Give Your Wife To Me And Everything Will Be Yours.

"Your wife." In Joon replied with a grin.

It took Min Hyuk some time before he came back to his senses and asked "What do you mean??" There went away his respect and politeness.

There was no way he could of thought of this.

"It is simple. I want your wife who is precious to me and you take all this which is precious to you. It is a perfect deal. Don't you think?"

The words registered in Min Hyuk's brain and he looked at his boss who sat with his legs crossed on the chair with a confident look on his face. Anger rushed inside his veins and he stood up.

He slammed on the table with an irritated look and snapped "Just because you are a CEO of a very successful company doesn't means that you can throw your everything on me and take the woman I love."

Even if Min Hyuk wanted to be a CEO of his dream company, he wanted to achieve that position through fair means and not by cheating. He was greedy but he wasn't greedy enough to sell his wife for wealth and fame.

He had loved Ji Ah as a human being and not as a thing. Never in anyway he would think of selling his own wife for getting those luxuries.

"Ohh, is that so??" As he felt his plan A failing, In Joon went on to his Plan B.

He too, stood up from his chair and rested his hand on Min Hyuk's shoulder.

Moving closer to his ear, he whispered "Do you really love her that much to even lose your position and stay unemployed for your whole life?"

Min Hyuk's face twitched for a few seconds and he shook his head. He took a step back and bowed "I'm sorry, Sir. My wife isn't a thing. She is a human. I love her and I can't give her to you."

Seeing his plan B also failing, In Joon again applied some pressure on his words such that it could make some impact on him "Don't you think you will lose your job if you were to deny me? Are you willing to decline the offer even if you were to be fired from the company?"

Min Hyuk sneered "Yes, Even if I was to be thrown out from this company, I would still decline your offer, Sir."

As Min Hyuk didn't hear any more from In Joon, he bowed again. "Then, I shall leave. Have a good day, Sir!" Saying that, he walked out of the meeting room. He felt relieved that he was able to throw away his greed for the woman he loved.

In Joon slammed on the table hard. His eyes turned dimmed and he screamed. Holding the chair which was in front of him, he threw it on the floor. "Ah! F*ck!!" He loudly screamed and banged his hand on the wall.

He punched hardly on the wall until his knuckles started to bleed. As blood fell drop by drop on the neat white floor, he smiled wickedly as if he was implying that the game had just begun. He laughed devilishly and the silent room echoed with his laughter. Walking out of the room with blood on his knuckle he went on to his next plan...

Min Hyuk entered the washroom and stared at himself in the mirror. He splashed water on his face and took deep breaths. "Why was it like that?" He pinched the space between his brows and stayed in the washroom for a while.

At evening 5 PM, Ji Ah reached her house all tired. As she walked towards the entrance to open her door, she heard some footsteps behind her. She stopped what she was doing and cautiously looked at the time in her watch. 'Min Hyuk doesn't comes home this early... Who can it be?'

She turned a little so that she could see who it was. As the footsteps approached more further, she felt that her heart got caught in her throat. Sweat started to run from her forehead as she began to fear and she clenched the hem of her skirt tightly.

The footsteps came more closer and she immediately turned around to yell. "Who..." Her words got stuck in her mouth as she saw nothing in front of her. She heard some sniffles near her feet and she looked down. It was a brown puppy.

Instantly, her fear vanished and it turned into a big smile. She squatted down and ruffled the puppy's fur "Aigoo! You literally scared me..." She chuckled at her stupidity and looked at the puppy.

"Are you lost? Where is your owner?" She asked and the puppy came more closer to him. He wooed and touched her hand with his tiny paws. "Aww! You are so cute."

She touched his nose and tapped on it. She looked here and there to search for the puppy's owner. A few seconds later, tapping footsteps were heard and a man dressed in his casual outfit came. "There you are, Jim." The man took deep breaths and approached the puppy.

He took the puppy in his arms and tickled his stomach "How many times do I have to say you not to run away like that, huh?" He tickled again and the puppy swooned.

He made small noises and enjoyed his Master's touch. As Ji Ah saw the man... she felt him very familiar to her childhood friend. He had that same face, that same smile... everything was similar to the young boy she had met back when she was small.

However, she didn't know if it was okay to ask something like this. It would be so much awkward if the man was to say that it wasn't him. And as far as she could ask, she didn't know how to ask because she didn't not know her childhood friend's name at all...

She just knew his family name and she thought that if she was to ask like that.... it would be too much dumb of her.

As she saw the man leaving , she started feeling uneasy. 'Should I ask him or no? Well, I don't know if I would get this opportunity again or not... So, I will just ask him.'

"Umm... Excuse me!" Fighting her worries, Ji Ah called out.

In Joon smirked as he felt his plan working out. He turned around with a suspicious look on his face and raised his brow "Yes?"

"Is... name...Lee?"