I Really Love You!

Holding the phone in one hand and pulling Yu Qi closer towards him such that her back rested on his front, Min Jae said "Yes, Mother-in-law, it is your son-in-law over here."

Yu Qi stood there shocked as she felt his hand on her waist. She just looked at him and heard her mother say "Ohh God!! You both really look wonderful together."

Her dad also sat beside and agreed to his wife's statement.

Yu Qi tried to remove his hand from her waist, but he didn't remove it. She glared at him and he just ignored her. However, the thing which he did after she tried removing his hand, made her angry like a hot ball of fire.

Min Jae handed her phone and said "Come downstairs, I'll wait for you." He not only handed her the phone, he even kissed her on the cheek. And this actually made her angry.

After kissing her on her cheek, Min Jae quickly dashed out of the room.

The kiss didn't stay as a secret as to her mother saw it from the phone. She didn't say anything and quickly hung up the phone saying "Alright Yu Qi. Let's talk tomorrow. You go and have your food, okay??"

Yu Qi gave a nod and said goodbye to her family.

Stomping her feet, she went downstairs. She was so angry that she felt her blood boiling with it.

But the moment she saw food neatly served on the dining table, her anger subsided a little. And when she saw Min Jae wearing an apron, her anger quickly decreased to 0 and she just stood there staring at the man.

She reminded herself to talk about the kiss thing with him at night and right now she just decided to focus on eating.

Dragging the chair out of the table, she sat on it while she gave an angry glare. Seems like her anger hadn't subsided that much. Yu Qi looked around and didn't find any servants. She took a bowl and filled it noodles. Then she took another one and filled it too.

Meanwhile, Min Jae came back from the kitchen after washing the chopsticks. He handed one to her and he took one.

Yu Qi asked looking all curious "Where are the servants??"

"They are gone." He replied and dug his chopsticks in the bowl. He then said, "Eat."

Yu Qi took a bite and her eyes widened as the taste hit her taste buds. "Yumm!! It's so good." She moaned.

"Did you prepare it??" Yu Qi asked because she saw him wearing an apron before.

He gave a nod.

"Woah!! You really have good skills." She praised him and showed a thumbs up.

After that, the living room became silent. No one spoke anything. Not being able to handle the silence, Yu Qi spoke again "So you know how to cook??"

Min Jae gave another nod.

Yu Qi took another bite of the noodles and moaned. "Why is it so tastyyyy??"

"Is it??" Min Jae got up from his chair and walked towards her.

"Let me have a taste, too." Grabbing her face by her chin, he kissed her lips and sucked the noodles from her mouth.

Biting the noodles, he said "Hmm!! They are really tasty."

Yu Qi looked at him angered. Keeping the chopsticks down, she got up and said "Please maintain your distance from next time onwards."

Min Jae tried stopping her, but she just walked away.

He knew what he was doing was wrong. It was without her permission, but he was actually liking it. He liked teasing her, he liked kissing her, but he didn't wanted her to be sad too.

He sat on the chair thinking of what to do next.

Yu Qi got inside the room. She went and sat at the corner of the bed. Bringing her knees closer to her chest, she looked at the petals neatly decorated beside her.

She touched them with her fingers. "They are soft. Just like his lips." She said and quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

"What did I just say??" She asked to herself.

Just as she was about to get up from the bed, she heard a knock on the door.

She quickly laid her back on the headboard of the bed and pretended as if she was sad. She wanted to know what he was going to do now that he had hurt her.

Min Jae after thinking for a while thought that it would be better if he just went and gave her food first because according to him food will make everyone's mood better.

So in a tray he placed two bowls of noodles since he too didn't have any noodles after she left the dining table. He even took two glasses of water.

Holding the tray he entered the room and saw her resting her body on the headboard.

"Here. Eat this!!" He placed the tray beside her leg and told "Get up and eat or else it will get cold. When the noodles get cold, they won't taste good."

Yu Qi didn't give any response. Rather than pretending, she was actually sad. She didn't like it when he kissed her in front of her parents. Getting no response from her, Min Jae took the tray and kept it on the bedside table. He took one bowl in his hand and said "How about I feed you??"

He still didn't get any response. Placing the food back on the tray, he said "Look!! Ummm... let's just talk it out. I..." He took a deep breath and continued "I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to do it without your permission but I actually couldn't control myself. I'm sorry!!"

Hearing his sorry, Yu Qi looked at him. And she got surprised by his hug "I'm actually sorry!!" He said while hugging her.

"I actually liked you when I saw you first and I can say that this was love."