Forceful Yet Sensual

Ah-Yeong gave a soft chuckle and retorted "No way!!! I would not fall in love with a man like him. I only have..." She turned around to speak. As she began to continue, she saw Sang Hoon standing in front of her. Her smile instantly vanished and she looked at him with wide opened eyes.

"You only have what? Why did you stop?" Meanwhile on the other end, Dae-Hyun wanted to hear what she had to say. He knew what she was going to say but he wanted her to say right when her husband was in front of her.

After hanging up the call, Dae-Hyun looked at the scene which was being played on his laptop. Seeing Ah-Yeong's face like that was so amazing... Wow!!! It was good that he got cameras installed in their house otherwise, it would have been really difficult to observe these various acts.

"Now the game is going to be more fun!" He smirked.

"Who was that on the line?"

Ah-Yeong trembled upon hearing Sang Hoon and she began fiddling with her fingers.

"I... It was Mom. No one else."

Ah-Yeong pushed her hair behind her ear and started walking past him. As she was just going, Sang Hoon pulled her by her hand and touched her face. He softly traced her cheek and then brushed her lips with his thumb. Moving closer, he whispered while making sure his lips touched her swan like neck.

"I don't want my woman to say words of that kind. So next time, I wouldn't want you saying that." He pulled Ah-Yeong's face upwards by holding her chin and asked her with different emotions inside his eyes "You got that?"

Ah-Yeong quickly gave a nod and started to walk away when she felt his grip on her hand loosen. But before she did that, she saw his handsome face moving closer to her and his hands around her waist.

Didn't know how Sang Hoon was able to pull this off so easily but whatever it was, he was glad for it. He was very much angry when he heard her words and noticed her shocked expression.

Judging from these, he was sure that the call was from her so-called man.

Well, whatever that was... this man to whoever she was talking with, Sang Hoon was confident that he would stay with her and not allow her to go to that man. To know that a wife was cheating on you was very hurtful but it was also very fun and enthusiastic to do some new things with her.

Looking straight into her eyes, Sang Hoon inched forward. He was close enough to feel her breath which was coming from her parted lips. Then he felt her hand on his chest. Sang Hoon held that hand and kissed it.

Throughout the way, his heart was beating incredibly fast but maybe it was normal... because it was his first in a while that he was going to kiss Ah-Yeong in a sensual way.

Looking into her eyes, he smiled with his eyes twinkling brightly. He kept the hand which he had held on his shoulder and pulled her closer by her waist. He saw Ah-Yeong turning her face to the other side, trying not to look at him. He giggled and made her look at him. Moving close to her, he kissed her on her lips.

"Wait... You can't!" Ah-Yeong struggled out from his hold and pushed her head behind.

Yet Sang Hoon held the back of her head, kept her in place and kissed her on her parted lips. No matter how much she struggled, he didn't let go of her and inserted his tongue inside her mouth.

He knew that what he was doing was wrong and that he was forcing her, he had no other way to have her close to him. No matter how much she struggled in his hold, he just kissed her until she was calm and accepted him.

When he no longer felt her struggling, he let go of her lips and stared at her face while still keeping her in his hold. "You are beautiful, Ah-Yeong! Really beautiful!"

Stopping in between, he traced her cheek and continued "I want to keep you with me and only me, Ah-Yeong! So, please..." He felt his hand tremble when he remembered of what Ah-Yeong was speaking during the phone call.

It just was very aching to hear those words from her.

When she had bought a gift for him on his birthday and had also agreed to sleep together with him, Sang Hoon was very elated. He was sure that he was making some progress and that he would be together with her in no time.

But when he heard words like that today, Sang Hoon felt that he had just fallen back to zero progress. He was so hurt that he felt like crying. Water was forming inside his eyes and he tried his best to hide his tears.

He placed his hands on her shoulder and said while keeping his head lowered "Please, Just please, love me and stay with me always! Don't ever let me go, Ah-Yeong! Just don't!"

After saying his words, Sang Hoon no longer had the strength to look at her and he walked out of the house without turning back. After all this, he no longer had the desire to stay at home or to hear her reply.

His heart was very much hurt and he just couldn't stay inside and let his heart be hurt again.

Ah-Yeong just couldn't digest all that what had happened right now. She looked at the door which made a clicking sound after being closed. Her mind repeated his words again and again like a rollercoaster and she just sat down on her knees.

Those words, she didn't know why but they were hurting her a lot. The more they got repeated, the more they began to hurt her. She clenched her shirt tightly but she couldn't remove this pain from her heart.

She covered her ears with her hands to stop herself from hearing those words again.

"Stop!!! Stop already.... I don't want to hear anything! JUST STOPPPP!!!" Ah-Yeong screamed. She felt her vision going blur. Everything turned black around her and she fell down on the floor.

Dae-Hyun was a little stunned by what he saw on his screen. Although he saw what was happening around, he couldn't hear anything... because the camera which he had installed couldn't detect sound.

And he was eager to know what Ah-Yeong's husband had said to her such that she cried and lost her consciousness. 'Does he already know about it?' He asked himself. Well, it was a good thing if Ah-Yeong's husband, Sang Hoon knew about their affair but... he didn't wanted it to happen this soon.

Considering how Ah-Yeong had just lost her consciousness, he wanted to hurt her even more.