Surrender Yourself!

Instead of taking his red jeep, Han Seo Jun took out his phone and called someone. 15 minutes later, a car came and stood in front of him. He got inside the car and said, "I have sent the location, just stop the car a few blocks behind."

These were the perks of being a rich brat… Cars used to arrive at Han Seo Jun's given destination in a jiffy. He scoffed as he realized how amusing and lavish his life was.

His life was going to be more wonderful once he was going to marry her. He smiled as he thought of Park Ji Hyun.

The white car stopped in front of an old building. Few buildings ahead of that old building was Ji Hyun's house. Han Seo Jun got out of his car and instructed his driver to stay parked at the same place.

Pulling his cap downwards, he sneakily walked towards Ji Hyun's house.

As he reached there, he saw that the main door of the house was open. He slowly stepped inside and noticed the shoes which were at the doorstep. As he was about to step inside the living room, he heard some moans coming from somewhere nearby.

Stepping inside the living room, he walked at where the sound was coming from. As he cautiously took steps without making any noise, he was able to hear the moans even louder.

At first, he thought that maybe he should run away because it might be Ji Hyun's dad and her mother engaged in a sexual activity.

But then, he remembered what Ji Hyun told him. She had said that her father comes home late at midnight. So, it was just 9, so what could those moans possibly be for? He cautiously took another step closer to the door which was slightly left ajar and peeked through it.

A man and a woman were kissing one another passionately without any clothes. He widened his eyes in complete shock when he realized that the man was none other than Ki Tae's homeroom teacher.

Not to mention, Ji Hyun had shown him the photos of all the people involved in this case. And he had seen Ki Tae's homeroom teacher and her mother as well.

"So, this is what the thing was?" He muttered and took out his phone. Taking a few snaps of them both and a small video, he left the house.

All the way until he reached the warehouse, he wondered how he was going to say her everything. More and more things were getting opened, Han Seo Jun could only doubt on Ji Hyun's mother or the homeroom teacher. He couldn't think of anything else other than that.

'The possible reason could be that no one knew about the relationship of Ji Hyun's mother, Kim Eun Soo or the homeroom teacher, Kang Do Hyun except for Ki Tae. And when these two got to know that Ki Tae knows about their affair, they might have tried to wipe him out together or any one person from the two could have done it!!

Aishh!! Why would a mother even kill her own son? Impossible! I am just thinking it wrong…. Might be something else.' After thinking that his conclusion was just something silly, he decided to not say anything to Ji Hyun about her mother's affair.

The car stopped in front of the warehouse and Seo Jun stepped out of his car to go inside. He opened the door of the warehouse and entered in.

As he stepped in, he saw Ji Hyun seated in a chair with a rope tied all over her body. A silver tape covered her mouth thereby not allowing her to speak.

"Noona?? Who did this to you?" He began to take steps towards her but Ji Hyun was shaking her head trying to say something.

She was making loud muffled noises and signaling him with her eyes. But Han Seo Jun was so concerned about her that he walked towards her without understanding what she was signaling at.

As he took a few more steps, he was hit by a thick iron rod at the back of his head.

Ji Hyun widened her eyes and struggled to loosen herself from the chair. Her eyes hurt to see him being hit.

"Ahhh!" Han Seo Jun tightly held his head in pain and turned around to see the person who had hit him. But before he could do so, he felt his eyes turning misty and his vision went blur. With a thud, he fell onto the ground and laid motionless.

The person who hit Han Seo Jun threw the iron rod on the floor and began to laugh maniacally. "Poor guy!! Why did he involve himself with a culprit like you?" The person walked towards Ji Hyun and removed the silver tape from her mouth.

"OH HYUK!!! HOW DARE YOU?? WHY DID YOU HIT HIM?" Ji Hyun yelled at him as she moved herself on the chair. She twisted and turned her hands to remove them from the rope but it was just too tight.

She saw Han Seo Jun lying still on the floor with a pool of blood spilling on the floor.

"Please… Just call the medics… He can't die!" Ji Hyun looked at Oh Hyuk apologetically and pleaded. "I beg you!! Please…"

Oh Hyuk chuckled again. He was finding it very amusing to see a prideful woman like Park Ji Hyun begging.

LOL!! This scene was the best ever.

He put his index finger inside his left ear and wiggled it. Taking it out, he said while rubbing his finger with his thumb "Okay!! I will do as you want but I need something in return."

He bent over and moved closer to her face "Will you do as I say?"

He continued "I will only call the medics when you do as I say, Deal?" He traced her cheek with his lips and Ji Hyun resented it.

She moved her face away from him and asked "What do you need?"

Oh Hyuk laughed again. He had an amused smile on his face. His eyes gleamed with happiness. But soon, all that was gone as he dangerously spouted his condition.

"Surrender yourself!"

His eyes became dark red with anger and they no longer twinkled. All that which could be seen on his face was anger and disgust.