You Are Cute!

**(WARNING! Mature scene ahead... Read under your own risk. Or skip it...)**

"Yo, Do I look good?" Yu Shik asked looking at himself in the mirror nervously. His hands were shaking as he adjusted his coat. He adjusted the hanky in his breast pocket and looked at his friend who was stuck on his phone.

'Which fool am I even asking...' Yu Shik facepalmed himself and he, himself encouraged whilst looking at the mirror. "Okay, You can't be nervous like this. You look cool and sexy! Let's go."


After the wedding was over, Yu Shik and Ae Ra both entered their home. Their home was also decorated. Ae Ra stared at the living room which looked brand new compared to the one which she always used to see. She felt new in this place as she entered inside. Although, the fact was that she had been leaving in this house for almost 4 years, she felt this place entirely new given the decorations and new furnishings.

As she was staring, the main door closed behind her and she no more felt her legs on the floor. She felt her eyesight turning to a 180 degree and then coming back to normal. She saw the man who lifted her up in bridal style.

"W..what are you d...doing?" She asked with a faint blush on her face.

"Isn't it obvious? I am taking you to where you belong..." Yu Shik held her properly and took her to his room. Standing near the door, he said her to open it and she lightly pulled down the door handle.

He kicked the door open and gently placed her on the bed. As she laid down on the bed, the fragrance of rose filled her nostrils and she took a deep breath.

A peck landed on her lips and she looked at him surprised. A devilish smile was visible on his handsome, charming face. She knew what was to come. And she felt happy that they were finally married and were going to complete their deed.

Yu Shik leaned on top of her and whispered in a sweet yet seductive voice, "Tonight, I will make you mine." Ae Ra shuddered as she heard his voice. It sent some nervousness all through her body.

She felt his hand on her feet, and from there she started feeling cold as her dress was getting pushed upwards. Yu Shik traced his slender fingers on her milky legs and kissed them. Ae Ra quivered under his sensual touch and clenched the sheets tightly in her hands.

She knew that she would be hurt tonight, but It actually didn't matter because her husband had waited long enough for her. It had been 4 years but he had never touched inappropriately anywhere except for her lips and her neck. He hadn't travelled all the way down to her lower part or played with her breasts.

He just kissed her lips and used to make her feel warm. Knowing that he had just lifted up her gown, Ae Ra realized that he won't do any foreplay and just skip to his part. She got surprised when she felt his hand travelling all over her stomach and up to her breasts.

"You thought I would skip all this?" Yu Shik asked as if he had actually read her mind. He leaned in closer to her and breathed on her neck. "I would play with each and every part until I leave a mark on them." He kissed on her neck and Ae Ra moaned.

She felt his wet kiss on her neck. It was actually different from all those kisses which he used to give her. Unknowingly, her lip felt dry and she licked it.

"Trying to seduce me?" Yu Shik asked with a chuckle. She opened her mouth to protest when he captured her parted lips and entered his tongue inside. Her tongue moved here and there and he followed her. They made sloppy sounds while kissing and it felt awkward for Ae Ra despite the fact that they had smooched quite a lot of times.

Her heart raced like anything as she felt his kisses on her collarbone. It was an off shoulder dress and thus, it made it more easier for him to kiss on her collarbone. "You look sexy in this dress." He complimented her and continued travelling his kisses down to her cleavage.

He sensually travelled his hands behind her back and unzipped her gown. She arched her body as she felt his cold hands on her warm back. He kissed in between her cleavage and slowly pulled down her shoulder straps.

Her cute round breasts came in his view. He asked looking at them surprised, "You didn't wear any bra?" Ae Ra shook her head and he murmured "I had gotten myself ready to unclasp them and you actually didn't wear any bra." Ae Ra chuckled at his words. She didn't know why but him talking to her made her feel good, more good than his sensual touches.

"Nevertheless, I will continue..." He said and pinched one with his hand while sucked the other with his mouth.

"Ahh!" Ae Ra moaned as he felt her bud inside his warm mouth. It felt like as if he was engulfing it all in his mouth. He rubbed one and continued sucking the other. It was heavenly for him to take her meaty thing inside his mouth. Although, they were small, they were big enough to fit perfectly in his hand.

"Yu Shik Oppa, Ouch. You bit it..." Ae Ra wailed as she felt his teeth biting one of them. Yu Shik smooched her and asked "Didn't I say that I would leave marks all over your body?"

After grinning from ear to ear, he continued rubbing and pinching her. While playing with them with his hands, he looked at her. Right now, Ae Ra's face was completely flustered and it made him compliment again "You look cute!" Ae Ra blushed and quickly diverted her face away.

He made her look towards him by holding her chin. "If you divert your face like that, I won't get to have a closer look of you." He pouted.