You Should Train More, Mr. Lee

Yu Qi widened her eyes as she felt his lips on hers. He was kissing her in public. Before she could do something, he pulled away saying "Now, we are officially married." He then held her hand in his and took her inside the car. Throughout the ride, none of them spoke anything. Yu Qi sat in the car with her cheeks flushed red while Min Jae sat in the car smiling.

An hour later, the limo stopped in front of a big mansion and the driver got out from the car to open the door for his Madam, Song Yu Qi.

He then, walked to the other side and opened his Master's door. Min Jae stepped out from the car and casually stood beside Yu Qi.

He signaled her to hold his arm and she did. As the main door of the mansion opened, 8 servants stood on either side of the door, thereby welcoming their Master and Madam.

Min Jae and Yu Qi both walked inside the mansion together. Flicking his middle finger and thumb, Min Jae called his butler and asked "Is everything ready upstairs?"

Butler Li came and replied "Yes, Master. Everything is ready."

Butler Li took Min Jae and Yu Qi to her room. He opened the door and allowed them inside. Yu Qi was the first one to enter inside the room as Min Jae instructed her to proceed first. She was surprised by the beautiful decoration of the room.

The room was so beautifully decorated. The walls were painted white and blue. The bed was beautifully covered by a curtain and in between the bed laid huge petals of roses in a heart shape.

Not only the room, the floor was also slightly filled with roses.

Yu Qi was so intensely observing the decorations that she didn't notice that Min Jae was actually looking at her.

He kept his hands inside his pocket and stared at the 17 year-old young girl.

Closing the door behind him, he leaned at it to have a better view of her. But, before he could do, she had already turned to the other side such that her back was visible to him.

He cussed a few words and walked towards her. "Is the room really beautiful??" He asked.

"Yes. It is really beautiful." She replied without even looking at him.

Min Jae looked at her from up close and couldn't help but stare at her. Mesmerized by her beautiful looks, he said "It actually is beautiful."

Min Jae went towards the closet and took out casual clothes for himself. He didn't know which sorts of clothes, she would be wearing, that's why he called out to her.

But, it was actually awkward for him to call her name on the first day, so he just cleared his throat. "Ahem!!!"

Yu Qi looked at him.

"Don't you want to change??" He asked showing her the closet.

Yu Qi looked at her uniform and then at him. She gave a smile and scratched her head "Yeah!! I think I should."

"Okay, choose your clothes from these." He pointed at the various clothes hung in the hangar.

Yu Qi walked towards the closet to pick one. She soon realized that they were all branded clothes. "They are all branded ones."

"Yeah, I ordered them for you." Min Jae said nonchalantly and walked inside the washroom.

Yu Qi looked at his back all dumbfounded. She picked up black colored loose pants and a long white shirt. The door of the bathroom opened and Min Jae walked out of the bathroom wearing only a towel by his waist.

Yu Qi looked at him in a daze. She noticed the water droplets falling down his chest to his v-line. Looking at his strong masculine body, she gulped.

"Enjoying the view, Mrs. Lee??" Min Jae smirked as he saw Yu Qi looking at him.

Song Yu Qi shook her head and said "My bias, Donghae(1) Oppa(2) has a better body than yours, Mr. Lee."

"Really??" He walked closer to her with an evil smile.

Holding her hand in his, he made her touch his bare chest. "Now what do you say??"

Yu Qi felt his broad chest through her fingers. It was hard and strong. She gulped again. She touched his muscles and said casually "I think... you should train more." Saying this, she excused herself and went to the washroom.

Min Jae chuckled at her and said "The training will start soon, Mrs. Lee"

Rushing to the washroom, she closed the door behind her. She looked at the hand which had touched his bare chest.

"Oh my god!!! I can't believe he has such a masculine body. Aishhh!! I really can't believe it."

She jumped up and down and unfortunately smacked her feet to the washroom door.

"Ouch!! Ouch!!"

Sitting on the edge of the bathtub, she looked at her feet "F*ck!!" She cursed and continued "Why is that man so irresistible??"

Rubbing her feet with her hand, she made an apologetic face and looked up "I'm sorry, Donghae Oppa, for dragging you in this."

Then she thought "Why did it feel good to hear him say Mrs. Lee??"

Min Jae got dressed and got out of the room. It was 8 in the evening, so he went downstairs in the living room. Since it was just 8, the dinner was yet to be prepared, so he called Butler Li. "Butler Li, What are you guys making for dinner tonight??"

Butler Li said "Since Madam came to our house, we decided of preparing a few extra dishes..." As Butler Li was starting to say the names of the dishes, Min Jae stopped him.

"Take a leave for a week, all of you!" As soon as Butler Li heard, he asked surprised "Did we do something wrong Master?? I'll prepare things according to your liking."

Min Jae smiled and kept his hand on Butler Li's shoulder. He assured him "Relax, Butler Li. I'm not telling you all to leave forever, it's just for a week. I won't be cancelling the pay."

"Sorry to ask Master, but is there any specific reason??"

Min Jae smirked as he thought of Yu Qi's reaction previously. He shook his head and shrugged "Maybe there is or maybe there is not!!" Saying that, he told all of the servants including Butler Li to go. All the servants left the house and the house became dead silent.

Walking into the kitchen, he picked up a few vegetables, some meat, and a pack of noodles.

Wearing the apron, he started to cook.

Yu Qi got out of the bathroom wearing her clothes, she was drying her hair when her phone rang. She checked the caller ID and immediately picked up.


"How are you??" Her mother asked in a rough voice. It seems like her mother had been crying for long.

"Mom, were you crying??" Yu Qi asked as she heard her mother's rough voice. She pressed on the video call option so that she could see her mother's face. Her mother accepted her video call request and rather than showing her face, she showed Yu Qi's father.

Yu Qi saw her father and asked "Dad, did mom cry??" Not saying anything her father just nodded.

"Mom, Why did you even cry?? Show me your face, I want to see you!" Yu Qi demanded.

Her mother showed her face and it was all swollen and puffy. "What was the need for you to cry?? I'll be there tomorrow, so don't cry."

Her mother didn't say anything and just kept silent. Her brother came from behind her mother and teased her "How is your husband, sis?? Is he handsome like your bias??"

Her mother hit Min Chul on his arm and scolded him.

"Mom, I was just teasing her." Min Chul said while rubbing the place where his mother had hit him.

Just as they were talking, the door of the room opened. Min Jae entered and said "Dinner is ready, let's go!!"

Hearing a manly voice through the phone, Yu Qi's mother asked "Ohh God!!! Is that our son-in-law??"

Min Jae noticed that Yu Qi was talking to her parents, so, he obediently came and stood beside her.

Taking the phone from her hand, he pulled Yu Qi a little closer to him and said "Yes, mother-in-law, It is your son-in-law over here!!"