Get Out and Don't Show Me Your Face Again!

"Get down Ji Ah!" He tried removing her hands from his neck.

"Nooo.... Let me stay like this!" Ji Ah whined like a child and snuggled more closer to him.

She lazily smacked him on his back and whined "You are really bad! Really bad. You made me cry for days... I thought it was all true.... But now I saw you, I'm happy!" She stared in his eyes and gave a bright smile showing her white shining teeth.

And then she ruffled his hair. Her hands touched the wet damp hair and she realized that it was raining outside. "Aigoo!!! I completely forgot." She immediately got down from his lap and made him sit on the bed. "You are wet. You will catch a cold. Wait! I'll get you a towel."

She quickly turned around and took a towel to wipe his hair. She kept the towel on his head and started wiping his hair. "Aigoo!! I should have thought about the rain first. Your hair are so wet. Since, how long were you standing outside? You should have contacted me. Aishh!!..." She started blurting all different sort of talks with Min hyuk while drying his hair.

It was really making Ji Ah feel good. She no more felt broke as she saw him sitting in front of her.

Minute by minute, Min Hyuk was liking all her actions. But the brown envelope lying on the floor was making him think about the reason he had actually come for. He had come to give her the divorce papers but he didn't know that he would have had to wait for so long for her to come.

As he was turning around to leave, he saw her but before he could clearly see her, he inhaled her fruity fragrance from up close. That was when she immediately came and jumped up on him. It made him feel so cool and he was reminiscing all that time which he had spent with her.

The days how when they used to talk, laugh, get angry, eat and play with one another. Those were the days which he would never forget nor he could, even if he tried.

But to gain something priceless, he had to throw something which was very precious to him.

Her sobs were making him feel hurt yet he decided not to sway along with her emotions. Grabbing her hand, he stopped her from whatever she was doing and removed the towel from above his head.

"Oh... You wanna get another towel? Wait, I'll get it!" Seeing that the towel was a little wet, Ji Ah took that towel and kept it aside. She turned around to grab another towel when Min Hyuk stopped her.

Min Hyuk was finding words to say to her. He looked down to think of something when Ji Ah came close and started to unbutton his shirt.

She said "Your clothes are wet, change them otherwise you will catch a cold." She bent over and moved closer to his face. Pinching the tip of his nose, she said "I don't want my dear husband to suffer from fever." She gave another smile and turned around to find some suitable pair of clothes in her almirah.

Min Hyuk stared at the woman who had her back turned to him and was humming some unknown song while choosing a pair of cloth for him. It was still unbelievable as to how this woman was able to think that he had actually come for her when he had already said her that, she and him would be no more together. He sighed and got up from the bed. Grabbing the paper which was on the floor he stared at her back.

"I have bought the divorce papers. Sign them up."

"Huh?" Ji Ah was taken aback by his sudden statement. The clothes which she held in her hand fell on the ground and she turned around to face him.

But before she could do so, she saw him walking away. Rushing over, she turned him around by his hand and asked "Why? Why do you want to have a divorce when we both are so compatible with one another? Why? Why?" She hit him on his chest hardly and started crying. The tears which hadn't even dried up started erupting as soon as she heard his words.

"Am I not good to you or are you not happy with me?" She grabbed him by his collar and started to pull him "Why do you want a divorce from me? Tell me? Don't you remember that day when you came all drunk and asked me not to leave you? When you told me not to leave then, why are you telling me to leave, now?

Are you not happy or you have someone you like, Kang Min Hyuk? Tell me why?"

Min Hyuk started to become frustrated by her words. He could no longer control it when he heard her last sentence.

His anger started to boil up and he nagged her "Why do you want to know the reason? Are you going to keep on spreading rumors about me saying that my husband divorced me for this and that...."

Ji Ah stared at the man who was impersonating her. What was she even expecting when he had said that they were over? Why was she so dumb to think that he had come back for her? How could she?

She stretched her hand and gave him a tight resonating slap on his face. "Out!" She commanded with a loud voice.

Min Hyuk widened his eyes in shock. All sort of emotions like pain, regret, anger, hatred and so much more began evolving in his mind.

Seeing her expression, Ji Ah crossed her arms over her chest and ordered again "Didn't you hear what I said? Out... NOW!" She stared at him with bloodshot eyes and pushed him out.

"Don't show me your face again, Kang Min Hyuk! I hope we don't see each other again in the near future!" Grabbing the brown envelope in her hand, Ji Ah took out the divorce agreement from inside and signed the papers.

"You want them signed right? Here, I signed them! The hell with you and your papers! LEAVE!!!" Ji Ah threw the envelope on his face and closed the door behind her. Once everything became silent, she squatted down near the door and cried to her heart's content.

Meanwhile, Min Hyuk was taken aback by her sudden behavior. That slap really was something which he hadn't expected. But maybe this was what it was. He deserved a slap, didn't he?

He stood at her entrance for a while and allowed his tears to escape out. As of now, this was the only thing which he could do or this was the only thing which he actually deserved.