Erotic Movie!

Son Mina heard the door open and she quickly rushed towards her table and hid under there. She sneakily took a peek and saw Manager Cha kissing the woman as if the deed which they did was still not enough of her. Son Mina made an ugly disgusting face and if possible, she would have even spit on his face.

She was so disgusted about Manager Cha's office affairs. She had been observing him from so long and she got to know that every, single day, Manager Cha was having a secret relationship with one woman or the other. Those women were all the one who were working in her department itself.

But still, Son Mina was troubled as to how those women didn't even shout at him or get angry towards him… She wondered if they knew about it or whether Manager Cha was vicious enough to keep all these things hidden.

But whatever it was… Son Mina was going to disclose all his secret relationships to all those people who was involved with!!

As the girl left, Son Mina quietly stood up from her place. She was hearing black stilettos today so as she walked the heels made a loud clicking sound. She boldly walked towards him and heard him

"You didn't leave yet or… you began to miss me already?"

Manager Cha was still thinking about that woman. Son Mina giggled and answered, "That was a very good show, Manager Cha!!"

As soon as Manager Cha heard this voice, he stood startled. It felt as if he lost all his pride and his heart began thumping louder. His legs began to tremble, and small beads of cold sweat was formed on his forehead. He still hadn't turned around but from the voice he was able to identify who it was.

He still kept himself calm and turned around. With a furrow in between in his eyebrows, he asked in an irritating voice "What are you talking about, Lee Yura??"

"Oh My!! What is that sweat on your forehead, Manager Cha?" Son Mina kept her hand on her mouth in disbelief and scoffed.

Manager Cha immediately touched his forehead and felt his own sweat. He looked back at her and saw her looking with an eyebrow raised. "What… Why are you looking at me like that?? Don't you have any work to do?"

Son Mina gave a smug grin and she unlocked her phone. She opened the video and began watching by herself. "Woah!! Manager Cha… I should say you have quite a good stamina even at this age."

"What… what are you talking about?" Manager Cha stuttered and his sweat began to increase even more. As he began to take out a handkerchief from inside his pocket, Son Mina gave him one. "Why are you sweating so much, Manager Cha?" She pouted her face and looked at him with a teasing face. A smirk was still carved on her thin lips since she was enjoying his every action.

She was feeling so very joyous from the inside. She really wanted to see this expression on his face and today she was able to see it. She showed the video from her phone and gave a sly smile.

As Manager Cha saw it, his expression became even more terrified. "Wh…why… did you??"

"It is a good erotic movie… I can post it on those websites and earn a lot of money… don't you think so?" She winked at him and made some movements on her phone to scare him.

"Wh… What do you need?"

'Ohh God!!! Why am I feeling so good while making this man scared??' Son Mina thought in her mind joyfully and she felt like playing with him more. But it was time for the employees to come thus she kept it short.

"Of course… My work! You know what I am talking about…" She smirked again and heard commotion near the door. Well, the employees were coming. She walked closer to him and whispered in his ear "If you don't do… then I will do what should be done."

After saying that, she walked back with a smile on her face. "F*cking bastard!!" She made a disgusting face and sat back on her chair.

Her phone began to ring, and she looked at her screen. It was an unknown number, but the number felt somewhat familiar… Without any further thoughts, she picked up and answered "Hello?"

"Come to my room this instant, Miss Lee!" It was a masculine voice and there was a bit of angriness in the person's voice. Son Mina knew whose voice it was. She had spent some time with this person to at least understand who was speaking. Moreover, this person had texted the same thing yesterday. So, that was why she felt the number somewhat familiar.

It was Director Kim's number. "Yes, I will be there, Director Kim!" She subconsciously gave a nod and hung up the phone.

She sighed once she kept the phone back on the table. The incident of last time crowded her mind and she began to feel a little uneasy. She was wondering if he was calling her to complete what he was going to do yesterday. Her heart started to race faster, and she kept her hand on her chest.

Taking her phone, she pushed herself off from the chair and walked to his room.