Jade Revealed

Lance slowly walked forwards towards Jay like a predator analyzing it's prey slowly.

Taking in the previous words, Jay knew there was no going back. He would either die here, or be taken back as a criminal if he was not able to defeat the adventurers that stood before him. This included Lance and Martha.

As Lance closed in on his position, Jay decided to make the first move this time.

He prepared to swing his scythe directly at the head of his opponent and as Lance was now in reach, that was exactly as he did. However, Lance turned his head enough to avoid the blade. He moved at a such a great speed, Jay was stunned for a second while attempting to understand how exactly he could move that quick.

Lance had to be just below seven feet with a body full of raging muscles yet he moved like a martial arts expert who was able to predict the attack beforehand.

Jay launched another strike but instead of evading, Lance caught the blade as it reached his shoulder. His hands showing the metallic material indicating his harden ability was active. Holding on to the blade, he pulled the rest of the scythe and the wielder in towards him before throwing a heavy punch.


The sound of metal hitting metal was heard as Jay quickly dropped his Scythe and used harden on his arms before blocking the attack. However, the difference in strength was easily noticeable as he could feel a great amount of pain from his arms.

Lance threw the scythe to the side and watched as Jay struggled to deal with the after effects of his strike.

He then charged forward at an unexpected speed, catching his opponent with a strike to the face.

Jay flew a bit backwards before landing on his back. He knew he was to weak but had no other choice unless he wanted to die by Jade's hand anyways. He thought back to how easily she had trusted him and how he had basically agreed to work with her because he was simply afraid of her.

The sounds of Lance's heavy footsteps brought him back to the present as he quickly jumped up to avoid the next attack.

A barrage of metallic hands flew in his direction as he did his best to avoid as many strikes as he could.

Some connected and some were avoided but either way, his stamina would soon run out and he would be unable to dodge anymore. He had to think of something quick or else he would die on the spot. It was then that an idea popped into his bruised and bleeding head.

Rather than attempting to avoid the next strike, Jay attempted to catch it.

As the large metal fist covered in his own blood shot towards his face once more, he put his right hand in front of his face and hoped for the best.

Lance could see the hand blocking the face but thought nothing of it as he continued with his strike. As his hand touched the open palm of Jay's right hand, he felt a strange feeling surge through his body as the fingers closed in to form more of a grab. It was not a feeling of pain but one that made him feel as if something was crawling through his body.

He attempted to retract his fist but was unable to move. His entire body was stuck or even paralyzed which was Jay's plan.

As he was getting absolutely destroyed by Lance, Jay remembered one of his lesser used skills which was Paralyze. The skill allowed him to paralyze an opponent if all five fingers made contact. He was not sure how long the skill would be in affect so he had to work fast.

Rather than waste precious time by running over to grab his scythe which laid on the floor some distance away, he decided to use his hands as he too activated harden.




His strikes released the loud sounds of metal hitting metal like a hammer striking down a hard surface. Although, he was the one throwing attacks, he felt as if he had drawn the short end of the stick as both fists were in agonizing pain.

Only the hands on Lance was currently metallic but his head felt as if they were too. He then remembered Lance introduction as he recalled hearing something about body enhancing magic. Whatever this magic was had to be what made Lance feel like a rock being hit by a stick.

"RAAAH" Lance screamed in anger as he was no longer paralyzed, which caused Jay to jump a little before he quickly slapped Lance's midsection with an open palm resulting in another paralyze.

He felt tired now more than he did before activating the skill a second time. He thought about the possibilities?

Can I repeatedly use this skill until I am completely out of stamina or will there actually be a limit to how often I can use it?

He had an idea of how long the skill would last based on his previous usage and quickly ran over for his scythe. Wasting no time, he picked up the scythe and turned to head back and hopefully finish Lance before the paralyze was over.

As he turned his head, he saw a figure in front of him. A female with two swords charged at him and was now within range of an attack. He would not be able to dodge or react in time as the dual swords closed in on his face with his eyes closed as he braced for impact.

"Ahhhhh" Martha yelled causing Jay to open his eyes. He was still alive but was onfused on what had happened.

Martha was now a few feet away from him and was laid on her back on the floor.

"You did enough. You proved yourself" a familiar voice whispered from nearby but could not be seen. It was Jade.

"I have recovered enough energy to finish off these adventurers. I will take it from here." she added before the familiar shadow opened up at the feet of Martha.

The undead tentacles shot out and grabbed the legs of Martha. Another but noticeably smaller shadow opened behind before two more tentacles shot out, this time grabbing her arms. She was now laid on the floor as her arms were being pulled one way and her legs the other.

"Ahhhhhhh" she yelled in pain as her body began to tore in half spilling the guts and blood of her body.

Jay watched on from his position unable to move out of fear, pain, and disgust. Lance who was no longer paralyzed also watched on as his captain was torn into half. He had now lost all motivation as a a large tentacle shot right through his chest.

The same scene happened to the other adventurers who were still alive before causing there now lifeless body to topple over.

Finally, out of the shadow which carried the tentacle currently penetrating Lance emerged a pale skin female with waist length black hair. The front were cut short enough to where they covered her eyes but a red glow could be seen from where both eyes were positioned.

What stood out the most to both Jay and Lance was the black robe with red designs currently worn by the female. It was the same robe known to be worn by members of the demon faction. The same faction which attacked guild members which Jay was framed for upon waking up in this world.

"Y.You are one of the..." Lance tried to speak before the tentacle penetrating his body raised into the air and slammed down, finishing it's prey.

Jade turned to face Jay who was shaking uncontrollably as he stared at her. A small smile was visible on her face as an eerie and almost dominating aura released from her body.