Han Seo Young - The Secretary

Ae Ra also held the same look as Yu Shik. "You...?" She looked at the woman who just bowed and greeted her.

"You know me?" Ae Ra asked. The woman gave a quick reply. "Yes. I do! I have come to escort you, Miss Na." She said her reason of arrival at their house.

As Yu Shik heard this, he stood in front of Ae Ra, blocking her path. He glared at the woman angrily and asked "Why do you wanna escort her? Who are you?"

Judging by his angry look, she understood that Yu Shik had misunderstood her. The woman quickly waved her hands as if saying a no and she explained elaborately. "I am Han Seo Young, the secretary of Miss Na. I have come to take her to the company." She gave a smile and looked at Na Ae Ra, her now-boss.

"Ohh!" Yu Shik reacted and stood beside Ae Ra. They invited her in and Han Seo Young came inside. She looked at the house as if she saw something of this kind for the first time. She sat on the sofa when Ae Ra told her to.

"We should give her something to drink." Ae Ra said as she followed behind Yu Shik into the kitchen. Yu Shik took three glasses from the cupboard and poured cool mango juice in them. Keeping them on a tray, he also kept a few snacks and handed the tray to Ae Ra. "You guys drink and eat, I will change my clothes and come." He said and went inside his room.

Meanwhile, Ae Ra bought the tray and kept it in front of Seo Young, when she abruptly got up and said displeased "Why did you get it for me, Miss Na? I would have done it for you."

Ae Ra waved her hand and said "It is alright. This is the least I can do for you. You sit and relax yourself." She gave a smile. Seo Young bowed and sat back on the sofa. She took a sip from the mango juice and ahh, it felt amazing.

"Thank you, Miss Na!"

"Please, don't call me Miss Na when we are out of the company. It feels awkward to suddenly receive too much respect." Ae Ra said and excused herself from Seo Young. She went inside her room and saw that Yu Shik was tying a tie.

Smiling, she got inside as she saw his frustrated face. He was a doctor, but he didn't know how to tie a tie.

"Why do you always wear a tie when you don't like wearing it?" Ae Ra asked as she closed the door behind her.

Looking at her through the mirror, he smiled and said "Because if I don't wear a tie, I will not get the chance to see my would-be-wife from up close." He winked at her.

Ae Ra rolled her eyes at him and asked "Aren't you being too romantic today?"

Keeping the tie on his collar, he walked towards her. With a doubtful gaze, he asked "Am I?"

Ae Ra took the tie in her hands and started tying it. "You really are." Pushing the knot upwards she tightened it a little and pulled his collar down. "There you go, it's done!" She said after she adjusted his tie properly.

Seeing her not look at his face like usual, Yu Shik pouted his face. "But too bad. Even if I be too romantic also, you still won't look at my face. HUMPHH!" He crossed his arms above his chest and turned around.

Ae Ra laughed at him. And he looked back dumb. "I am serious." He again pouted and turned around.

Ae Ra couldn't hold her laughter as she saw him pouting again. "You are acting just like a child. Hehe!" She stopped her laugh and said "Alright! Alright, I will see your face next time. Now let us go. Seo Young has been waiting for long. She might feel weird."

Ae Ra turned around to open the door when Yu Shik suddenly pounced on her from behind. He pushed her towards the door and turned her to his side. He moved closer to her and pulled her hands above her head.

Ae Ra looked at him with dumbstruck eyes. All of this was so sudden for her to do anything. She just stared at him who was grinning at her evilly.

Inching more closer towards her, he seductively whispered in her ear "I will make sure to not let you leave the room after we are married." He bit her earlobe and she hissed. Licking it with his tongue, he looked at her flustered face and kissed her.

After hearing those words, Ae Ra just blinked her eyes uncontrollably and before she could say something, she felt pain on her earlobe, but before she could push him away his tongue was already inside her exploring her each and every corner of her mouth.

Yu Shik broke from the kiss and with a wicked smile on his face, he came out before her.

Han Seo Young was seated at the sofa while looking at the various messages on her phone. She looked at the time on her wrist watch and then again at the door through which her boss had gone and had not come back till now. She was drinking the second glass of juice and it was almost empty by now.

"When will Miss Na come?" She sat their waiting impatiently for her boss to come back. Everyone at the company were anxiously waiting for the arrival of their new CEO.

"You can leave!" Yu Shik said as he came out of the room.

Thinking that he might have heard her, Seo Young immediately started saying sorry. With an apologetic face, she started saying when Yu Shik stopped her.

He cut off through her words and said "I will drop my would-be-wife by myself. So, you can leave. Wait at the company for her and escort her from over there." He started to instruct Seo Young.

"B...But... I have to..."

"It is a no from me!" Yu Shik angrily glared and Seo Young bowed her head and left. After she left Yu Shik smiled even bigger which eventually showed all his teeth. Surely, he was up to something. Meanwhile, Ae Ra came out of the room after relaxing herself. She looked at the empty sofa and asked "Where is Seo Young?"

"She left." Came his nonchalant reply.

"Left? Wasn't she over here to pick me up?" Ae Ra asked looking puzzled.

Yu Shik took his doctor's coat, his car keys and went to the shoe rack to wear his shoes. He answered while wearing his shoes "I told her to go so that I can drop you!" He looked at her and gave a wide smile.

After wearing his shoes, he said "Let's go!" Ae Ra followed after him out of the house. He opened the car door gentlemanly for her and she sat inside. She didn't bother much about his decision because she was happy to spend some extra time with him before going to work.