Hug Me If You Have Nothing To Do!

Min Jae felt something on his stomach. When he looked down, he saw a fair slim leg. Since, Yu Qi had worn loose pants, her pant had gone up, exposing her milky thighs. He felt unbelievable. Within a few seconds, Yu Qi moved her leg and he thought that she woke up so, he opened his mouth to start a conversation, but...

The moment he opened his mouth to say something, he saw her roll over to his side and keep her hand on his chest. Not only her hand, she also kept her leg on his stomach and snuggled up to him.

She moved closer to him just like a child snuggling up to their mother.

Min Jae gave a small laugh as he felt her snuggling hard. He slowly turned his head around and looked at her sleeping face. He moved the small hair which were falling on her face and looked at her closely. "You are beautiful!!" He said as he touched her soft and plummy cheeks.

However, the sweet moment didn't last for long as Yu Qi had opened her eyes.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that she was hugging someone. She looked up and once again her brown eyes met his blue eyes.

"Morning!!" Min Jae greeted her with a warm smile as he saw her looking at him.

With big widened eyes, Yu Qi quickly drifted away and sat on the corner of the bed. She said in a panicked state "I'm sorry..."

"I liked it though." Min Jae said as he got up from the bed. "I was able to look at you from close." He pouted his face as he walked closer to her.

"But..." he stopped speaking as he kept his hand on his chin and started to think.

"Yesterday..." He started speaking as he thought of what to say. Only the thought of saying it made him grin mischievously. "Yesterday someone told me that there won't be any inappropriate touching. They shall be waking up just the way they had slept." He looked at her and saw her looking elsewhere.

He again continued "And today that same person was touching me, not only that she hugged me and made me feel..." He stopped and looked at her again.

As he was standing and she was sitting on the bed, he bended down to look at her face.

Yu Qi who was biting her nail while avoiding him, again saw him. This time she saw him grin mischievously. She knew that there was something bad which was going to happen now.

Min Jae looked at her biting her nails and continued his sentence while hugging himself. "And it made me feel warm." He gave a big smile which showed his sharper canines. He stood up again and kept his finger on his chin "Hmm... now what should the fine be if the condition is broken??" He said in a low voice but loud enough for Yu Qi to hear.

Yu Qi got up from the bed annoyed. "I didn't say anything about what would happen if the condition was broken, I just stated the condition, that's all. You don't have to think so much, okay??" She pouted her face and crossed her hands on her chest.

"Hmmph!!" She huffed and walked away.

Min Jae smirked. "Things are getting interesting now..."

Yu Qi took a bath and came out of the bathroom wearing casual clothes. She dried her hair and kept them open. She opened her phone. "These many missed calls??" She exclaimed when she saw that there were 15 missed calls from her Mother and 5 missed calls from Eun Jung.

"What's with these many missed calls??" She said while calling her mother.

Her mother picked up the phone. Before Yu Qi could say anything, she spoke "Why didn't you pick up the call earlier?? I called you so many times."

"Mom.. the phone was...."

"Anyway, forget that. Now tell me, at what time will you guys be here??" Her mother went straight to the topic. Today was their wedding ceremony. Therefore, her mother was calling her from a long time to know about when will she be coming.

"Umm, I.. haven't asked him yet. So I..."

"What do you mean by haven't asked him yet?? Seriously, the day is today and you still haven't asked him??" Her mother scolded her through the phone.

"It's alright mom. I'll ask him now. Okay. I'm hanging up the phone now." She hung up the phone and went out of the room.

As she was ascending down the stairs, her nose filled up with wonderful aroma. As she inhaled the wonderful aroma, her stomach started to rumble. She looked in the kitchen and saw him cooking. Min Jae with his apron on was stirring the food in the pan. He was moving the pan up and down in the air swiftly.

Closing the stove, he turned around holding the pan in his hand. "Ohh, You are here!!" He said as he saw Yu Qi standing at the entrance of the kitchen.

Yu Qi came inside and asked "What are you cooking??"

He said "Chicken fried rice."

"Ohh!!" Yu Qi said excitedly. She walked towards him and asked "You need any help??"

"You can help me??" He asked her with a teasing smile.

Yu Qi answered proudly. "Of course, I can help!!" She took the apron from the closet and wore it. "Say me, what help do you need from me??" She asked while looking at him.

Seeing her get all ready for cooking, Min Jae waved his hand and said "That's not required. You just go and sit and I'll prepare it."

"No, it's okay. I can do it. Besides, I don't have anything to do." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, if you don't have anything to do, then how about you hug me??" Min Jae teased her again.


"Yeah!! From behind. Just like those typical movie scenes." He elaborated his sentence.

Hearing this, Yu Qi quickly diverted the topic. She lightly hit on her head and said "Aigoo!!! I'm so forgetful. How did I even forget??"

She looked at him with an apologetic face and said "I'm so sorry, Mr. Lee. I just remembered that I have to speak to my friend. I'll hug you some other day."

Saying this, she quickly went out of the kitchen.

"Sigh!! That was just too close. What's with this man, anyway?? He always plays with me..."

Now, that she said friend, she actually remembered that she had to talk to her. Yesterday, after the graduation ceremony, She and Eun Jung had planned to go for a party. They had even thought of going to a karaoke bar to spend the night with wonderful songs.

But unfortunately, yesterday, Yu Qi got married and so, she couldn't attend the party. That explains the reason why she had 5 missed calls from Eun Jung in the morning.

Opening her phone, she called Eun Jung. As the phone was picked up, Yu Qi heard a few shouting and screams from the other side.

"Hey, Yu Qi!! How dare you??? We had planned so much and this is what you do?? Stab your friend behind her back??" Eun Jung screamed at her as soon as she received Yu Qi's call.

"Ahh!!! I'm sorry!! A lot has happened lately and I'm also sorry for not telling you." Yu Qi tried to explain her but how will a beast listen when it was angered.

Eun Jung again yelled at her "What's with you getting married??"

"How do you know??" Yu Qi asked flabbergasted.

"Your mother invited me for the wedding ceremony. But, what is this?? You got married and I didn't even get to know about it." Eun Jung asked.

"I know!! I wanted to tell you, but, I couldn't." Yu Qi said in a low voice.

"Alright, that's fine. Leave it!! Tell me, why did you even marry someone else?? Weren't you going to marry Lee Yo Han?? How can someone else take Lee Yo Han's place??" Eun Jung asked being all surprised.

She couldn't believe that Yu Qi got married, that too, with someone else.