He Wanted Her To Forget About The Bad Deed

"I would like to have some cookies and chocolates, too." Yu Shik said to the salesman of the convenience store.

"Which chocolate would you like to have, sir?" The salesman asked in a low voice. It was almost 11 at night and the salesman seemed tired.

"Three packs of Perero Almond Sticks... No, make them six." He said thinking that three would be less for Ae Ra during her mood swings. "Also, a large pack of Mango ice cream too." He added. The salesman gathered all of his things in an eco friendly bag and handed it to Yu Shik. "It will be 78 dollars." The salesman said.

He took out few bucks from his wallet and handed it to the salesman. When the salesman was returning him the change, he told him to keep the change and left.

"I hope she is doing fine." He thought as he sat in his car and started the engine.

He opened the door with the key and entered inside. It was pitch dark inside the living room, except for the light of the kitchen and the doorway being open. He took off his shoes and kept it in the shoe rack and changed into his slippers.

He kept the bag of things on the couch and walked to his room. He opened the door and saw Ae Ra lying on the bed with her hands moving around her stomach.

"Maybe it is time." He said and slowly closed the door. He walked to the kitchen and prepared brown sugar water.

This had become his monthly routine to buy her favorite things to eat and to prepare brown sugar water for her whenever she was in menstruation. It had become a part of his daily life to look after her whenever she was in her periods. After all, she used to cry a lot because of the pain below her abdomen.

After the water was prepared, he carefully poured it into a small white bowl and went inside his room. "Here, have this." He said as he held the bowl with one hand and tried to get her up with his free hand.

Clumsily, Ae Ra got up and sat on the bed. She touched her stomach. Her face looked dull and weak.

"Drink it, you will feel better." Yu Shik handed the bowl to her and caressed her hair. "Sorry for making you wait. I would have come sooner, but there were quite a lot of patients today."

He saw her taking a few sips and then placing the bowl down on the table. "I don't want to drink more." Ae Ra said and lied down on the bed. She pulled her legs closer to her abdomen and tried suppressing the pain.

"I bought your favorite chocolates and cookies." Yu Shik said to avert her attention. Nevertheless, she just gave a light reply and tossed to the other side. "You know I will get you something to eat, after eating I want you to take the pill, okay?" Yu Shik took the bowl in his hand and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Just wait, I will come within a few minutes."

Ae Ra nodded her head. The pain had suppressed a little and she gave a weak smile.

15 minutes later, Yu Shik came holding another bowl of porridge in his hand. He entered and saw her sitting awake on the bed.

"Your porridge is here." He said and sat opposite her. He took the porridge through the spoon and lightly blew on it. "Here, do AAA." He said and fed her one by one. Ae Ra ate nicely until her pain was back again. He then, gave her a tablet for menstrual cramps and put her to sleep.

Whenever during her monthly days, Ae Ra was just like a child and Yu Shik felt happy taking care of her. He used to take her of her previously in his psychic ward too and now also he used to take care of her in his home too.

He thought that maybe his deeds could make her forget about that one crime which he had done in the past which was still not known to her.

Days went by like this, and their grand day came. Since, everything was left on the wedding planner, there was nothing for Yu Shik and Ae Ra to worry about. The event hall was nicely decorated with white flowers on the corners of the wall, the pillars, and the stage on which the bride and groom would stand.

The hall smelled wonderful with jasmine, lilies, freesias and roses with a mixed aroma of various hot food. Everything seemed fantastic and perfectly marked their big day. It was a grand wedding. But since Ae Ra and Yu Shik both had become an orphan, not many guests were invited. Only a few from the groom's side and a few from the bride's side.

From the bride's side, the members were Seo Young, the receptionists and a few other colleagues working in Ae Ra's company. Whereas from the groom's side, Jun Ki came and of course, the paparazzi followed him right away, but they were stopped. Two to three other men came who belonged to Yu Shik's paternal side. It was told that they were his uncles.

Na Ae Ra stood in front of the long mirror wearing a beautiful off shoulder white gown. She had her short hair open and a bouquet of white lilies held in her hand. She looked pretty as she saw herself in the mirror. She didn't like make up much, so, she had told the makeup artist to apply very little make up on her face.

With a pink lipstick on her soft, small lips and some cherry blush on her cheeks, she looked alluring. Her lashes were curled upwards and that made her eyes look bold and sultry. Her gown fitted perfectly on her slim waist and made her body look young and captivating.

Overall, with her low white heels, she looked enchanting just like the enchanted.