It Feels Like We Are On A Date

Seohyun who sat beside with Yi Kyung inside one of the cabins of the Ferris wheel felt her phone vibrate. She took it out from her pocket and saw a message. It was from her sister.

Reading her message, she replied "I'm inside the Ferris wheel with Yi Kyung."

After reading the four letters 'SEEN', Seohyun again sent another message. "Why don't you come along with Junsu? It is fun." She kept her phone back inside as she saw her reply and looked out of the window.

Right now, they were at the top and from the top the night view was very beautiful.

"It is so beautiful." Seohyun exclaimed as she saw the beautiful view below her from above.

"Yeah, right?" Yi Kyung saw outside the window and said "It is really beautiful just like you."

He then, looked at Seohyun and caressed her cheek. "You are more beautiful than it, Noona."

As he completed his sentence, he moved closer to her. Holding her face in the palm of his hands, he said "I want to make you mine, Noona." And then slowly kissed on her pink lips. Seohyun didn't stop him from kissing her. She encircled her arms over the nape of his neck and responded back.

His words had already brought up a fire within her body and his intense kiss was making her mind go blank.

It was their first kiss so, they were doing each and everything slowly... He opened her mouth by pushing his tongue inside her and intertwined his tongue with hers. Her mouth felt so sweet...

They finally broke off from their kiss whilst panting... Seohyun looked down and took deep breaths while Yi Kyung rested his head on her shoulder "I'm happy that you accepted me, Noona."

He took deep breaths on her shoulder and Seohyun shuddered as she felt his hot breaths... Seohyun felt her body turning hot just by him breathing on her shoulder...

As she realized where they were, she kept her hands on his chest and shoved him away... "People might see us." She looked at the cabin ahead of her and saw some silhouettes.

"Do you want me to stop?" Yi Kyung asked her whilst looking at her in her eyes.

"Err.. umm.." As Seohyun was just thinking on what to say, Yi Kyung laughed and said "Fine... I will stop... Let me just rest my head over here!" He rested his head on her thigh.

Since, the cabins are usually small, a tall guy like him had to keep his legs on the other side of the cabin to adjust himself.

Resting his head on her, he looked up at her and stretched his hand to touch her neck.

"Noona, I want this moment to stop forever."

"Yeah, me too.." Seohyun agreed along with him and lowered her head to give him a kiss on his forehead.

"Thank you for today." She thanked him as she touched his hair.


"Did you call your sister?" Lee Junsu asked Sora as he reached over and stood in front of her holding a parcel of food in his hand. As he saw Sora nodding her head, he kept the parcel on the bench and sat down beside it.

"What did she say? Where are they?"

"They are inside the Ferris wheel..." Han Sora said being displeased.

"The Ferris wheel?" Lee Junsu looked around and saw the Ferris wheel towards his right... "Ahh, There it is..." He exclaimed. And suddenly, his stomach growled. He held his stomach with wide eyes and looked straight at Sora.

Sora also looked at him blankly and she let out a laugh. Then, she took out the food from the parcel and placed it in between them. As she began opening the parcel, the smell of stir fried rice cakes was going inside her nose and making her mouth water.

Before completely opening the parcel, she asked "Did you buy Tteokbokki (1)?"

Seeing him nod, she immediately took it out and exclaimed... "Wow! I hadn't had Tteokbokki in a long while. Thank you Junsu Oppa!" She kindly thanked him and handed him the chopsticks.

Lee Junsu took the chopsticks and they both started to dig in the food.

As Han Sora took one bite, she joyfully expressed "Mhmm. It is so delicious."

A single plate of Tteokbokki wouldn't have been enough for these two hungry beasts. Thankfully, Lee Junsu had bought 2 plates of Tteokbokki and it was quite okay for the two of them. While eating, Han Sora stole glances at him and saw him being uncomfortable. She then realized that the Tteokbokki was quite spicy...

'Is he also like one of those CEO's from those novels who can't handle spicy food? Aishh! This guy...' She thought as she saw Junsu taking deep breaths while eating.

In a slow voice, Han Sora asked "Junsu Oppa... Are you by any chance, not okay with spicy food?"

Lee Junsu stopped eating and looked at her. Giving a slight nod, he said "Yeah, I rarely eat spicy things.."

"Then, you could have bought something else, right?"

As Lee Junsu heard her, he placed the chopsticks down and said with a smile "I remember... you once told me that you always liked Tteokbokki and that you never got a chance to eat it anytime... So, when I saw it today, I thought of buying it for you."

Han Sora felt surprised upon hearing his answer. She looked at him and saw a gentle expression in his eyes.

As she remembered when she had said that, she asked "You still remembered what I told you when I was small?" She was shocked to know that he actually remembered what she had told him when she was 11 year old.

"I couldn't forget what you told me back then... Because after that, we never met until few months back." Lee Junsu had a sad face.... Maybe it was because he was trying his best to show her how he felt for her.

Then, he looked at her and said "Aishh! You are hungry and I made you refrain yourself from eating by telling talks about the past... Eat!" He ruffled her hair and told her to continue. As Han Sora heard his words... A different sort of feeling started to dwell in her heart. She was liking it when he was ruffling her hair or patting her head.

Now, that when she thought about it all... She started talking in her mind 'This completely looks like a date... He bought me slippers, gave me his jacket, bought my favorite street food and sat beside me to eat... All this are the things which couples do...

But why did he do all these to me? I remember my sister saying that Lee Junsu wasn't like how he used to be...

So, how come I see the same Junsu Oppa from before? Could it be... He...'