The Awkward Drive

"Get in! I will drop you." In Joon pushed open the car door thereby, giving way for Ji Ah to get in.

Ji Ah again looked at the empty side of the road and gave a smile "It's fine. I will wait for a cab to come."

In Joon saw the time in his car's digital clock and said "The cab went 10 minutes ago. Another cab will come... probably 20 minutes later."

"20 minutes?" Ji Ah screamed in disbelief. "I will really be late, then!" She muttered.

But her mutter was heard by In Joon as he said "If you don't wanna be late, you can hop in! I will drop you, safe and sound!" In Joon flashed a bright smile and Ji Ah was taken aback by his sudden smile. He looked breathtaking with that smile. Ji Ah felt butterflies in her stomach as her eyes were getting captivated by that wonderful eye-catching smile.

Ji Ah again saw the time in her wrist watch and took a deep sigh. "Ahh!" She stomped her feet in annoyance and agreed. "Drop me at Samyeon Middle High School!" She sat inside and told him the address.

"Isn't that just near your house?" In Joon asked surprised.

"En.." She gave a nod.


As the car stopped at the red signal, Ji Ah felt awkward to receive all those stares from the people present at the crosswalk. Even though the windows were tainted dark, Ji Ah was feeling weird yet, she tried her best to keep herself calm. "What was the need for such a flashy car?" She pouted.

"What is the use of buying such a luxurious car when you don't wanna show off?" In Joon boasted with a prideful grin on his face. His car sure was a luxury. After all, it was an Aston Martin DBS. An extravagant car with a luxurious and unique design. Aston Martin's usually gives a royal vibe to the people owning them.

And this black color was just like a cherry on top making the on goers swoon over this masterpiece.

Ji Ah didn't say anything. She just ignored him and focused herself on maintaining her calm composure. If she was seated in such a unique piece, she had to try her best to keep herself all high and mighty. It wasn't gonna work if you were to be feeling awkward from those glares.

As the red signal turned green, Ji Ah immediately faced him and cried out "Quick... Let's go! It is green." She shouted with all her might.

And In Joon took this as a chance to tease her. He removed his hand away from the steering wheel and stared at his face in the rearview mirror. He started adjusting his hair with his hand.

"Hey!! Baka... What are you doing?" She asked being dumbfounded. 'Why the heck is this man not driving? I'm already losing my temper...'

As In Joon heard an unfamiliar word, he turned to the side to see her "Baka?"

Ji Ah became even more annoyed. She wasn't able to understand that In Joon was asking her for the meaning. She felt that he was saying her. "I am not an idiot... You are! Just drive quickly..." She yelled with complete annoyance.

And In Joon laughed. He felt like rolling on the floor while laughing because he felt that she was innocent. 'So, Baka means Idiot..' He thought in his mind.

Flicking on her forehead, he pressed on the accelerator pedal and started driving.

"Hey!!" Ji Ah winced and jerked off to the front. She had unfastened her seatbelt earlier, while she faced him. "Hey! You could have at least told me that you are starting the car." She pouted and adjusted herself on the seat.

"You told me start and I did as said."

And his nonchalant reply made her blood boil with anger. She felt that it was better to ignore this guy so, she kept her mouth shut until they arrived.

20 minutes later, the silent atmosphere of the nearby buildings was disturbed by a loud screeching of tires. As the the flashy car came to a halt, In Joon exclaimed with a proud look on his face "Here we are! Samyeon Middle High School!" He read the name on the board of the school building.

Ji Ah immediately opened the door to get out when In Joon held her by her hand. He caught hold of her wrist with one hand and unfastened his seatbelt with the other.

Ji Ah turned around to see him when she saw him moving closer to her. With widened eyes like an owl, she involuntarily started pushing herself back and asked "Hey... what are you doing?" She stammered.

In Joon leaned closer to her and stared at her face. Ji Ah was looking beautiful just like a fairy. But a certain hair strand was blocking his view so, he pushed it behind her ear and said "Nothing! I just wanted to have a good look at you, Ji Ah!" His voice was like a melancholy, a soft and fluffy voice.

"Ooo... you are too near!" Feeling something weird in her stomach, Ji Ah kept her hands on his hard chest and pushed him away. She sat straight and immediately stepped out of the car. Getting out, she ran as fast as she could inside the school entrance.

Standing near a pillar, she took deep breaths to calm her flustered self. As the image of In Joon's face kept on resurfacing in her brain, she couldn't help but feel butterflies within her stomach. Her heart was beating rapidly and she felt that it could come out any minute.

She tapped on her cheeks to reduce the redness. 'This is crazy!' She thought. 'I can't have these kind of feelings... I'm married!' She made an 'X' sign with her fingers and walked away for her first class.

Meanwhile, In Joon was still at the same place. He was busy in staring at the hand which had caught Ji Ah's wrist. A slight blush appeared on his well-toned cheeks as he remembered her flustered face. His thoughts were broken up by a call. With furrowed brows, he answered his phone.