All This Would Be Yours, If You....

The next day, as usual Kang Min Hyuk and Baek Ji Ah went to their separate workplaces. While one went to the D&M Company, the other went to a Primary school nearby the house. After reaching his office space, Min Hyuk sighed and sat on his chair.

It hadn't even been a minute since he sat, his assistant knocked on the door and told him about the sudden meeting. He again sighed and walked out of the room. Today, he wasn't feeling like going for work... but his precious wife Mrs. Kang forced him to go.

Of course, if Min Hyuk wasn't to go then, for sure he wouldn't have allowed Ji Ah to go, too.

Ji Ah walked through the corridor to get to her first class for the day. As the students chatted and made bustling noises, she knocked on the door and entered inside. Everyone assembled to their own seats and systematically greeted her.

Ji Ah greeted back with a warm smile and kept her book on the table. Crossing her hands above her chest, she looked at the students keenly and asked "Who all did yesterday's homework?"

As she saw some too many hands raised upwards, she said "No lying. Be honest..." And from one of those too many hands, few of them went down.

She laughed. "Good." She liked it when people were honest with each other. And this was why, she was liking Kang Min Hyuk. Not only for this reason.. There were many reasons as well. Let's just say Kang Min Hyuk was a very perfect man for her.

Min Hyuk opened the door of the meeting room. He became surprised. He looked back at his assistant and his face showed that even he didn't know about it. The entire meeting room was empty except for him and his assistant.

"The meeting was today?" He rose his brow upward and asked his assistant.

"Yes! I was informed..." As the assistant hesitated to speak under his boss's questioning look, a harsh voice came from outside the meeting room.

"I had informed about the meeting." Lee In Joon elegantly walked inside the room holding an envelope in his hand. He daringly stared at Min Hyuk and Min Hyuk felt numb under his glare.

"Ohh, the... others?" He asked confused.

"Can a meeting not be between two people, Manger Kang??" He sat on the chair and crossed his legs. As In Joon saw Min Hyuk's shocked expression, he continued "You seem to deny, Manager Kang."

"Ah.. No... I.. don't! I agree with you. It is correct. Two people also can have a meeting." Min Hyuk answered and sent his assistant out. He pulled the chair nearby In Joon's and sat on it.

For a while, the complete room became silent and the atmosphere turned dense. Min Hyuk lifted his face upwards to have a look at his boss and when his eyes met, he immediately lowered them and started to sweat. He felt his body turning sweaty with the glare.

In Joon laughed. He found it amusing that a guy the same age as him was being afraid just by his glare. He saw Min Hyuk's hand on the table and rested his hand on his.

As Min Hyuk felt his hand, he trembled. He immediately retracted it behind and In Joon laughed again.

"Damn. You really seem to be afraid of me. Haha..."

With his loud laugh resonating in the silent room, the atmosphere turned even dark.

"Alright, jokes apart... Let's get to the point." In Joon commanded and his laugh vanished in an instant. The same poker expression came back on his face. He placed the envelope which he had brought earlier on the table and asked for Min Hyuk to open it.

"What's this, Sir?" Min Hyuk looked at In Joon confused.

"Don't worry. Open it. You will know once you read it."

Min Hyuk slowly opened the envelope and began to read the content. Reading the sentences which told that he would be getting as many things as he wishes for if he agreed to the condition given by Lee In Joon, he widened his eyes in surprise.

As his eyes turned wider with surprise, In Joon said "If you want more, I can give you that too. I got to know that it was your dream to be able to stay in this company, so I can make you the CEO and this company will be yours forever."

Min Hyuk who had always wanted to be a CEO for D&M Company was astonished upon hearing Lee In Joon's words. It was his dream company and he wanted to work in it.

As he got selected for the company, he was very happy. It had made him feel as if he was on the seventh cloud. And as his position began to increase as time passed, he became more greedy and had his eyes on the position of the CEO.

He was happy with what he was but when he was getting the position he wanted, how could he even deny?

"But why would Sir like to hand over his position to me? I am just a Manager of a certain department. The person who should come after you either will be the CFO or someone in that decree. But why me?"

Lee In Joon smirked. He rested his back on the chair and replied nonchalantly "Cause I would like to take something from you and that is more precious to me than my position."

Min Hyuk chuckled. "I'm sorry, Sir! You might have been mistaken but I don't have anything which will be precious for you."

"There is."

Now, Min Hyuk was curious. What thing did he have that was precious enough for his Sir to hand over his everything to him? And he slowly raised an eyebrow and asked with an inquisitive tone "May I know what that is, Sir?"

And there it was. As soon as he heard what In Joon said, he felt himself being struck by lightning. He hadn't expected his boss to ask something of this kind. Never in a hundred years would he have imagined of his boss asking something like this.

He felt speechless and hurt at the same time.