Office Affairs...

Son Mina's heart again began thumping louder. Thump Thump, it made loud repeated sounds and she didn't know what to do. Facing him from this close was really making her crazy. Her legs were feeling like jelly and this close proximity was making her even more discouraged.

"I… I…" Son Mina opened her mouth to speak but no words left her mouth. She stared at him with a troubled expression on her face. Her smirk was no longer visible on her.

And upon seeing that, Kim Young Min removed his hands and chuckled. He covered his mouth with his hand and laughed. "Pfft!! You really are funny, Miss Lee!" He tapped on her forehead and remarked "Get out from your dream world, Miss Lee!! I would never do something so as to get you hurt." He walked a few steps backwards and said her that she can go back.

Son Mina bowed and walked out of the room. She took deep breaths and sighed "That was really close…" Now that all this happened, Son Mina was no longer able to concentrate on her work… As she sat on her chair trying to read the file which she was reading before, she sighed.

She closed the file and threw it on the table. Pinching the tip of her nose, she grunted "Ugghh!! I really can't do this… I can't concentrate." She patted her cheeks and shook her head, but it was all futile.

She packed her bag and left…. This was the only option left for her.

Meanwhile, Kim Young Min sat in his swivel chair and thought about what just happened. A faint color of red became visible on his cheeks as he touched the earlobe which she had bitten.

He subconsciously touched his heart which was doing a marathon inside and asked himself "Am I actually jealous?"

"No… No… No…!!" He shook his head and answered to his own question "I can't be jealous just because I saw her with someone else… That is nonsense…"

No matter how much he denied, he couldn't help but assume that he was jealous. As his color of his cheeks turned into a deeper shade of red, he felt his entire body heat up. Not only that, a special part of his body had heated up so much that he could feel it throbbing.

He looked down and noticed the bulge in his pants. "Great!! Another miserable night…" He groaned while touching the bulge.

Ever since, Kim Young Min saw Son Mina, he couldn't help but sleep miserably at night. Even if he saw her or just thought about her, he felt his body heat up immensely and he would end up getting a bulge in his pants.

That was useless!! Kim Young Min had never got a bulge thinking about any person from the opposite sex… But now… Just one look towards that lady and he was having merciless nights.

He couldn't understand why his body was heating up so immensely just by thinking about her. It felt like as if Son Mina was like an aphrodisiac and he would react immediately whenever he would see her. His body was just not listening to him anymore.

Now, he had to get rid of it again by using his own hands… God…. He won't or wouldn't allow any woman nearby him but why was this just one woman making him loose himself??


The entire night, Son Mina tossed and turned on her bed. She couldn't sleep because of what happened in Kim Young Min's room. Her heart was throbbing like anything, it felt that it would explode anytime. He was so close, so, so close… She just couldn't get that close look of his out of her mind. Nothing was going just like the comic… It just felt like a new story!

Kim Young Min had never spared an eye towards Lee Yura but… today, he was standing very close to her, whispering into her ears… not only that he had hugged her from behind and rested his head on her shoulder. Everything was completely, completely new!!

Son Mina became fed up of continuously tossing and turning for hours. She sprung up from the bed and rubbed her forehead. She was feeling so uneasy. This was the first time she had been very close to some guy in real life other than her dreamy fantasies. Her face was flushing red and she felt her entire body heating up.

Son Mina pulled her long hair behind her back and made it into a messy bun. She looked at the time, it was three in the morning. She got down from the bed and thought of distracting herself by doing some work.

But no matter what she did, her mind was just flashing Kim Young Min's image.

"Cool!!" She sarcastically remarked and sat back on the bed. Right now, she just felt like a hypocrite… A hypocrite who has feelings for him but is frustrated upon his closeness.

She placed her hand on her chin and began to contemplate. "Will he actually like me?"

"Ahh!! I don't know. I don't want to think either…" She shook her head and laid down back on her bed. She stared at the ceiling as warm tears escaped the corner of her eyes. She was afraid that once Kim Young Min was to know about her real self, he would never like her. That is why she removed all the thoughts of saying to him truthfully about who she was and where she had come from.

All she wanted was a happy life and she was not going to let go of this chance so easily… Thus, she wiped her tears and closed her eyes thinking of not going back to her own world.

The next day, as usual Son Mina got dressed and left for work. Today, she planned to go a little bit early cause she had some other plans to do. Reaching the office, she quickly went to her floor and took out her phone. Keeping the phone in recording mode, she quietly walked towards Manager Cha's room. The office was still empty except for three people.

She quietly went near the window and gladly, the window shutters were open. "Cool!! Good way to expose you, Manager Cha! Just you wait what Son Mina will do…" She gave an evil smirk and recorded the event which was happening inside.

Gosh!! Manager Cha was having an affair with a young woman at this age. A married man like him should keep himself clean but, he has been spreading STD's all over… "LOL!! You are so f*cking bad, Manager Cha!!" She tittered and took his video clearly such that their faces were visible all clean and clear.

Now after the video was filmed, all she had to do was send him to his wife or… she could ask for something from him in return…