A Proposal And Watching The Sunrise

After enjoying a wonderful time by sitting at the beach, walking and talking to one another... Young Min and Mina felt tired. It was already midnight. And they had to go for work tomorrow. Thinking about work and leaving this beautiful day behind, Mina felt upset.

As Mina was walking to the car feeling dejected... Young Min walked up to her. His pants were pulled up to his knees while the sand covered his foot. With his shoes in his hand, he asked like a young teen "Will you watch the sunrise with me?"

Mina questioningly looked at him. Young Min saw the time in his wrist watch and said "There are like five more hours for the sunrise, So... we can watch it."

"Mhmm!! Okay." Mina made an okay sign and the ring in her hand shone brightly. Young Min walked towards her and held her hand. He touched the ring and said "It looks good on you."

"Yes, it does." Mina saw the ring in her hand and gave a beautiful smile. As she was just going to look at him, she felt his soft lips on hers.

Young Min kissed her lips which were pink and he bit on her lower lip. He immediately took her in his lap, princess-style and placed her inside the back seat of the car. He pounced on top of her and kissed her lips again. This was the best thing which has ever happened to him.

He had gotten everything which he had desired for... and it was only because of this beautiful woman whom he was kissing. He looked at her beautiful face and said "You are the wonderful thing which has ever happened to me."

He smiled and travelled his kisses down to her stomach. Slowly biting her there, he touched her belly button. Mina arched her body feeling some different sensational feeling and Young Min chuckled. He took her in his arms and rolled.

"Hey!!..." Mina frowned as she saw herself on top of him while he was below her.

"Sleep." Young Min placed her head on his chest and slightly caressed her hair. He was afraid that she would hear his wild beating heart and the heat emanating around his body...

But more than that, he wanted her close to her. So close that there shouldn't be a space in between.


At somewhat at 3am., Young Min opened his eyes. It was because he was feeling really hot. It was like as if his entire body was on fire. And then he felt someone touching him down in between his legs.

He looked down and saw Mina's thigh in between his legs. Then he looked at her. She was asleep. But why was she moving so much? Gosh!! It was making him crazy. He saw the bulge through his pants and became annoyed. It was just their first date and he didn't want to eat her on the first date itself.

He wanted to take things slow but seems like his body wasn't listening at all.

He quietly tried to get up. But his struggling woke up Mina and she opened her eyes. She looked up at him with her still closed eyes. "What's wrong?" She asked in a lazy voice.

She was still in her sleep and she hadn't realized that she was the one who woke him up.

"N..nothing!" Kim Young Min shook his head and opened the car door. He got out of the car and stretched his body.... "Wow!! Sleeping in a car is so struggling." He yawned and turned around to close the door when Mina also came out after him.

She too stretched her body and then closed the door behind her.

"Wh... what are you doing?" Young Min asked.

"Let's take a walk." Mina excitedly expressed and held him by his arm. "Let's go."

And they again took a long walk feeling the cold water on their feet.

While Mina was enjoying the feeling of cold water sweeping in between her toes, she felt some cold water splashed on her and she looked at the person splashing water on her. A chill ran through her body as the water was really cold.

"Hey!!!" She frowned and splashed water on Young Min.

As Young Min felt the cold water on his face, he winced and Mina laughed. "You deserve it!"

"You..." Young Min took a step towards her and Mina began to run. He chased after her and they both chased after one another taking long difficult steps in the wet sand.

"Ouch!!" And as Mina was running, she heard a scream behind her. She turned around and saw Young Min sitting on the wet sand while holding his ankle. Thinking that something happened to him, she ran towards him and squatted in front of him.

"You alright?" She touched his ankle and Young Min winced again.

"Does it hurt?" Mina concerningly asked and Young Min shook his head.


"Then... Nothing!" Young Min immediately pulled her down and Mina sat down with a thump.

"My clothes.... You!!" She frowned.

Seeing her frown, Kim Young Min began to laugh. And Mina joined him on. Hearing his laugh, her worries subsided and she enjoyed it. She continued laughing and they both laughed while looking at one another's silly looks.

"Let's write our name here." Mina pointed at the wet sand in between them and began to write her name on it. Young Min also joined her and they both wrote their names with a heart in between.

"This will be proof that we both love each other." Mina joyously said.

"The names on sand? They will be washed away."

"I know. Just wait." Mina got up and walked to the car. She bought her phone and took a snap of the written names on the sand. "The sand will be washed away but this snap won't be deleted from our lives."

She sat beside him and showed him the photo.

Thinking about her return to her world, Mina became a little upset and said "Whenever you miss me, just see this photo and think of the time we spent together, okay?"

To this, Young Min chuckled and held her hand "I don't think so I will miss you..." He saw her frowning and completed his sentence "Because you will always be beside me. I won't let you go!" He moved closer to her and captured her lips.

Mina kissed him back and they enjoyed a beautiful kiss feeling the blissful scenery behind them. "I love you!"

"I love you too!" Mina ran her hand through his hair and kissed him again.

They spent two hours waiting for the sun to come out sitting beside one another while holding each other's hands. Time to time, Young Min would kiss the back of her hand and bring it near to his heart. While Mina would just smile at him and enjoy the sound of the waves.

When Kim Young Min saw the sun coming out, he pulled Mina closer to him and kissed her lips.

"What is with this kiss now?" She asked him.

"I had thought it in my mind that I would kiss you when the sun comes out. So, I did." Young Min nonchalantly replied and continued seeing the sun.

Mina giggled and kissed his nose. "I love it."