The Guy Who Was Careful With His Every Step

The next day, Ji Ah felt some wrenching pain in her forehead. She opened her eyes and held her head tightly. Not only that, she felt her entire body ache. Maybe it was because of her getting drenched in the rain while coming home, her body ached like crazy now. She forced herself up from the floor and staggered towards the bed. Right now, she didn't even have that much of strength to take a glass of water.

She immediately laid down on the bed and covered herself with a blanket. Her body was shivering so, she draped herself in the blanket and closed her eyes to sleep.


Meanwhile, In Joon hung up the phone after conversing with Min Hyuk. Kang Min Hyuk conveyed him that Ji Ah had signed on the papers and he had registered them in the Civil Affairs Bureau.

To be honest, In Joon felt very delighted to hear that. A wide grin fell on his lips and he came out of his room after being dressed. As of now, he decided to go and meet Ji Ah to complete what he had left incomplete the day before yesterday.

Ecstatically, he parked his car near the gate of the apartment and was rushing to her room when an old man called out to him. He said "Are you going to meet the person in the room upstairs?"

When In Joon gave a nod, the man continued "Ahh! Okay! I was going to give this to her but since you came, please give it to her." The man handed him a bowl of soup and from the smell it felt like a herbal medicine.

In Joon stared at the old man confused and the old man elaborated "That... last night, This young woman and another man maybe... they had a fight. So, when I came to meet her, I heard her crying loudly. Unfortunately, I couldn't go inside because I felt like not disturbing her. So, I thought I would go and meet her in the morning but her room was locked. So, I had taken the master key and opened her door only to find her shivering from cold.

I as an old man and a no relative to her, I possibly can't stay with her hence I advise you to go and see her. You seem to be her relative because I had seen you when she had first come. Please feed her this medicine, It is used to recover fever. Thank you!" The old man bowed and In Joon surprisingly bowed back.

This old man was sure very keen and observant despite his frail body type. In Joon hurriedly rushed to her room and saw that the room was unlocked. He pushed it open with his leg and walked inside. The first thing what his eyes did was fell on Ji Ah. He saw her tossing and turning on the bed, uncomfortably.

Rushing over to the bed, he placed the bowl on the table and touched her forehead. "Damn it!!" Her forehead was hot like a pan on stove. "Ji Ah? You are having a high fever. Why did you even stay like this for so long? Get up! Let me take you to the hospital." In Joon moved closer to lift her up when Ji Ah stopped him.

She held his hand which was going below her waist. "I don't... want to go!" Ji Ah spoke in a low voice which was cracking up.

"But... you need to be treated." In Joon opposed and grabbed her when Ji Ah turned to her right to the place where the bowl of herbal medicine was kept. "That!" She pointed towards it and said "I will drink that... No.. No hospital, Please!" She requested and forced herself to sit.

'What actually happened last night that she got caught up in such a bad fever?' In Joon thought.

"Alright! Just keep on lying down. I will get a spoon." He spoke and walked to the kitchen to get a spoon. He found a small spoon and by the time he came back, he saw Ji Ah struggling to get up.

Running over, he placed his hand on her back and supported her. "Just lie down... Why do you have to get up?" In Joon angrily retorted and Ji Ah lightly gave a weak smile. "If I don't get up, how will I drink?" She was trying her best not to show that she was weak. But, her weak voice had already made it evident that she wasn't at all well.

In Joon sat beside her legs and took the bowl in his hand. He bought one spoonful of the medicine towards her mouth. "Here. Have it! It will be a bit bitter, I think."

Ji Ah opened her mouth and took the medicine. Honestly, the medicine wasn't a bit bitter, it was a whole lot bitter. Ji Ah stuck out her tongue and scrunched up her face. This medicine was really bitter.

When In Joon bought another spoonful of medicine towards her, Ji Ah looked up at him shocked as if her eyes would pop out of their socket anytime. She quickly took the bowl and drank the entire medicine in one go. Rather than suffering from the bitterness one by one, it was better to suffer from it in just one go.

After finishing, she quickly started gulping on her saliva quite a lot of times to remove that bitter taste from her mouth. Once the taste was subsiding, she stopped and said "Thanks."

In Joon smiled at her childish behavior and took the bowl from her hand. He went inside the kitchen and placed the bowl in the sink. Turning behind, he saw Ji Ah again lying down on the bed. Suddenly, he remembered something. Something which his mother used to do whenever he had a fever.

Thinking that the medicine would take some time to start affecting, he thought of doing what his mother usually used to do. He instantly strode towards the bathroom and took some cold water in a small mug. Along with it he took a towel and dipped it in the cold water.

Walking over, he sat beside her and called out her name.

"Ji Ah??" He called her but he was only able to hear a hum from her.

"I will keep this cold towel on your forehead. The medicine probably will take some time to do its work so, until then let me help you, okay?" He stated and proceeded when he saw her nod.

He took out the towel soaked in the cold water and drenched it. Placing it on her forehead, he said "Tell me, if you feel it is too cold, okay?" He carefully placed it on her forehead and Ji Ah groaned a little. Maybe, it was the effect of the medicine that is why she was being able to feel the coolness of the towel or maybe, it was just really cold.

In Joon kept the towel on her for a while and stared at her normal breathing. 'Did she sleep?' He asked to himself and changed the side of the towel. Standing beside her, he stared at her face which was pale yet beautiful. "I'm sorry! I couldn't be there when you needed me." He cried out.

He saw the sweat surrounding her face and her neck and he took a dry cloth to wipe it. He wiped her face and then her neck. He then removed the cloth from above her forehead and again dipped it in the cold water.

He did this for some three to four times until he was rest assured that Ji Ah would now be free from fever. Placing the bowl on the table, he stretched his hands. Ahh!! His hands started to hurt while holding that bowl for long. He took a chair which was nearby and sat on it whilst looking at Ji Ah.