I Will Take Revenge

All the people at the company has specifically arrived early for their new CEO. It had been almost 12 years, since there was only an acting CEO rather than an actual one.

They all impatiently waited for the CEO's arrival, to get a good glimpse of the person who was to be their CEO. Since, the news was hidden about the CEO's background, many employees didn't know who the person actually was.

Only a few special people knew about Na Ae Ra being the CEO.

As a car came and stopped by near the building entrance, everyone crowded together to look. But, when they saw Secretary Han step out of the car alone, they all sighed.

The interim CEO whispered to Secretary Han "What is wrong? Where is she?"

With a flustered smile on her face, Secretary Han said the reason of why the CEO didn't come along with her.

"You want to eat something cool?" Yu Shik asked as he parked the car in front of an ice-cream shop.

"Do you want me to gain weight?" Ae Ra asked. Someday or the other Yu Shik used to bring ice-cream for her from her favorite store. Be it night or day, Ae Ra used to have a scoop of ice-cream every time he bought one.

They both used to enjoy eating through the same spoon while watching a movie or while reading a book. Whatever it was they used to spend a lot of time together whenever they ate ice-creams.

"You are skinny, so it is better if you gain weight." Yu Shik replied to her.

He got out of the car and said through the window "Wait here! I will be right back."

"This man only feeds me day and night!" She frowned as she saw him walking away.

It was a big day for her. She felt nervous as she thought that she would be seating in her Dad's company soon. She opened her mobile phone and checked through her gallery. There was a photo of her and her dad in his company. She had come directly to his company after school to see her dad.

And that was when they took this photo. She looked at her father with moistness at the corner of her eyes. "Look, Dad! Your daughter is now all grown up." She touched his face and said "If only you hadn't stopped me from coming near you, you would have been with me Dad! I really miss you. I wish you were here to see me on this big day."

"I am sorry, Dad. I couldn't be a fulfilling daughter." Ae Ra started crying.

"I... I.. am s...sorry, Dad! I'm...sorry!" She allowed the tears to flow as she hugged the phone to her chest. "I miss you, Daddy! I miss you alot!"

And then her tearful eyes turned bloodshot with revenge inside her. "Don't worry, Dad! I will make sure that the culprit gets killed the same way as you. I won't let him escape! NEVER EVER!"

Wiping her tears she looked at her dad one last time and kept her phone inside her bag. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Yu Shik coming. She immediately wiped her tears. If he saw her crying he would only get more worried for her.

Thus, she cleanly wiped her tears and forced out a smile.

But who would have thought that Yu Shik had already seen through her. As he sat inside the car, he took her in a deep embrace.

"It's okay! Cry all you want and let it all out! I don't want my would-be-wife to be crying frequently."

Ae Ra didn't feel the urge to cry. She felt warm in his arms. She stayed like that for a little while and then pushed him away saying "The ice-cream will melt."

Yu Shik chuckled as he heard her. "Really? You only care about the ice-cream?" He asked her feeling jealous of that ice-cream. This small cup was getting more valued than him?

Ae Ra took the ice-cream in her hand and started eating when she noticed that there was only one ice-cream. "You bought only one?" She asked looking at his empty hands.

"I think we don't need two when we can share with one another." He took out a spoon from his pocket. "TA-DA! We can always share, can't we?" He looked at her more warmly than ever.

As he was putting his spoon inside the cup, she moved her ice cream away.

"What??? I can't eat?" He asked being surprised.

Ae Ra shook her head.

"Huh? Great! Enjoy then!" Yu Shik felt heartbroken at this. He had bought only one thinking that they would share and if she would allow he was gonna share it in another way, a way which mostly couple use to feed one another, that was from mouth to mouth!

He always thought wild whenever he was with her. But he was only controlling it till the marriage day. He wondered whether she would ask him about his change in sexual behavior after marriage....

He crossed his arms annoyed and looked out of the window. "Here!" Ae Ra said as she bought a spoonful of ice-cream in front of his annoyed face. Yu Shik looked at the ice-cream and again looked out of the window. He smiled yet denied on taking another bite. He was now playing hard to get....

Ae Ra took the spoon back and started to eat when he pulled her hand and took the bite. Ae Ra chuckled at him.

"It is proven... You really are a child! Haha!" She laughed louder holding the cup in her hand.

"If you laugh again, I won't stop kissing you till night." Yu Shik threatened her by kiss.

He wickedly curved his corners of the mouth upwards as he saw her sit abruptly. He felt like laughing now.

And, he laughed...

Ae Ra looked at him with an open mouth. She grunted her teeth and complained "You..."