jay expanded his hands to his side and in front of him. Nothing but a cold liquid was felt.

His heart began beating faster and faster. A small pain in his chest began as his breathing begun to speed up.

"Analyze" he shouted in fear hoping The System would be able to offer help in his time of needs.

"Water Levels Measure 3 Feet. Host Is Safe To Continue."

"No Living Creature Detected."

The words from The System calmed Jay as he continued forward as fast as he could.

About a minute passed before he had finally reached the other side. Stepping on to dry land, he let out a huge sigh of relief. His heart beat began to stabilize as he looked around.

Lux Crystals now lit the way as he continued on his journey. A bright light now shone at the end of the tunnel. A loud growl like sound was heard from within.

Jay finally stepped into the light. His senses were all on high alert as an uncomfortable feeling shot through his body.

The room here similar to the grassy area was showered in light from solar crystals. The crystals glowing meant that it was daylight outside of the dungeon.

As if it was expecting him, a large beast awaited further in the bright open area staring at his location.

The beast grey from head to toe had glowing red eyes. It resembled a wolf from his old world, the only difference was the size of this beast which was twice the size of a normal wolf.

The wolf like creature sat there not moving, just staring at him as if trying to pierce his soul with it's eyes alone.

"Analyze" Jay whispered to The System not sure what to do next.

The only beast he had fought so far were the one eyed snakes, which were easy to deal with as The System listed it's weakness and even came up with a plan.

[Name: Lupus Griseo]

[Weakness: Underbelly]

[Strength: 10/20]

[Stamina: 20/20]

[Agility: 15/25]

[Health 12/20]

[MP: 0]

[Beast Is Already Injured]

"The beast was already injured?"

Not moving from his position, Jay stood still observing the beast as thoughts ran through his mind causing his body to tremble and his heart to race.

He was sure he was no match for the beast even if it was already injured.

As if finally prepared to face it's challenger, the beast slowly stood up and walked towards Jay. Not running but slowly walking.

"Is it pretending to be slow or was whatever caused it's health to drop responsible?"

As the beast got closer, a trail of blood from one of it's hind legs was now visible. It's left hind leg had a large deep wound and multiple cuts and scratches were visible throughout the rest of it's body.

" I wonder how it got hurt"he thought as he looked around for anything that could be used as a weapon.

All around the room were different sizes of bones most likely from all of the prey turned to a snack by the beast ahead. Large sharp bones could be seen meters to the right of Jay.

With some distance still between him and the beast, Jay dashed over to the pile of bones where the sharp bones laid. As his speed increased so did the beast who thought it's prey was attempting to flee.

Reaching the pile of bones, Jay picked up one that was large but also light . The wolf like creature charging towards him as it jumped into the air.

Rolling out of the way, Jay continued to dodge as the beast jumped at him over and over. A low whimper like sound could be heard upon landing every time. It seems that landing after every jump was hurting the beast.

Now dashing straight for him, the wolf like creature with it's bright red eyes rather than continuing to jump through the air rammed straight into him. He flew through the air landing near another pile of bones.

The beast once again growling as it again dashed towards him almost unaffected by the bone penetrating it's body.

"It almost looks like a pony" Jay thought as he picked up another bone from the floor without standing up. This one was much heavier than the last but also sharper.

The wolf like beast upon noticing that it's prey was not getting up, leaped into the air once more as it had plans to land upon the body.

As the beast landed, another bone was now penetrating it's mid section.

The green blood trickling down the makeshift weapon and onto the hands of Jay who sat there not moving except for his hands which guided the bone through the belly of the beast as smooth as a knife through butter.

[Quest Completed. The beast has been defeated.]

[150 EXP Rewarded For Defeating A Lupus Griseo]

Crawling from beneath the lifeless body of the beast Jay laid on the ground as The System rewarded his victory as promised.

[Quest Rewards Gave Been Supplied To Host]

[3 Available Stat Points]

[100 EXP]

[1 New Skill Granted]

Without hesitation, the 3 stat points were added to agility.

"Agility has been increased by 3" replied The System as it showed Jay's new stats.

[Level 2]

[Current Class: None]

[Current Skills : None]

[Strength: 10]

[Stamina: 10]

[Agility: 14]

[Health 15/15]

[MP: 0]

[260/200 EXP]

[Level Up?]

Another leveling up process was now available as Jay had more than enough EXP. The 250 earned from killing the beast and completing the quest plus the 10 left over from his last level increase.

"Yes" he replied as he prepared for the pain he felt the last time he leveled up.