The Former Chairman Unmasked

I still need to go change the chairman's spell, I mean former chairman she thought a half smile on her lips when she corrected herself. As the swearing ins where coming to end The door to the room opened and unfamiliar man walked in holding a is that a gun? Like a real gun? Was the thought on everyone's mind as he raised and fired at Jessica.

Jessica didn't move and the bullet didn't reach her as Q quick stepped into the path of bullet catching it between his fingers. The other Fae cast a revealing spell and the holo cloak fell away revealing him. The former Chairman stood their taking ragged breaths as the light from his eyes shone brightly. Oh shit I forgot to unspell him and he lost his mind, Jessica first thought. Then all of his crimes came flooding back to Jessica.

She had known the last time she was called that this would happen again and had worked out the first part of the spell before forgetting. She finished it quickly as the Officer P.A.I.L. appeared.

She bellowed it out for all to hear:

On this plan I was not consulted

To be honest I am insulted

From this day forth his crimes be known

The forman chairman the man who has been dethroned

Everyone who had ever spelled themselves after cleaning up one of his crimes had them all coming back. Never again would they forget.

Not wanting this to happen again she quickly added a second spell. This one she said looking the World Police P.A.I.L. in the eyes. Hers were brimming with tears.

As for you P.A.I.L. of mine never again cover a crime

Our secrets you keep and for that we thank

Reset your privacy settings for now and all time

When crimes are committed be frank

She then set her sights on the chairman. The edges of her vision becoming blurry.

"GO FRAK YOURSELF WITH THE SPICY END OF NEEDLE BEETLES ANTENNA!" she shouted at him as she blasted him in the face with sleeping powder she pulled from her everbag as she spoke the first two spells.

"FRAK!," everyone in the room shouted out in shock. Well not everyone said it in english, but yeah they all said frak.

"Now I don't care that he is in pain all the time. Someone please go put him on ice until I feel like being nice to him and I have the time," Jessica said fainting. She had used a lot of magic in a very short time span and her body isn't using that much all at once yet. I will find a way to punish you someday was Jessica's last thought as someone caught her limp body falling to the ground.

Some people around Karth were in shock at her luggage on Karth the fuck was common place and frak was considered the more vulgar term. They agreed with her but they hadn't heard it in polite company in cycles.

Jessica had reached out with her magic seeking out all those who had spelled themselves grabbing onto the mind blocks tightly it had taken a little while to find and grab them all so she said a spell so people would understand what was happening when she yanked to blocks out in one fell swoop. She had then redirected her magic into the main P.A.I.L. computer core and planted the words report crimes over keeping a confidence into it so that all P.A.I.L. would have this information as a baseline if anything like this should happen again. She then let go of the magic as she threw the powder at the man because he had given her the opening by engaging her in mortal combat which meant fighting back was not punishment for his crimes but the natural order of things since the system had declared them mortal enemies.