The Woman Whom You Love Will Surely Be Lucky To Have You!

"Junsu Oppa? What are you doing?" She asked being surprised.

She saw him holding a small box of bandage and an ointment in his hand.

Lee Junsu showed the ointment to her and said in a gentle voice "I'm gonna apply this on your ankle to make you feel at ease."

"But it is fine... You don't have to do that, Junsu Oppa..." Sora stopped him.

Yet, Lee Junsu didn't stop. He opened the cap and took a little bit of ointment on his index finger and started applying on her ankle. Han Sora moved her ankle a little bit in pain and he looked up at her with worry "Does it hurt a lot?"

Sora slightly moved her head up and down and he chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" She asked being irritated.

Lee Junsu instantly stopped laughing and focused on applying the ointment. After putting a bandage on it, he asked "Is it hurting now?"

Being annoyed by him, Han Sora replied "Not at all. It doesn't hurt anymore..."

"Is that so?" Lee Junsu looked up at her with a smug grin on his face and he saw her nod again.

"Alright, then. Wear your shoes... Let us go at where Yi Kyung and Seohyun are." He kept the bandage and ointment inside his pocket and started to walk.

He halted as he was stopped by Han Sora. She caught the lower end of his jacket and stopped him.

"Wait." She shyly looked down and called him out.

"What's wrong?" Junsu deliberately asked trying to tease her.

With a face red like a beet, Han Sora looked up and said "...Umm... C...Can you buy a slipper for me?"

"Slipper?" Junsu arched one of his brows at her. Then, he again asked "Didn't you say that you are okay?"

"Well... That was a lie... It will hurt again if I put on the shoes... So, can you buy a slipper for me? I'll pay you back..." Han Sora said the truth with a pout on her face.

Lee Junsu flicked her forehead and said with a frown "Idiot. What is the need for you to pay? Do you think I will ask you to pay me back, huh?"

Rubbing on her forehead, Han Sora shook her head and said "You were asking me questions and stuff so, I thought you won't buy for me, that is why I said it like that... Besides, even if you said to pay me back, I wasn't gonna pay you either." Sora folded her arms over her chest and looked at him with a mocking smile.

Lee Junsu looked at her baffled and started laughing when he heard her laughing.

"Stay here. I will go and get you slippers." He said while patting on her head and walked away to get the slippers. Han Sora looked at his retreating back and smiled "Whoever that woman is, she surely will be very lucky to have you, Junsu Oppa."

She was saying those words thinking that Lee Junsu loved someone else, but she didn't knew that the woman whom Lee Junsu loved was only and only her. With a thump, she sat back on the bench and looked sideways... "Why are they not here yet?" She asked to herself as she realized that it had been long since Seohyun and Yi Kyung had went.

Surely, a different sort of uneasiness was surrounding her heart. She was feeling bad to let her sister go with Yi Kyung.


"Do you wanna go inside the haunted house?" Yi Kyung asked as he saw the Haunted House in front of them.

"No." Seohyun shook her head and pointed at the round moving Ferris wheel. "Let us go in that."

"In that?" Yi Kyung looked at the spinning Ferris wheel. He was surprised to hear that from her. He had actually wanted to go with her in the Ferris wheel. But he couldn't muster up his courage to ask her.

And he was really surprised to hear her say by herself. Without any hesitation, he agreed and saw her smile.


"Here you go." Lee Junsu said and knelt down to keep the slippers on the ground. He adjusted them properly so, that she could wear them comfortably.

"Thank you." Han Sora politely smiled and looked down at the slippers. She saw the big flower on each of the slippers and said "Wow. That flower looks so real..."

Lee Junsu sat beside Han Sora and asked "Do you like it?"

"Yes, I do... The slipper is so warm and comfy..." Sora said as she comfortably wore her slipper and stood up. She started walking front and back with a smile. "This is so soft and nice.." She jumped up and down in excitement trying to enjoy the slippers. Then, she came and sat back on the bench beside Lee Junsu.

"That was the only pair which I found good..." Lee Junsu said while looking down at the slippers in her feet. "They sure look good on you." He complimented and Sora said "Thank you so much, Junsu Oppa."

Then, Junsu looked around and asked "These two haven't come yet?"

"Yeah, they haven't. I don't know what is taking them so long..."

As they sat talking, a cold breeze started to flow which made Sora feel cold over her shoulders. She rubbed her shoulders trying to make them warm and Lee Junsu saw her doing so. Thankfully, he had worn a jacket... Therefore, he immediately took out the jacket and kept it over her shoulder.

"..." Han Sora looked at him surprised.

And, Lee Junsu answered while hesitating "I saw you rubbing your shoulders. I thought you are feeling cold, that is why I put this on you."

Han Sora tucked the jacket closer to her and smiled "Thank you, Junsu Oppa!"

After waiting for a little more longer, Lee Junsu finally gave up hope. His stomach was growling like anything... He wanted to eat something. He saw a food stall nearby and said "Stay here... I will get something to eat."

"Okay." Han Sora gave a nod and wore his jacket properly. She opened her phone and messaged her sister...

"Unni... Where are you?"