Getting To Know Choi Yu Shik

"Come in!" Keeping her hands on her hips, Ae Ra stood there looking at the particular name "Jin Woo." Her short hair were now in a mess as she stared at the name.

Choi Yu Shik entered the room holding a bouquet of roses in one hand and a bag of food in the other hand. "Sorry! It took tim..." He stopped as he looked at her. Keeping the bouquet on the table, he kept the bag of food beside it. "Are you alright, Ae Ra?" He asked.

He got no response from her and he walked over her. Keeping his hand on her shoulder, he asked again "Ae Ra, Is everything okay?" And that made Ae Ra startle. She stepped back as she heard someone behind her. She breathed deeply as she saw Yu Shik behind her.

Pushing all her hair behind, she said "Ohh... You just startled me!"

"I am sorry. You were all lost when I entered. I called you two times but you didn't response." Yu Shik explained and asked again "What had you so lost?"

Closing the file in front of her, Ae Ra shook her head. "Nothing! Just some miscellaneous things." She straightened her hair properly and looked around. Spotting red roses on the table, she asked "What is with the bouquet?"

Taking the bouquet in his hand, Yu Shik asked "Do you not like them?"

"No, They are good!" She said and stretched out her hands to take them when he pulled his hands away. Making a pouting face, he said "If you want this, then you have to give me something!" Yu Shik gave a condition and pouted his lips, asking for a kiss.

He was asking nothing else but a kiss. Yu Shik closed his eyes waiting for the kiss.

Moving forward Ae Ra placed a soft kiss on his cheek and immediately snatched the bouquet from his hands. She hastily ran as far as she could from him and now she stood in front of the table while he stood behind the table. They stood face to face with one another but a table was in between them, blocking them.

"I had asked for a kiss on the lips." Yu Shik said with a frown on his face.

Ae Ra stuck out his tongue and teased him. "You never told me about the lips." She smelled the flowers and damn, they were so enticing and lovely. "Okay! That much is enough! It is afternoon, Let us have our lunch! You set the food while I put these roses in water." She instructed to him and walked inside the bedroom to take a vase from the cupboard.

Her office room was like a small house too. It had two rooms, one was the office and the other was the bedroom. There was a bathroom and a small kitchen inside the bedroom. It was warm and cozy inside this small room.

Ae Ra took an empty vase from the cupboard and was coming out when her eyes fell on a piece of paper sticking out from underneath the bed. 'What is this?' She asked to herself and bend down to pick it up when she heard Yu Shik from behind her "C'mon! The food is ready. Let us eat." As she heard him, with fear the paper went completely under the bed.

With a sigh, she got up and neatly arranged the flowers. 'That was dad's handwriting. I couldn't see what it was, but, all I could see was the last three words "IS STALKING ME". That paper seems to be torn too!' Ae Ra wondered as she sat on the couch along with Yu Shik.

Yu Shik shook her by her leg and asked "Ae Ra, Is something bothering you? You are really lost. You have not eaten anything also."

"No! It is just that I read the starting pages of Dad's file and I have been wondering since then." She finally said what she was doing. But she didn't completely say it all. She just kept the few information to herself.

"If you want to share something with me, you can. Okay?" He said while touching her cheek. "Now, start eating!" He said and handed her a pair of chopsticks to her.

Ae Ra nodded and took the chopsticks in her hand. She started eating.

While eating, she asked "You never told me about your family, where are they?" It had been years but she didn't know a single information about him. All she knew was just that he was a well known psychiatrist and his age was 32.

The moment he heard this, his eyes turned red. He stopped his hand in the air and stared at her angrily. Ae Ra had never before seen such a look in his eyes. She felt frightened with his glare.

"My Mom committed suicide when I was 19 and my Dad committed suicide when I was 20. So, I lost them both when I actually needed them the most. My Dad was betrayed by his only best-friend while my Mom was raped by my Dad's only best-friend." Yu Shik said with sadness in his eyes. The scenes of his parents dying a year after the other was still fresh in his mind. He couldn't forget them.

"I am sorry! I should not have asked it!" Ae Ra said as she felt bad upon hearing about Yu Shik's parents. "So, was your Dad's best friend punished?" Ae Ra asked slowly.

"Yeah. He was. How could I let go of such a beast?"

"You did something to him?" Ae Ra asked surprised.

"Yeah, I treated him. Many years later when I gained my psychiatrist license, the first patient who came to me was that man only. I very nicely treated him and made him 'REST IN PEACE'. The man had psychological problems!" Yu Shik said with an evil smile reminiscing all that what he had done with that man. He had clearly stabbed the person with a sharp knife leaving no evidences, however there was one evidence which was still left.....