Date Time

After a twenty-minute silent drive, Son Mina opened her mouth and asked "Where are we going?"

She felt awkward that the drive was just so silent. She could feel the silent atmosphere creeping her out. And up of that, there was no stopping of the moving car. She was just going and going on a long empty road. And when she looked at Young Min, she saw that he had a contented smile on his face. That was something new for her to see but... this silent atmosphere was just making her feel creepy.

She wanted to talk something with him. She wanted to know him.

When she asked him about where they were going, Kim Young Min replied before taking her hand in his hold "You will get to know once we get there." He rubbed her small hand with his thumb and replied "It is a small surprise."

Mina gave a nod and let him hold her hand in his. This feeling was so good. Compared to the hot kiss which they had yesterday, Mina felt holding hands better. It just made her sure that this warmth won't go so easily. However, once she was back to her world, she was gonna miss the time spent with this man.

She became a little upset when she remembered that she had come from the actual world and that she had to leave this comic world sometime or the other.

Nevertheless, she shrugged her shoulders and only focused on the warmth which his hand provided. She was going on a date for the first time in her entire life and she didn't want to spoil this moment by thinking about her return to the actual world.

She wanted to take some memories along with herself so that she could relish it in her world.

She intertwined her fingers with his and when Young Min looked at her surprised, she gave a beautiful smile.


After a one hour and thirty minutes long drive, the car finally came to a halt. Before bringing the car to a halt, Young Min had instructed Son Mina to keep her eyes closed. She had hesitated for half a second but closed her eyes.

"Don't peek, okay?" He got out of the car and opened her door. He carefully took her out of the car by holding her hands and made her take small slow steps to where he wanted her to go.

He kept his hands on her hands which were covering her eyes to make sure that she shouldn't peek at all. As he reached his destination, he slowly removed her hands and said "You can open your eyes now."

Son Mina slowly opened her eyes and looked at what was in front of her. Before she reached, she had heard the sound of waves and the smell which comes especially from a beach so, she had expected that they had come to a beach. But when she opened her eyes, the sight in front of her really surprised her.

The place was so beautifully lit and she had never seen such a beautiful sight before her. She saw that there was a dining table with two chairs. And from the candles which were kept on the table, she smiled thinking that it was a candle light date.

And she covered her mouth with her hands. "It is so beautiful!" She exclaimed with happiness.

As she looked at the perfectly decorated sight in front of her, her eyes immediately started to form tears and she wiped her eyes to stop the tears from coming out. She had never experienced such a beautiful thing in her entire life.

It was just so beautiful and her heart ached for more beautiful things.

"I am glad you like it... I wanted to make it more beautiful but I got very less time to do so." Young Min gave a sheepish smile while scratching the back of his head. And all of a sudden, he felt himself being pushed back due to a sudden force on him.

He widened his eyes in surprise and saw Mina hugging him. He blinked his eyes for a second and hugged her back.

"Thank you very much!" Mina cried out in his arms and embraced him even tighter.

And after a few seconds, she heard a soft mellow music.

"You want to dance?" Young Min asked her while intertwining his fingers with her right hand.

Mina shyly gave a nod and stood a few steps away from him. She kept her hand on his shoulder and looked right in his eyes.

As they both began to dance with the soft seductive music, they came more and more closer to one another. Young Min slightly caressed her back up and down and pulled her closer to him. He brushed his lips on her left cheek and pecked her earlobe.

"You did a mistake by agreeing with me for a date." He whispered in her ear and turned her. Her back touched his body and his hot breath was felt on her neck. Young Min kissed her on her neck and Mina moved away. He caught hold of both of her hands and pulled her back.

Again, her body touched him and it began to arouse him. He pressed her body more onto his and seductively whispered leaving hot breaths on her neck "You will know what I mean by it once we reach the deeper part of the night." He licked her neck and turned her around.

Son Mina smiled as she heard his words. She wanted to know what he was going to do later on. She looked him in his eyes and boldly replied with a seductive grin on her face. "I would love to know what you have planned for." She moved closer to him and traced his face with her index finger.

They looked deeply into each other's eyes and moved closer. Their foreheads touched one another and they felt each other's heavy breath. And then Young Min stopped.

"Let's eat now." Young Min held her by her waist and took her towards the dining table. He pulled the chair out for her and allowed Mina to sit. He sat opposite to her and opened the wine bottle.

He poured a glass of wine for her and then for himself.

"I hope you like what I am doing." He said with a smile and bought the glass near to her "Let's toast for our first date."

Mina cheered with her wine glass and took a sip. As the wine touched her taste buds, she liked the wonderful taste.

The beautiful sound of the waves mixed with the sound of the soft music made their date into a very beautiful one and Mina was assured that she was never going to forget a day like this. She enjoyed dancing with him, eating with him and what was left... she was sure that she was gonna enjoy it all.

As they were done with eating, Young Min walked towards her and stretched out his hand.

Mina looked at him confused as he took out a box from inside his pocket. She gulped trying to make herself ready for what was to come....

Kim Young Min sat on one knee and took out the ring from inside the box. While holding the ring in his hand, he asked with a warm and gentle tone "Will you marry me?"

"Marry?" And unexpectedly, a single question left Mina's mouth.

Young Min gave a nod and answered "I want to spend my entire lifetime with you trying to know you and falling in love with you every day. I know it is fast but I just want you in my life."


As Young Min heard her reply, he looked at her completely shocked. "Really?"

"Mhmm!!" Mina nodded and Young Min inserted the ring into her finger. He stood up and kissed her forehead "I promise to keep you happy always."