After Jessica's nap at home in her own bed she woke up feeling refreshed having dreamed of the cities of Hope brimming with life.
"Jessica," Her father called to her from downstairs.
"Coming, Daddy," Jessica called down she gave herself a quick glance in the mirror and saw that her right braid had come undone and was now half a half braid and wavy hair. She sighed, could just use a spell to fix it., "Actually I will be a few minutes daddy I need to fix my hair."
"Ok but be quick your mom made some nearly potato soup for you, and it is going to get cold," Her father called up then went back to reading a news article on his holopad. He shook the thing and it changed into the shape of a real newspaper. He pushed his frames up on his nose and reading walked to the couch from the bottom of the stairs.
Jessica finished unbraiding her hair and brushed it thoroughly on both sides. "Jesse," she called out. The P.A.I.L. appeared a few seconds later.
"Did you need something?" He asked. He had a slightly hopeful look on his face.
Jessica could read him like a book. " I need your help with my braids. To answer the question you are just dying to ask, Yes you will be getting one as soon as I make the first batch."
The P.A.I.L. Jesse smiled warmly, "I haven't gotten to fix your hair for you in a long while." He noted her responds and let it go at that. He had been hoping she would say something about it but didn't think it right to ask for special favors. She had known him her whole life and he had been with the family for every single one of their generations all the way back to the man who had willed his name to him. The Strongwell's were a different sort not a single divorce in their history and breeding at half the rate of other families. They had small branches here and there that quickly died out unable to find a suitable mate. He took great pride in his work. Even though technically doing her hair was part of his job he had never seen it as such. He loved her in the way any grandfather would. He uses his processors to give himself 4 arms two on each side.
Jessica laughed, "You don't have to hold me steady anymore I am not a child."
"You say that but you have a look in your eye that says you will begin a new project soon and that always makes you fidget. Do you want loose braids?," He asked jokingly.
"Ok but only use them if I do fidget too much ok?," Jessica said already her leg was bouncing up and down.
"I never would have thought I would see the day when someone would remember our lost hope for freedom," He told her looking her in the eyes. He noticed the gold flecks and paused.
"I did a thing and the next thing I knew they were just there," Jessica said a little embarrassed.
"It suits you," Jesse proclaimed working on get the braids at the right tight but not to tight pull.
"Of course I would have started when I studied about the failure in school but I had already started working on it by then," Jessica said looking at him smiling, " I just didn't have any luck because the material I needed just didn't exist so it took a while to make it exist. I am sorry I left it on a shelf for two cycles but the Blackout…"
"You have nothing to apologize to me for what is two little bitty cycles mean to a being like me?" Jesse said interrupting her. Her eyes did the gleam this time like the normal side to side but going from her right eye to her left. She pulled her phone out of her pocket.
"Call the guy who won my first contest," she said to the phone not sure she had ever even caught his name.
"Blankspace formerly known as Matthew, speaking who is this and why does my caller id say SURPRISE MOTHER GOOSE LOVER in all caps," the astronaut said answer on the second ring.
He dropped the hand held device and it floated near him, "Jessica, are you trying to damage my ear canals?"
"No, sorry but I have to ask you something very important," She asked in one breathe.
"What do you need, Jessica," The man asked rubbing his right ear gingerly.
"Do you have any dna worms not working at the moment who are ready to be reintroduced to new dna?," She asked in one breathe again.
"Yes actually I have one that is available right now did you need her for a cycle?," He asked.
"I need you to breed her," Jessica said hesitantly. She knew the process of breeding would take the worm out of circulation for longer than they would like but this was important to her.
"I suppose if you fill out," He glanced at his view screen and read the already completed paperwork, "You want to use the new ones to do what?"
" I want them to come back down to earth and be paired with my steel-silkworms," Jessica said blushing at the thought.
"You think it will work in gravity we haven't had any luck with that before," He pointed out.
"That is because of, ok you know what that would take 30 minutes and we both already know so skipping the review, I am not saying I want to feed them the dna I am saying I want to breed it into a select stock here on the planet so that I can get a higher yield and maybe just a little bit better tensile strength out of my next generation of worms. The ones I have are the right size but I still need to recode the next stock with a better production rate and using the blank slates and the altered dna of my current stock I believe I can increase production by 100 fold in the first generation," She explained briefly hoping he would catch on quickly.
"I follow you but I want to ask why the sudden rush I thought you already told the P.A.I.L.'s to wait for production," Mattew replied.
"What no fuck that I already have the steelsilk I need for a few thousand," Jessica said confused as to why he was talking about a completly differnt project.
"Then help me out here what are you talking about?," he asked.
Jessica was picturing in her mind's eye at the same time the magic of the teleport and the man she was speaking with when suddenly she found herself in zero grav right next to him. Her right braid done and her left braid only a quarter of the way done. He looked at her in shock and her face mirrored his.
"Did you just…" He couldn't say the words. It was too incredible to comprehend. Their phones beeped. Jessica ignored it and the system didn't award her a title just alerted all of Karth that she had just been the first human to under their own power without a telepad or aid of a Fae teleported. The system had no idea what to even call a title for something that simply should not even be theoretically possible.
"Did I just…" She whispered. She had never even theorized this eventuality. They grabbed each other's shoulder and Jessica just squealed in delight as the man laughed in surprise excitement.
"Teleported!" they both exclaimed at the same time.
"This is the weirdest thing I have ever done!" Jessica exclaimed.
"This is the most amazing thing that anyone has ever done!" Matthew said his excitement matching her own. "Can you do it again?" he asked. Not out of concern but out of scientific curiosity.
"Let me check," Jessica pictured the magic and the Queen and bam she was standing in front of her. "Hi, your Grace!"
"Hello Jessica," The Queen replied in a complete calm and regal tone but her new heart was racing inside of her new chest.
"Bye your grace," she said giving a curtsy.
"Goodbye, Jessica," The Queen replied staring at the spot the girl had just appeared and disappeared from.
The part with the Queen was streaming live to an audience of English buffs who had been admiring all the new discoveries she was making about herself. They were shocked seeing that the alert hadn't been a false report and the video clip was running in the corner of everyscreen with in seconds on a loop.
Jessica had gone back to her room and gave Jesse a quick kiss on the cheek and finished her left braid with magic, "Thanks for the help I love you." Before he could reply she was gone. She was back on the space station.
"Yes, I can do it whenever I want now," She informed the man who was just as happy as she was.
"Can you teach others the spell," He asked.
"Unfortunately no, and even more unfortunatly this confirms that someone is fucking with the Fae because I can teleport just fine and I am not fading," Jessica said slipping slightly.
"I have no comment," The man replied, remembering the details of the contract.
Jessica nodded and winked at him, "It doesn't matter soon everyone will be able to sight to sight teleport because I can with the help of the blank milkworms and my worms make portable teleport pads. That was what I was going to explain when I was interpreted by a frakin' miracle!"
"I'll get the job done asap in that case," Matthew said looking away for a second and she was gone.
Jessica had some fun with this new power and popped in on a lot of very surprised people. She kept it up for 25 minutes before she teleported one last time to her own kitchen and reheated her soup.
Her mother walked into the kitchen and gave her a kiss on the cheek then slapped her hard on the back of her head.
"OW, what?!?," Jessica whined.
"Go live and tell people," Her mother said in a chastising tone.
"I don't wanna, I wanna eat my soup," Jessica replied crossing her eyes at her mother and taking a big spoonful of it into her mouth.
"Fine do it after you finish and remember no teleporting for 30 minutes after you eat," He father said walking into the room.
Jessica snorted causing soup to go into her nose and making her water. She swallowed and coughed, "Disposable napkin." She said reaching out to her mother who grabbed one from the island and handed it to her.
"That was the worst Dad joke I have ever heard," Her mother said but her smile gave away she had thought it was funny too.
Jessica coughed and blew her nose reaching out for a second one to wipe her eyes and her mother handed it to her and kissed her father.
"EWW I WASN'T WHIPPING MY EYES YET I SAW THAT!!," Jessica screamed in fake horror. It did weird her out to see her parents kissing but it also gave her comfort to see that they loved each other so much. Jessica threw the disposables in the nevertrash. Bye Bye snot, she thought. The nevertrash was one of her earliest inventions it was for this when she had first hacked the system and made it issue her an everbag early. She had messed with magic and changed its shape and its purpose it now served as a bottomless trash can that would not accept anything unless it was trash. She had then feed the specks back into the system and let it decide what to do. Each house was given a nevertrash and she received a thank you from the Keep Karth Clean alliance that didn't seem to understand that all trash created on Karth had been biodegradable and planet friendly. The only reason she had created it was because her father had said, " I really hate having to take the trash out." And she got a flash. Since the system only provides one bag for each person and they don't need two it was not surprising that no one else on Karth had ever thought of it before.
She finished her soup and decided she was done doing live streams for a while so recorded a short explanation that included the words "haha I can teleport and the Fae still can't," To mess with and warn Peter wherever he was. She uploaded it and got back to M.U.G. to finish writing out the plan specs for the new telepads. She took a short break to go to her loft and port in the conference room while activating the spell.
They all looked to her Jimmy was already there ready to work they were going to announce his job placement soon. Jessica seeing Jimmy explained to him in his version of the mind langue everything that had happened after cutting the live stream and granted him access to the live feed from the 3 camera still in place and all the recording they had made. Jimmy had not be surprised one bit when they had received the notification about Jessica teleporting without a pad. To him it seemed like the logical conclusion to her developing so many new ways of interacting with its unique magic in short a short time frame. He nodded.
She went back to M.U.G. having passed on all the information to her think tank and continued to work on her telepads designs for the next 35 hours straight.