Another Confession

Although, it took Ah-Yeong some time to accept Sang Hoon, it was worth the wait. She now loved him more than Dae-Hyun and everything was so happy. She was still feeling a little bit guilty but it wasn't anything like the first day when she had returned back home after breaking up with Dae-Hyun.

Now, Ah-Yeong had even learned to cook. She had to learn cooking because she couldn't let her husband go to work on an empty stomach. Despite of Sang Hoon giving her permission to go and do some job, Ah-Yeong didn't go.

Because she just wanted to be like a proper housewife for him and make out for the time which she had missed with Sang Hoon.

Today was a weekend and they both had planned to go out for dinner.

Ah-Yeong wore a brown skirt which was till her mid-calf and a black full sleeved top. She applied some light makeup and tied her hair in a low bun. When she was wearing her sandals, she saw the door open and noticed Sang Hoon walking inside.

Sang Hoon walked in and complimented her "You look beautiful!"

Ah-Yeong gave a smile and walked to the closet to take out some clothes for him. "I think these will look good on you." She said while taking out a black t-shirt and a beige pant. As she was about to turn around to give Sang Hoon his clothes, she felt him hugging her.

A faint blush came over her cheeks and she asked stammering "Wh...What are you doing?"

She tried to get away from his hold but while doing so, she heard him say "Can we please stay like this for a while?" Hearing a request from him in a low voice, Ah-Yeong couldn't help but stop struggling.

Although, her heart had begun beating frantically, she just kept on taking deep breaths to calm her heart. As she stood there unmoving, taking long deep breaths, Ah-Yeong heard him again. And what she heard reminded her of her past actions.

"Do you want to stay with me, Ah-Yeong?"

Asking this question took a lot of courage and strength for Sang Hoon. Although the words were simple, they really weren't easy to tell at all. He knew that things would change after he asked this question.

But he also wanted to know how she feels.

Ever since he told her that he wouldn't divorce her, he felt that he was forcing Ah-Yeong to fall in love with him. It would also have been good if she had fallen in love with him.

But it had been so long and he never heard anything from her. She used to avoid him as much as possible. And tonight, somehow or the other they were going out for dinner. But that also felt very much forced.

Sang Hoon felt that maybe, Ah-Yeong didn't wanted to stay with him so, he asked her that. And the reason why he for once crossed the boundaries by giving her a sudden hug was that if Ah-Yeong was to say that she wanted to go, it would be his last hug with her.

And if she wasn't... Well, Sang Hoon couldn't hope for this. He lost all his confidence in asking that question.

As he heard no reply from her, he let go of her and took the clothes from her hand.

"I think your silence says it all, Ah-Yeong. Let's make it our last dinner together and do as you like, okay?" Sang Hoon said with a soft voice and turned around to walk to the bathroom.

"I love you." When Ah-Yeong saw his retreating back, she quickly expressed what she felt.

But Sang Hoon had taken it all wrong and he said without turning around "You don't have to force yourself, Ah-Yeong. I will be happy with whatever decision you make." With that, Sang Hoon stepped inside the bathroom.

Just as he was closing the door of the bathroom, Ah-Yeong immediately walked to the bathroom and pushed the door with force. As a result, Sang Hoon's forehead got hurt by the side of the door and he squealed with pain.

"OUCH!!! OUCH!!! What are you doing?"

He rubbed his forehead and looked at Ah-Yeong who was standing still while looking down.

"Do you want to use the bathroom, Ah-Yeong? If so, I will go out." He was just about to exit when he heard Ah-Yeong.

"I LOVE YOU!" This time, Ah-Yeong said while clenching her fists tightly. Now, if Sang Hoon was to say something like don't force yourself or bla bla bla, Ah-Yeong really didn't know what she was going to do to him.

Just as anticipated, Sang Hoon turned around while repeating the same sentence and upon hearing that, Ah-Yeong could no longer control her anger. She quickly pushed Sang Hoon to the door and placed a kiss on his lips.

While Sang Hoon was very much taken aback by her sudden kiss, Ah-Yeong roamed her tongue inside his mouth trying to taste him and when she was done, she looked him in his eyes and said "I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOUUU!!!"

When Ah-Yeong didn't see any expression other than a shocked one on Sang Hoon's face, she grunted and pulled him by his hair. Biting his lower lip, she kissed him again and loudly screamed in his ear "I LOVE YOU!"

Sang Hoon rubbed his ear and spoke. "Ahh! Why are you so loud? I can hear that."

"Because you are not saying anything?!" Ah-Yeong said with a twisted expression on her face and took a deep sigh. "Now that I told you how I feel, take a bath and come and we will go out together."

"Yeah?" Sang Hoon said with an evil smirk and immediately pulled her close.

"Now, it is my time to kiss you!"

With a smile on his face, Sang Hoon moved closer and kissed Ah-Yeong. And he kissed her until he was satisfied. Holding her face in his hand, he traced her lips with his thumb and said "I'm glad my plan worked."

"Huh?" Ah-Yeong looked at him with a flabbergasted expression and Sang Hoon winked at her.

He pulled her close by her waist and whispered "Even if you were not going to say that, there was no way that I would have separated from you. Hehe!" He gave an evil grin and kissed her cheek.

Ah-Yeong puffed up her face and lifted her hand to lightly smack him when Sang Hoon held her hand and kissed it. He looked at the ring in her hand and said "I think we should change this ring now. We have been wearing it for a long time."

When Ah-Yeong shyly gave a nod, he teased her "The lady who was just kissing me and saying 'I Love You' so boldly can also be this shy?" He started to laugh and this made Ah-Yeong annoyed.

She retracted her hand from his hold and turned around to walk away when Sang Hoon pulled her in a tight embrace and muttered while kissing her hair "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, Ah-Yeong. I LOVE YOU, TOO!"