See Me Through The Window!

"Junsu Oppa?"

As Lee Junsu heard her calling his name, he let out a smile. With a soft melancholic voice, he teased her "I thought you wouldn't recognize my voice."

Han Sora didn't say anything to him. She kept silent. She was feeling guilty for playing with his feelings.

"Well…" Lee Junsu started speaking as he heard no answer from Sora. He said "Save this number. I will be calling you with this number from now onwards."

"Okay." She agreed and continued "Alright, then I will cut the call now…" She brought the phone away from her ear to cut it when she heard him… "Wait."

Bringing the phone back to her ear, she asked "What happened?"

Lee Junsu felt a little bit of irritation from her voice. With a low voice, he asked "Can you come near your window?"

After he dropped her home, he stayed there until he saw her get inside her house safely. Still, he wasn't sure that he reached or not… so, he waited till he saw the room's lights being switched on….He thought of leaving but he got reminded of her cute looking face so, he stayed there and called his brother…

Yi Kyung who was on a date with Seohyun… got interrupted due to his brother's constant calling. He picked up the call and Lee Junsu asked him for Sora's number… After a while, he got her number through message and he immediately called her.

His heartbeat increased with every increase in the number of rings… As the call was picked up, he felt as if his breath was gone… He became breathless… He wasn't expecting her to pick up the call.

And now that he talked with her through the phone, he wanted to see her cute looking face even more… That is why he called her near her the window so, that he could see her.

Han Sora walked towards the window and opened it.

"Here. Look down…" Lee Junsu called out as he saw Han Sora's silhouette. He waved his hand and jumped up and down with excitement… A smile crept on his face till the entire time he waved at her.

Sora also waved him back lightly. She was stunned at first… because, it had been almost 10-15 minutes since she reached home and he was still here? It was making her feel even more upset… She couldn't play along with such a good looking man, not anymore.


Late, at night 2 a.m., Han Sora heard the door open. She switched on the lights and saw her sister entering inside.

"Unni, where were you?" Sora got out of the bed and ran towards her sister. She checked her forehead to see whether she was alright or not… And then, she turned her around to check if her sister was hurt or not.

Then, she saw a red spot on her sister's collarbone just like hers. She became dull instantly… She felt her chest tighten... Sora then remembered that her sister was now Yi Kyung's girlfriend. And this, made her agitated… She tightly clenched her hands into a fist.

"You might have been with Yi Kyung!" Sora answered her question herself and walked back towards the bed.

Han Seohyun gave a nod and started blushing… However, the moment Sora saw her sister blushing out of happiness… she immediately opened her hands… Tapping it on the bed, she asked to herself 'What was this? I was feeling angry on my own sister? Just because, she is now with someone I love? How can I? How can I do such a shameful thing?'

"Ohh, I hope you always stay happy, Unni!" Sora gave her a thumbs up and rushed to the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet seat, she opened the tap and started crying. She let out all the tears which she had kept inside of her, until now…

"(sob)… I thought… I would have been…(sob)…okay… Why…is it that…this (sob) certain... part of mine (sob)… hurts a... lot??" She closed her hand in a fist and tapped on her chest to remove the uneasiness.

She cried until there were no tears left for coming out… The tears of her face dried and walked towards the sink to wash her face. Looking in the mirror, she saw her swollen face with red eyes and thick wet eyelashes.

Then, her eyes fell on the red mark on her neck. Touching it with her hand, she recollected the words what he had said…

"Let me mark you!"

Shaking her head, she removed her thoughts and splashed the water on her face. Wiping her face with a towel, she came out of the washroom and lied down on the bed. She looked at her sister sleeping soundly and smiled "Stay happy always, Unni!"

Closing her eyes, she drifted to sleep…