Yes, It Was Jealousy!

Dong Min was a little surprised to hear those straightforward words. But it didn't hurt that much. Maybe it was because that he had heard those same words before too?! "Yeah!! Let's just forget all that." Nevertheless, he agreed. Maybe being friends with her was way better than being in a relationship.

He slightly nodded in agreement and said "If you need any help you can come over to your Sunbae and he will help you, okay??" He made an 'okay' sign with his hand and Mina also did the same. Now that everything felt cleared, Son Mina smiled.

Suddenly a question came in her mind and she asked "But… How come you became the Interim Director of Dawn Daily? Weren't you interested in photography?"

"Ahh! Yeah… I was. But Dad was forcing me to join the company so that he could resign from his position peacefully… that is why, I agreed. But don't worry… You need free photoshoots and I can help you with that!" He casually remarked and giggled. Son Mina also laughed with him.

Meanwhile, Kim Young Min who had just returned after clearing his blocked mind was really hurt to see Yura talking and laughing with Jang Dong Min. He became very angry and he clenched his hands tightly into a fist. But he really couldn't show it to anyone.

He forced a smile on his face and walked towards them. "Sorry it took long." He spoke and sat down beside Mina.

After an hour, the meeting was completed and they all left the hotel together. Jang Dong Min, Son Mina and Kim Young Min stood beside one another waiting for their cars to come. While Kim Young Min texted for his driver to come, Jang Dong Min's car had already arrived.

He opened the door and said "Get in, Yura!! I will drop you back home."

Mina was about to take a step when someone's hand blocked her way. She looked at the person and it was her boss. "Do you need something, Director Kim?"

Kim Young Min bought his hand back and stuttered "Err… That…"

As he was saying, he thought 'I never stuttered in front of anyone… So, why am I stuttering in front of her?' He shook his head. "I have something more to discuss with you. So, come with me." As soon as he said, his car arrived. It stopped ahead of Jang Dong Min's car. Kim Young Min's driver stepped out of his car and opened the back door for him. "Have a good day, Mr. Jang! It was very nice meeting you." He shook his hand and looked at Mina.

"You too, Mr. Kim! Bye Yura!" Jang Dong Min waved Mina goodbye and got inside his car and left off.

Mina who was still observing Jang Dong Min's car leave was startled by Kim Young Min's question "Are you going to stay here, Miss Lee?"

Mina shook her head and began walking towards Young Min's car. Young Min slightly smirked and followed her. As Son Mina was about to sit in the back seat, Kim Young Min stopped her. He told her to sit in the front. Son Mina obeyed as told and sat in the front passenger seat.

Kim Young Min then walked towards his driver and whispered something in his ear. The driver bowed and turned around to walk away. As Kim Young Min opened the front driver door, Son Mina asked looking at the driver who was walking away, confused "Why is he going away?"

"Because I am gonna drive." Kim Young Min nonchalantly replied and started the engine.

He pressed on the accelerator and drove away. Son Mina was completely flabbergasted by Kim Young Min's behavior. If he was just going to show off his driving skills then why didn't he allow her to go with Jang Dong Min. She pouted her face and began looking at his schedule for tomorrow.

Kim Young Min again had two consecutive meetings at different locations tomorrow. God!! If he was to go then surely, Son Mina also had to follow him. Sigh!! Her three months were surely going to be hectic.

As the car stopped at a signal, Kim Young Min looked to his right. Son Mina was looking at the laptop. He giggled as she was still checking the laptop ever since they left the hotel. "Are you memorizing my schedule?" He asked gently.

Son Mina was a little surprised to hear his soft voice. Wow!! His voice was really addicting just like a music unlike the other voice which he usually uses at work. The more time she was spending with Kim Young Min, the more she was getting to know different things about him.

"Yeah! A little, Director Kim." Mina answered in a low voice.

"Director Kim?? Miss Lee, I prefer that whenever we are out alone, I want you to call me by my name and not Director Kim." Mina was surprised by his request. "Wha…"

"And I would call you Yura, Is that okay with you?" He continued.

Hearing the word 'Yura', Mina was a little disappointed. If she was to tell him about her actual self, then would he allow her to work or be beside him? Her thoughts were muddling up upon thinking about the consequences of her truth. Was it actually gonna be okay if she tells everything? Will he understand?

"What's wrong? Where are you lost?" Young Min waved his hand in front of her and asked. "N…Nothing!" She shook her head and answered.

"Tell me your address, I will drop you back home."

Hearing that Son Mina became shocked. "Home? Didn't you had to discuss something with me, Director Kim?" He had told her that they had something to discuss so, she thought that they would be going back to the company…

When Kim Young Min heard her, he instantly pressed on the brakes and the car made a screeching sound and immediately stopped. He was displeased to hear her question. Kim Young Min didn't want to keep his feelings hidden, anymore.

As Son Mina asked him why he had stopped the car, Kim Young Min inched closer to her and asked "Can I kiss those lips of yours, Miss Lee?" When Mina looked at him completely surprised and kept on pushing herself backwards until her back collided with the door, Kim Young Min pushed the strand of hair which was on her face, behind her ear and slightly caressed her cheek by his thumb.