
Corpses littered the nearby floor. Jade stayed in her spot without moving as Jay's eyes were glued upon her.

"You never mentioned you were apart of the wanted demon faction." Jay said in a nervous voice, breaking the silence.

"You never asked." Jade replied. "This mysterious lady came up to me one night and offered me a spot. She already knew my name, and magical ability already even though we had just met. I refused but when she showed me how strong her power was and promised I could gain such strength, I decided to join. It was that very lady who gave me directions toward the men who killed my parents."

Jay felt afraid but also filled with anger. The person he had just put his trust into was apart of the group whose crimes he was accused of but he knew she had nothing to do with that. After all, he was sure it was a male demon who was responsible.

"What now? How do we get out of here?" he then asked upon realizing that he had other things to worry about.

"First things first, you work for me now. I won't hurt you and won't stop you from making your own decisions. If you don't want to work for me I will let you go when we exit this place. I still want to continue my parents dreams of unifying humans and demons even if it is by force.

"But that group you are in, they are enemies of the humans. They attack and kill them don't they?" Jay asked.

"Yes they do. That doesn't mean that I will though. I joined for the power and maybe I can... never mind, lets go." Jade replied.

Jay couldn't help but wonder what she was going to say but he quickly dropped the thought as he now wondered about how they would exit their current location. It was a long way up to get in or out, so what trick did Jade have up her sleeve.

Jade walked over to one of the nearby walls and used her hands to search the surface. After a few seconds, her hand felt a loose spot on the wall and she pushed in the loose spot slightly. The walls began to move apart opening an entrance big enough for one person to pass through at a time.

Without another word, Jade disappeared into the darkness within before Jay quickly snapped out of his thoughts and ran in as well. The wall closed behind leaving behind only the corpses of the adventurers.


"How exactly are we getting out if even someone as powerful as yourself couldn't leave? Is it a boss that even you cant defeat?" Jay asked.

Jade stopped walking to reply.

"Actually, I'm not really trapped here. At first I thought I was trapped but it turns out I can leave and enter back whenever I want. I found a letter in the dining room where you guys faced all those beast. It was a letter from the mysterious lady I mentioned before and it seems like this place belongs to her or maybe the faction in general. I'm not sure yet."

The two came up to another wall and just like before, Jade searched for a loose tile. After locating it, she pushed it to open another entrance.

"The letter said I can stay here for a while and even use the portal which you came in from, to grow my undead army. It seems like that mysterious lady was also the one who opened this portal for me to enter when I was being chased. All this and I still don't know her name or ability, or even why she chose me to join."

Jay listened on quietly but could not decide on how he felt. Was he shocked that she had lied about being trapped in here and then decided to become his master. A part of him did not care much as he was still alive and could use her help to get revenge.

After a couple of minutes, the two stood in front of a portal which seemed to emit a cold wind. It appearance was white in color and was moving as if alive.

"This is the way out but first I want to know. Will you work under me and help me unite humans and demons or will we part ways here?" Jade said in a low voice. "As promised, I won't hurt you if you refuse" she added with a slight smile.

Jay saw this smile as more of Jade thinking about what she could do to him if he refused rather than a friendly smile. After all, she had lied to him already and could do it again. She wanted to unite humans and demons in order to complete her parent's dreams but why choose him? They had just met and she wanted him to help with her dream?

Jay felt like she was trusting him a bit to much just like her parents had trusted those human adventurers to easily or at least that was what she wanted him to think.

"My goal is revenge against one of the top three guilds who falsely accused me and sentenced me to death in a dungeon. I'm afraid that our goals do not align since I plan to fight them rather than make peace." he said.

"I never said anything about peace. In case you aren't aware, I am not afraid to shed blood in order to survive and reach my goal. I can help u with yours too so we can be even." Jade replied.

"I can also use a friend." she whispered to him.

Jay could not comprehend what she had just said before she started laughing and said "Just kidding. I don't need friends and it seems like you are an enemy of the kingdom similar to myself, so maybe we are fated to work together."

The cold win from the portal increased as Jade put one arm through and was prepared to enter without him.

"Fine. I will work with you if you promise to help me get stronger and get revenge." he replied nervously as it seemed like she was just going to leave him behind.

He grabbed her hand as to not get separated causing Jade to jump with emotions as this was her first time holding the hands with someone of the opposite gender besides her own father. She retracted her hand and kicked him into the portal with great force.

"A little discipline is in order." she said to herself while entering through the portal with a somewhat angry look on her face but what looked like a slight smile.