Jealous? Or No?

7 minutes later…

Son Mina reached Kim Young Min's office room. She stood at the door thinking whether to get inside or just go back. Nevertheless, one month was very reckless, so she knocked on the door and entered inside. As she entered, she saw that Kim Young Min was looking out his huge window.

The night view might have been very wonderful because he had been staring at it for quite a while even after Son Mina entered. Son Mina stared at his back and her eyes fell on his long slender legs. Her face began heating up and she instantly turned around facing the huge door through which she had entered inside.

As the room was already silent and the atmosphere was growing awkward time by time, Son Mina was about to turn around when she felt his hands wrapped around her waist. She widened her eyes in surprise and tried to walk away when she heard his lazy whisper in her ear "Please stay for a while, Miss Lee!!"

Hearing his lazy voice, she stopped herself and didn't move. Her heart began throbbing like crazy and she didn't know what to do.

Kim Young Min tightened his hold around her waist as if he was afraid that she would walk away. He slowly rested his neck on her shoulder and Son Mina inhaled the enchanting smell coming from his hair. Don't know if it was his shampoo or if it was how he actually smelled like… But whatever it was, Son Mina felt calm and refreshed by his smell.

Son Mina stayed like that for a few seconds until she felt her entire body heavy as if something was kept on her. She heard the deep sound of breaths coming from him and realized that he was asleep.

"That was fast!!" She exclaimed dumbfounded and slowly removed his hand from her waist. Keeping one hand over his shoulder, she caught hold of him by his waist and slowly, slowly dragged him towards the sofa. She pushed him down on the sofa and straightened her back.

"Aigoo!! How can he be this heavy?? Ahh!! My back…" She lightly punched her shoulders and neck. "I won't ever do this again."

She saw his legs lying on the floor and she placed them up on the sofa. What a tall guy he is… the huge sofa was not enough to place his legs. She wiped her clothes with her hands and stretched her arms. "So, he called me so that he could sleep?? Baka[1]!!" She lightly chuckled and turned around to walk away when she felt her hand being held by him.

She turned around and looked at the hand holding hers. "Don't go!!" Young Min's voice was faint but loud enough for Mina to hear.

"D…Director Kim…. I think you…"

"Why did you go with that guy?" Her words were cut off by him. Young Min opened his eyes and sat up straight.

"Director Kim… What are you talking about?" Son Mina was shocked to hear something like this from him.

Kim Young Min looked up at her with rage visible in his eyes. As he rubbed the hand which he had held, his eyes turned soft and blurry due to the water forming in his eyes. "Do you not know what I am talking about?"

Mina shook her head. She was completely baffled from all his actions.

"Who was that guy who came to pick you up on that day?" As Young Min elaborated his question, Son Mina understood about what he was talking about. But, why does he need to know all that? She was just his employee in the company and outside they both were strangers so why… did he need to know who she was with or who the guy was?? Was he asking questions as a superior looking after his colleague or…


Son Mina smirked as she thought that he could be jealous. She wanted to know what he would do next that is why she said "I don't know why you are asking that, Director Kim!! This question is not work related." She quietly tried to remove his hand holding hers when Young Min held her hand more tightly. "Answer me!!" He said furiously and Son Mina gave a big smile..

Indeed, he was jealous!!

Son Mina chuckled and leaned over Kim Young Min. She looked into his wide opened eyes and asked with a smug grin over her small face "Are you jealous, Director Kim?" She moved closer to him and whispered seductively "If you answer me, I will answer you!" She sexily bit his ear lobe and licked it.

After licking his earlobe, she stood back straight and looked at him boldly. Although her entire body, her hands, her legs, her everything was trembling like crazy, she tried to maintain a calm composure in front of him. After all, to talk like this with the person upon whom you have a crush takes a a little too much courage and confidence.

If not for his hand which was holding hers, Son Mina would have fell down on the floor this instant. She couldn't believe that she could do something this bold and confident…

Bite his earlobe and lick it?? Was she actually insane??

Kim Young Min who was completely dumbfounded by her bold seductive action smirked and got up from the sofa. He took one step closer to her and Son Mina instinctively took another step backwards. Now the courage which had come inside her was leaving her body slowly, slowly with his every forward step.

Her entire courage was just going back into the drain and she was starting to tremble now. She kept on taking steps backward until she felt her body touching something hard. She looked behind her and noticed that she had already come to the end of the room.

She looked back front and saw him just an inch away from her. Kim Young Min gave a wicked grin and placed his hands on the wall on either side of her. "So… will you answer now or…" He paused and looked at her.

Moving closer to her, he whispered "Or should I make you answer it?"