Sauce On Her Lips!

Na Ae Ra came out of the room dressed. She wore a blue-colored blazer on top of the cream-colored top to give herself a professional look. The pencil skirt outlined her curve and gave her a bold and professional look. Her long legs made her look wilder and hot. Nevertheless, she looked professional yet sexy at the same time.

Taking long strides, she walked where Yu Shik was cooking. It was a sight to see. He looked handsome in that blue apron. A perfect cook as he tossed the ingredients in the air. His back was really something. He looked undeniably delicious.

Ae Ra sat on a chair which made her see Yu Shik appropriately. The dining table was just out of the kitchen in the living room. Any person who sat on the chairs of the dining table will be able to have a good look at the person in the kitchen.

Just like that Ae Ra kept her face on her hands which were resting on the table. She stared at him boldly from behind. The thoughts which she had of scolding this man for pranking on her were almost evaporated. She gave a smile and looked at the person cooking the food.

Surely, there was enough time for her to start her new day. It was still 6.15. She had to be there by 8. All the companies start their work by 9. But, since she was now the CEO, she had to be punctual.

"AHH! YOU STARTLED ME!"Choi Yu Shik cried as he got frightened to see her over there. He had thought that she would almost take her time to get ready and come back by the time the food was cold, but he was surprised to see her staring at him with a smile on her face. In this cooking, he forgot about the prank which he had played on her.

Ae Ra looked at him and rolled her eyes. As if she was able to read his inner thoughts, She scoffed "You changed the time and now you expect me not to be over here early?"

Keeping the pan on low flame, he looked down. 'She is really quick to catch me!' He scratched his forehead and thought of something to say. "Well, if I hadn't done so, then you would have, you know, you would have still been sleeping." He just told out the reason openly.

Ae Ra didn't give much response to it. She was okay with getting prank once or twice a month. "Is the food done? I'm hungry!" She tapped on her stomach and made a howl. "I'm really, really hungry." She was almost getting impatient.

Knowing that she wouldn't mind much, Yu Shik also didn't bother. Seeing how his to-be-wife was howling like an animal, he took the plate filled with sandwiches and kept it in front of her. "Here! I made your favorite chicken sandwiches." He said and gave her an empty plate, a fork, and a knife to keep, cut, and eat.

Ae Ra looked at the neatly prepared sandwiches. They looked so delicious. With the green lettuce peeking out of the white toasted bread and the mustard sauce dripping on the plate, the sandwiches looked heavenly.

Keeping her plate aside, she took the plate full of sandwiches and started to dig in. She took one and YUMM! SO DELICIOUS! She chewed the sandwich and savored the taste.

Her eyes twinkled as she ate the sandwiches gracefully thereby, filling her stomach and almost emptying the plate. Yu Shik knew of her eating habits. He chuckled and went back to the kitchen. He started to prepare a few more for her and himself. It was time for him also to get ready for work.

Ae Ra took another bite of the sandwich and moaned. This moan aroused some unexpected feelings in Yu Shik. He gulped as he heard her moan again. Taking away the empty plate, he kept another one in front of her.

He then came and sat opposite her only to see mustard sauce at the corner of her lips. Ae Ra stopped eating and looked at him questioningly. "Is something wrong?" She asked doubtfully.

Yu Shik didn't say anything. He just stared at the sauce on the corner of her lips. He was busy thinking whether he should tell her about the sauce or wipe it for her. Hearing no reply from him, Ae Ra looked at the plate. Seeing the sandwiches, she realized that he was hungry. Getting up from her chair, she walked towards him and gave a sandwich.

Yu Shik looked at her confused. 'When did she even come over here?' He asked himself confused.

Ae Ra shyly lowered her face and bought the sandwich near his mouth "Here! I will feed it to you!" She continued with a timid voice.

Yu Shik opened his mouth surprised and just went with the flow. She started feeding him and he ate the sandwiches obediently like a child. Yet, his eyes were still on that mustard sauce at the corner of her lips. O_O

After the sandwiches were over, Ae Ra started to walk away when he suddenly pulled her and made her sit on his lap. He examined her face for a while and licked the mustard sauce which was at the corner of her lips.

Ae Ra looked at him baffled as it felt like he was kissing her because their lips were already partially touching one another. She closed her eyes and allowed him to kiss her. It was a long time since they had a kiss like this. She started to feel his hands touching her back. It sprouted a new feeling in her.

She slowly lifted her hands and encircled her arms around his neck. He was going down her neck to her collarbone when suddenly a bell was heard.

Ae Ra pushed him away, panting. She asked through deep breaths "Someone... someone... knocked." Then she lowered her head realizing how she had just said.

Yu Shik laughed at her and went towards the door to open it. He opened the door and saw a young short lady standing at the door while holding a bouquet of white lilies. The woman turned aside shyly after seeing Yu Shik's face. She felt like she interrupted something.

"You are?" Yu Shik asked doubtfully.

The woman was still shy. She stuttered as she spoke "I...I... am..."

Just as she was answering, Ae Ra came from behind and the woman immediately bowed at her "Greetings, Miss Na!" She answered politely as ever. The shyness from earlier was just vanished.