Good Feelings

"If I say that I have feelings for you will you accept those feelings, Miss Lee?" He bought his face closer to hers and touched her nose. "I don't like it when other men get closer to you, Miss Lee. I just want you to be closer to me and not to anyone else. That is why be with me and not with any other guy!" He whispered and pressed his lips onto hers.

Son Mina widened her eyes in disbelief. What she heard was already something very rare to hear and then this kiss… She hadn't felt this sort of feeling any time before. It just felt that her heart would jump out of her chest anytime soon. She tried to push herself back but Kim Young Min didn't let go of her and deepened the kiss. He bit on her lip and entered inside her mouth.

It was just a feeling of euphoria… His warm tongue was roaming inside her mouth and touching her corners sensually. Son Mina was getting a little ecstatic whereas Kim Young Min was feeling really relaxed and refreshed.

Now that Mina got to know that Young Min too was having feelings for her, there was no need for her to hold back. She locked her hands behind his neck and closed her eyes to enjoy the beautiful feeling.

Kim Young Min was taken aback by her sudden embrace but this time he didn't wanted anything to interfere in between them. So, he pulled her onto his lap and held her firmly by her slim waist. Son Mina now sat on his lap while Young Min rested his back on the seat.

He pushed back his seat to straighten his legs and comfortably held Mina by her waist. All this while, he didn't let go of her lips and so he felt a little suffocated. He let go of her lips and they both panted while looking into each other's eyes.

He whispered while blowing his hot breath over her face "Do you wanna go further, Miss Lee?" Son Mina was dumbstruck by his question. She had thought that he would stop after the kiss but he was asking for more. Tension began to rise inside her mind as she felt concerned that she would abruptly stop him when they were to reach the main step. She didn't want to make him stop but she was afraid that it would hurt her. It was her first time ever...

Young Min saw her tensed expression and he caressed her long wavy hair. "We don't have to do it today, Miss Lee. Let's do it some other time when the moment is right, okay?" He looked in her eyes gently and gave a warm smile.

Mina gave a nod in agreement and began to open the door to step out when Young Min held her by her waist. She looked at him surprised and Young Min had a smirk on his face. "Not so soon though!" He whispered and swiftly pulled her close to himself. Grabbing her chin, he made her look at him and planted another kiss on her now-swollen lips.

"Now this is good!" He viciously licked his lips with an evil smirk on his face and let go of Son Mina's waist.

Son Mina blushed and she hurriedly stepped out of the car to go to the passenger seat. She lowered her head and sat inside. As she sat inside, she felt Young Min holding her hand. She again looked at him with a shy look on her face and he gently rubbed her hand.

A smile came over his face as he noticed how her hand seemed so small in his huge one. This was his first time too... First time to ever kiss someone and the first time to ever hold someone's hand and giggle.

He hadn't been like this any time before. All this was a first time for Young Min.

But he was surprised that he was able to say such sweet words and calm her. He was not a sweet talker. Words that ever left his mouth were painful and straight to the point. He never knew that he could talk so sweetly also. 'Well, all this could be the perks of liking someone from deep inside the heart.' He thought and smiled again. This time a huge toothy smile like an adorable toddler.

"Let's take you home!" He said and started driving.

All the way till her home, Young Min didn't miss the chance of holding Mina's hand whenever he got one. When the car stopped at a signal, he would do so... When the road was completely empty, he would drive with one hand and hold her hand with his other one. He was enjoying this feeling of being with her. It was so warm and fluffy.

But all of that just vanished in some few minutes when they arrived at Mina's place.

Mina was so flushed that she could barely say anything. She was also enjoying but the house ruined it all. Gosh!! Wish that her house was very far away and they would have enjoyed doing it so much more.

But even if it was far away.... still the situation would have been like this itself!!

Mina sat inside the car being confused. She was liking the warmth of his hand that was holding hers and she didn't want that warmth to fade away. But they were just parked outside her house, if someone was to see... Ugh!! She didn't even want to think about that.

"Um... My.. My... house... is here!" She stuttered and opened the door. While she was at it, she didn't let go of the hand holding hers. She too wanted for this moment to last for a lifetime.

Young Min forcefully let go of her hand and grunted. He saw her step out of the car and his heart was feeling very uneasy. As he heard the door close, he quickly opened his door and stepped out. He walked towards her and pulled her in a hug "See you tomorrow, Yura!"

He pecked her cheek and quickly went inside the car. God.... His heart was beating so very fast!! It was so fast as if it was on for a marathon. Without taking another look at her, he drove away. He couldn't show his flushed face at all... No way!!

"It felt so good to call her by her name!" He whispered and touched his lips which had just touched her cheek. He smiled very so happily and drove away.

Son Mina was so taken aback, excited.... and happy for all this. She just had various emotions filled up inside her that she didn't understand how to express them. That hug, that kiss.... and most importantly, that name....

"He called me by my name!! My name...." She was so excited that she was jumping in excitement. But realizing that he called her 'Yura' made all her happiness drift away. "He called me Yura!" She sighed and walked inside her house.

With a thump, she laid down on her bed and looked up at the ceiling. "That's right!! He knows me as Yura... Not Mina. Tsk! I was simply excited for nothing." She sighed, turned around and closed her eyes to sleep. "It was all just futile to think that he was in love with me... He was actually in love with Yura!" She sadly muttered and slept.

The next day, Mina woke up when her phone alarm rang. Even though, Young Min did all that, thinking her as Yura, she was okay with it. After all, it was only her who knew that she wasn't who she was actually looking like. With an agreeable smile on her face, she began to get ready.

She wore beige pants and a white shirt with a maroon jacket on top. She did a fishtail braid with her long wavy hair and applied a light makeup. She finished her look by hanging a black bag over her shoulder and wore clear heels. "Cool! I look pretty." Mina looked in the mirror and exclaimed. Lee Yura did have a pretty face, a good proportioned body unlike hers. Mina felt envious of everything. But then again, she removed those thoughts away by reassuring herself that no one knew about who she actually was.