Was It Not a One-Time Fling?

After reaching her department, Son Mina sat on her chair. She took a deep breath and opened her desktop. As she opened it, Manager Cha called out for her. She gritted her teeth and stood up annoyed.

"CEO Kim is calling you. Take these files and report to him." Manager Cha handed her the files and went back to his room.

Mina took the file with a smile on her face. She didn't know that her plan would work just right. She quickly bought the files to CEO Kim's room. She stood at the door for a while thinking whether to walk inside or not.

After what happened last night, Mina felt her heart beat rapidly. Now that her heart was beating so fast, will she be able to go inside and face him?

She looked here and there to see someone passing by but she didn't find any. Up of that, she received a message from Manager Cha asking whether she had already given him the files or not... Cause the CEO was waiting for them.

Being stuck in between, Son Mina took a deep breath and decided to give the files herself. She knocked on the door and heard a loud husky voice telling her to come in.

Hearing his voice, Mina's heart raced even quicker. She lightly patted her chest and took a deep breath.

As she opened the door, she saw the same face which she had seen just yesterday. It again reminded her of what happened last night. The way they both had interacted....

'Ahh!! I should just shake those thoughts away... Work and love, should be kept separate!'

She quietly walked inside and placed the files on the table. She was just taking a step behind when she heard him speak in an excited tone.

"Let's go on a date!"

"Huh?" She widened her eyes in surprise.

Kim Young Min stood up from his chair and buttoned his coat. He walked towards her and held her hand "Let's go on a date."

After last night, Kim Young Min couldn't clear his mind. The reason why he had told Manager Cha to send Mina with the files was because he wanted to see her and say her what he thought about her all night.

"You will go on a date with me, right?" Receiving no reply from her, Kim Young Min felt very nervous. He hadn't been nervous at all in his entire lifetime. But today, he was so nervous that he himself couldn't believe it.

He crossed his finger waiting for her to reply in a positive way.

Son Mina shyly gave a nod. Why it was taking her so long to accept his request was because she hadn't thought about this at all. She just thought that it would be a one-time fling... And that Kim Young Min was kissing her to only satisfy his desire.

When she heard him ask again, she felt her cheeks turning red and she shyly nodded.

Young Min gave a smile and kissed her hand. "I will wait for you after work and then we can go for our first date, okay?" He asked her while looking in her eyes and Mina again nodded shyly.


Son Mina looked at the time in her phone. It had already been fifteen minutes past eight. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she hadn't realized the time. Now when she knew what the time was, she hurriedly pushed herself off the chair and wore her maroon jacket. She took her purse and switched off the lights and walked out of the building.

Young Min had told her to come straight after work but here she was late by fifteen minutes. She was worried that he wouldn't be there and had already left thinking that she wouldn't want to come.

It surprised her when she saw him waiting inside his car near the exit of the building.

Kim Young Min lowered down the window and smiled at her. He had been waiting for her for quite long. Actually, he was concerned that she would not show up. But when he saw her, he became joyous.

He got out of his car and opened the door for her. Son Mina smiled and sat inside the car. She was just adjusting herself when Young Min moved closer to her and fastened her seatbelt.

Mina's breath got stuck in her throat and she just stopped right in her track. She could feel her thumping heart in her chest. If he was to stay close to her any longer, he might be able to hear her heart beating out loud.

Didn't know what crossed Kim Young Min's mind and he just faced her. He looked at her small face and smiled.

And this small action was enough for Mina to have her nose bleed. Gosh!! She hadn't seen him smile from this close proximity. It immediately was making her hot and she just wanted some cool air to calm herself down.

She had only and only read these moments in comics or books... But she was really surprised and she even considered herself to be lucky, to be able to feel a nose bleeding moment like this.

She quickly kept her hand on his chest and pushed him. "I... I think we should go." She stammered with her eyes lowered down. Her cheeks flushed deep red and Young Min giggled.

His laugh was like honey and she was just lost in hearing that honey laugh. She stared all the way till he had sat in the driver seat and till he was done fastening his seatbelt. Today, it would really be hard for Son Mina to stop herself from staring at the handsome guy sitting beside her.

Not only that, it would be difficult to control her rapid beating heart.