Her Dad's File

Na Ae Ra stood in the office room looking out of the window. She noticed the huge buildings in front of her. All standing tall, with different widths and designs. Different names and different purposes. Millions of people busy walking on the street, the noisy roads, the different cars. From the top floor of her building, she was able to see a wide variety of stuffs, from different buildings to all sorts of people.

"Even in this busy world, you only got my father to kill?" She asked as she looked at the busy street. "And even after killing, you are not to be found?"

"BOSS!" Seo Young knocked on the door and entered. "This is the information which you told me to bring." She said and stood there with her hands on her stomach.

Na Ae Ra turned back and looked at the pink file in front of her. She smiled and said "You can go, now! I will call you when I need you!" She gave permission for Seo Young to go back to her room, but Seo Young stood there.

Ae Ra looked at Seo Young "Is there something else?" She asked. And Seo Young nodded.

"What is it?"

"Err... Mr. Choi had called at the office number to know about you!" Seo Young said hesitating.

"Okay, Anything else?" Ae Ra asked.

"No! That is it, Miss Na." Seo Young said and exited the room. She closed the door behind her and walked away. Na Ae Ra took out her phone from her bag and that was when she saw five missed calls from Choi Yu Shik. 'He might be worried! I should call him.' She thought to herself and called him on his phone.

"Ae Ra? Why didn't you pick up the call? I was so worried for you! Honestly, I felt so worried for you. Are you okay?" Choi Yu Shik picked up the phone on the first ring itself. He was so worried about her. He felt that Ae Ra thought about her father and had confined herself in a small place. He calmed down as he received a call from her.

"I am fine." Ae Ra said and continued "You didn't had to worry about me that much. The phone was in my bag so I didn't hear your phone call." She explained him the reason and he felt a relief.

"Okay! You got any work to do??" Yu Shik asked. He was planning to take her out today for their wedding preparation. Their wedding was just a two weeks away and they hadn't planned anything. They hadn't even decided about the location for the wedding and their outfits. So many things were left for them to decide on.

Ae Ra looked at the pink file in front of her. Since she was free, she had decided to read the information about her dad's case. She said "Yes. There is some work which I have to do!"

"Ohh, work on your first day? Hmph! That is too much." Yu Shik said with a frown on his face.

"I am sorry but I want to find out who is my dad's killer. So, I am reading his file." Ae Ra explained and for a second Yu Shik felt surprised.

"Is that so? How about I come over there and we can read it together?" Yu Shik asked. He then added "I will bring some food too. So that we can eat. Honestly, I don't want to eat alone, It is so boring to eat without you!" He pouted.

Ae Ra couldn't deny his request. She too wanted to eat with him. So, she agreed "Fine! Come over. Bring food too!" She said and hung up the call. Looking at the pink file in front of her, she said "Sorry Dad! I had said that I would be doing all this by myself but, I think I can't stop my love from coming over. I am sorry!" She apologized and with shivering hands opened the pink file.

Everything was written about her dad in it. She read the first page which had her father's bio data in it. She knew everything about her dad, so she lightly looked at it and turned the page. In the next page, She saw the words 'ENEMY LIST' written in the center of the page. However, that page was entirely empty with only two names written. "YOON DU SHIK and JANG SUN WOO"

"Who are these two people? I have not heard their names before anytime from dad and they are on his enemy list?" Ae Ra asked to herself. She tried thinking hard about the names but her brain was empty on these two. She didn't know who they were.

Pressing on the intercom, Ae Ra asked "Secretary Han, Please come over!" She ordered and within a few seconds the door opened. "Yes, Boss?"

Ae Ra handed a piece of paper to her. "Gather all the information as much as you can on these two people!" Seo Young took the paper and left the room.

"Who could they actually be?" Ae Ra leaned her back on the chair and thought. Nothing came in her mind and she continued reading the file. The next page was the suspect list. There were seven to eight names of people and one name from all felt familiar to Ae Ra. "Jin Woo!"

"I heard this name somewhere! AHH! It feels familiar to me, but why can't I not recollect anything regarding this?" Ae Ra immediately stood from her chair and held her forehead thinking. This name was very familiar to her. She had heard it many time but now she couldn't remember from whom she heard this name.

Ae Ra started to bite the nail of her thumb in frustration. "Who can it be? Who can it be? Where did I hear this name?" Pushing her hair upwards, she focused more. But, it was all in vain.

And a knock was sounded on her door.