Was This Even Right To Play With His Feelings?

Lee Junsu sucked her on her neck and left a red mark on it. "Now you are my girlfriend." He said as he saw that part of her neck turning slight red.

"Why would you? Mhmm!" As she opened her mouth in annoyance, her lips were captured by his and she moaned. Lee Junsu sealed her lips with his and unfastened her seatbelt. After unfastening her seatbelt, he pushed her seat down and pounced on top of her.

"Wait, No... We can't..." Han Sora kept her hands on his chest and stopped him.

As Lee Junsu again leaned closer to her, she moved her face to the side and he sighed.

"I'm sorry..." He said and got back on his seat. He retracted her seat back to the original position and again said "I'm sorry for doing that."

"I wanna go back home, please." Hiding the spot where he had kissed by her hand, she said in a low voice.

"Alright. I won't force you..." Lee Junsu agreed to her request and started his car.

Meanwhile, Han Seohyun and Lee Yi Kyung sat in a restaurant to eat. She ordered various sorts of dishes and said happily "Let's eat... I want to congratulate you for graduating." She took her chopsticks to eat when Yi Kyung called for the waiter.

The waiter boy came and he said "Bring us a bottle of red wine." The waiter agreed to their request and went back to bring the wine bottle.

"A bottle of wine?" Seohyun asked surprised.

"This wine is on me. I want to celebrate because I'm now in a relationship with the woman I love." He clumsily smiled and leaned over to kiss her on forehead.

Keeping her hand under her chin, Han Seohyun asked "Did you not have feelings for Han Sora?"

Stirring the soup with the spoon, Yi Kyung nonchalantly replied "If I had feelings for her, I wouldn't have proposed you, Mrs. Lee! Besides, I always looked after her as my own younger sister."

"Mrs. Lee?" Seohyun looked at him with a puzzled expression on her face.

"You became my girlfriend and soon, you will be my wife too... So you should quickly get adjusted to me calling you Mrs. Lee!" Yi Kyung winked at her and started eating. Han Seohyun blushed at his words. She was happy to know that she was the only one whom he had loved from the start. It was a nice thing to be with the one who loves you a lot...

And suddenly, she remembered that Lee Junsu was the one who had messaged her to come at the school. So, she asked doubtfully "Lee Junsu had messaged me saying that he wanted to meet me but instead of meeting him, I met you... Was this one of your plan?"

Dipping the fried chicken in the red sauce, Yi Kyung stuffed it in his mouth and gave a nod. "Not in that way! It was just like give and take... When I messaged Hyung saying that I should message you, he messaged me saying that I should message Han Sora and tell her to come at the playground..."

"Ohh! So, it means, your brother likes my sister?"

"I think so... I was surprised to see him proposing to her today..."

Han Seohyun gave a nod. She too was surprised to see Lee Junsu proposing to her sister. Nevertheless, she was happy to know that her sister also went in good hands like herself. Thinking about her sister, Seohyun took out her phone and messaged her.

Han Sora had just changed into her casual clothes when her phone pinged. She looked at it and saw that it was a message from her sister.

Opening the message, she read it "Congratulations to you and me for getting in a relationship on the same day and same time itself. Unni will treat you to something good, sooner.

Love you my little sister. <3 <3"

From the message, Han Sora could feel that her sister was happy.

'I wish that you had loved Lee Junsu.. if you had done so, I would have been with the person whom I love, Unni!'

She pressed on the blank space to reply back.

At first, she wrote "I wish we never were sisters" and then erased it.

With a stone on her heart, she sent a message to her sister saying "Thank you and Congratulations!!

I will be waiting for your treat...

Love you too, Unni!"

Closing her phone, she threw it on the bed and lied down on it with a thump. She hid her face with her hands in despair. She was feeling bad for all that what had happened until now. She wanted to cry but she was afraid that if she was to do so, she won't stop crying at all.

Being frustrated, she got out of the bed and walked towards the dressing table. Looking at herself in the mirror, she saw the red mark on her neck and instantly Lee Junsu's smile popped up in her mind.

"Am I even doing a right thing?" She asked.

"Is this even right? Just for keeping someone's heart, I'm pretending to be in a relationship with him... If Junsu Oppa gets to know that I never had feelings for him, will he be alright?"

She remembered the gleaming expression on his face when he inserted the ring inside her hand. The excitement on his face when he was going to kiss her on her neck...

Finally, Han Sora thought of saying the truth. She felt that it was better to say it all out rather than keeping it inside and play with his feelings. She said to herself "I can't let a man as naïve as Lee Junsu to be hurt. I need to tell him my feelings... I can't play with his feelings. Not at all."

And she walked back to the bed to take her phone when her phone rang.

It was an unknown number so, she ignored it. But the call came again. And she picked up the phone with hesitation. She didn't say anything until she heard the person on the other end speak.

"Han Sora?"

She heard a familiar voice and asked "Junsu... Oppa?"

What sort of a coincidence was this? She was gonna call him and he called her by himself!

Maybe, it was fate and not coincidence... Or maybe, it wasn't!