Her Heart Beat Everytime He Smiled!

Yu Qi scratched her head and said "Ahhh!!! It's a long story. I'll say you when we meet."

"Brunch is ready." Lee Min Jae came out holding the pan. He placed the pan on the dining table and walked to the room. He opened the door, walked towards her and asked "Is that mother-in-law??" He pointed on the phone.

Eun Jung who had heard his voice from close couldn't help but ask "Hey, Yu Qi!! Is that your husband??"

Keeping the phone away from her ear, Yu Qi shook her head. "It's my friend, Eun Jung." Making an 'O' face, he walked back "Alright, hurry up. The food is done."

Nodding, Yu Qi bought the phone back to her ear and said "Hey, Eun Jung!! I'll talk to you later. Bye!! I'm hungry!! So bye bye..."

"Hey, wait... Wa!!" Eun Jung heard the disconnecting tone. "Hmph!! Hungry, as if!!!" She threw the phone on the bed.

After having their food, Lee Min Jae went to his room and took a bath. Meanwhile, Yu Qi sat on the sofa in the living room, watching TV. Her phone rang again. Keeping the sound of the TV on mute, Yu Qi picked up the phone. "Hello, mom." She greeted her mother.

"Did you ask him??" Her mother asked her straightforwardly.

"Not yet, mom."

"What's with you?? You guys can't even communicate ? You both are married, how can you not ask him??" Her mother got angry upon hearing Yu Qi's reply.

"We both will be on time, mom. He knows about the ceremony, I am sure he has planned something. But why do you wanna know the time so bad?"

"So that all the guests arrive a few minutes before you guys." Her mother didn't wanted to have anything bad. She wanted to have a grand wedding celebration, after all they had only one daughter. So they, wanted Yu Qi to get married in a grand way.

But before it could happen, her grandfather had already taken Yu Qi to the Civil Affairs Building without letting them know and got her marriage registered.

Thus, her mother decided that they would do the wedding celebration in a grand way. She had invited many guests including Yu Qi's classmates. And therefore, she wanted her daughter to make a grand entry.

"I don't want a grand marriage ceremony, mom. A simple one is enough." Yu Qi said when she understood the reason why her mother was asking for the time.

"You are our only daughter, can't we not have a grand marriage ceremony?? Aigoo!!! What sort of a child do I even have, she doesn't even thinks about my feelings, or her dad's feelings." Her mother pretended as if she was crying.

She made crying voices and said "Aigoo!!! My bad bad daughter. Here (sob) I was happy... (Sob) to get you married and you (sob) (sob) you are getting angry on me. (Wahhhh)!!!"

Yu Qi sighed. She was happy to have such wonderful and caring parents. But at the same time they were overprotective. She sighed again and took a deep breath.

"Fine, mom!! I'll ask him. Now, please don't cry!!" Yu Qi agreed on asking Lee Min Jae.

Hearing this, her mother instantly gave a reply filled with an excited voice. "You are my lovely child!!! Love you!! Take care!! After asking him, call me. If you can't call, then a message is also enough. Hmph!!" Her mother huffed again and kept the call.

"Aigoo!!! What sort of children do I have? They don't even think of saying anything to me."

Holding the phone tightly in her hand, Yu Qi walked to her room. She had no other choice, but to speak with him. But there was also one more thing which left her with no choice.

Whenever, she was trying to have a talk with him, Min Jae was teasing her with his smile or his statements. At first, she wasn't able to handle his teasing comments, and now, she wasn't able to handle his mischievous grin.

Whenever she was seeing his smile, her heart was beating ten times faster than her normal beat. She couldn't believe that her heart could race so wildly just by seeing his smile.

Standing by the door, she kept her hand on the door knob. She was thinking whether to open the door or not. Her heart was beating more faster than ever. Keeping her hand on her heart, she said "Keep calm and go on, my heart!!"

Just as she opened the door, she collided with a strong body and lost her balance.

Min Jae caught hold of Yu Qi as he saw her falling. He pulled her by her waist and she put all her weight on him. And Min Jae lost his balance, he fell down holding Yu Qi.

*THUD* came a sound as they both fell on the floor.

Caressing the back of her head with his hand, Min Jae asked "Are you okay??"

Keeping her hands on the floor, Yu Qi tried getting up. Since, her hands were sweaty due to all that thinking, she slipped and her forehead again collided with his naked chest.

Min Jae chuckled as he saw her struggling to get up.

Hearing him chuckle, Yu Qi got up and sat on his stomach. "What's with the laugh??" She asked him angrily. And then her eyes fell on his naked chest.

Strong, masculine, well toned, perfect abs. These were the words which were running through her mind. The devil and angel started to bicker in her mind again. However, she shook her head and removed those devilish or angelic thoughts.

Crossing her arms over her chest, she looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

Feeling her body, just above his v-line, Min Jae felt something between his legs rising. Her falling on top of him was enough to arouse him. But her sitting on top of him just like in that sex position, aroused him even more.

He felt his thing rise as he felt her body just a few inches away from his V-line.

Since, Yu Qi was wearing a loose shirt, her shirt went a little down from her right shoulder thus, exposing her red colored strap of the bra.

Seeing the red colored strap of her bra, he felt his body turn hot than before. And red is also the color of describing hotness, who wouldn't turn hot while seeing red in that position??

"Hey!!!" Yu Qi moved her body on him while calling him. But she didn't realize that the thing which she was doing was turning him on.

"Hey!!! What's wrong with you?? Why are you turning red??" Yu Qi asked as she saw his ears had turned red. Min Jae didn't reply as his eyes were only focused on her red colored strap.

Seeing in the direction of where he was seeing, Yu Qi realized that he was seeing her bra strap. "You PERVERT!!!" She yelled at him and immediately straightened her shirt.

She got up and sat beside him. "How dare you even think of it that way?? Aishh!!"

Just as she said that, she felt herself getting pulled by him. Not being able to control anymore, Min Jae pulled her close and kissed on her lips. He tried to enter inside her mouth but, she wasn't allowing him.

Yu Qi hit on his chest to stop him from kissing. She hit him again and Min Jae caught her hands.

He pushed her down on the floor and pulled her hands up by her head. Holding her hands with one hand, he caressed her face with the other. Caressing her lips with his thumb, he bought his face closer to kiss her.

As he was about to kiss her, Yu Qi moved her head to the side.