Let's Just Go Of The Past

The two of them walked back home. Ah-Yeong removed her hand from his hold. She was walking blankly back to her room when Sang Hoon called out.

She turned to face him and he said "I have been really stupid to not tell you about my feelings but now that you know..." He paused and took out a ring from inside his pocket. While rubbing the ring with his thumb, he asked "Can you please wear this ring back?"

Ah-Yeong gave a confusing look to him and he walked closer to her.

Holding her hands in his, Sang Hoon explained "I know that you did a wrong thing and you are feeling guilty of it... But you did all that because you never had a life which you wanted. And it was all because I was too much focused on my work and never expressed my feelings towards you.

So now... I just want you to forget the past and so, will I. Let's just have a new beginning, Ah-Yeong. Just the two of us. What do you say?"

Hearing his words made Ah-Yeong so emotional that she immediately lowered her head and quietly gave a nod.

With a soft chuckle, Sang Hoon inserted the ring in her ring finger.

"This marks the beginning of our new life, Ah-Yeong!" With that, he kissed Ah-Yeong's hand and dropped her till her room.


Later in the evening, Ah-Yeong sat inside her room thinking about what all had happened. She had done something wrong but Sang Hoon wasn't saying her anything. Instead of divorcing her, he just proposed her and this was not at all okay with Ah-Yeong.

After Dae-Hyun told her that he had nothing to do with her and was just taking on his revenge, Ah-Yeong felt like a fool, to even get crazy over Dae-Hyun's sweet words which were never meant wholeheartedly for her.

And now when Sang Hoon was wanting to start a new life with her despite of knowing that she had an affair, she felt guilty... really guilty.

But she didn't know what to do to remove this guilt which was residing in her heart. She just felt that it was better to leave him and go. But her body never listened to her and she ended up staying in her room.

Ah-Yeong felt so bad thinking about the argument which she had with her mother in the store that day. Now that she thought of it, she really felt so dumb to run away from her mother after shouting at her and hugging Dae-Hyun as if he was a right person and her mother being wrong.

She soon realized that sometimes it is better to not listen to your heart. The reason why she ended up doing things of this kind was because she just had feelings for this Dae-Hyun who wasn't loving her back but was just trying to make her cry and suffer just how she had done to him.

But she had all done it for his good. Had she not have broken up with him, then maybe, things would have been even more difficult than this.

And as she was done with all this, another question came in her mind.

Would she be able to open her heart to Sang Hoon and love him just the way she loved Dae-Hyun?

Ah-Yeong didn't know the answer to this but she wanted to give it a try. It wasn't that she was being greedy but she just wanted to have a normal life like everyone else. And she was also punished for her wrongdoings so, Ah-Yeong just wanted to try opening her heart for Sang Hoon.


Since, Sang Hoon had taken a leave today, he had already started receiving mails and texts from his colleagues. So, he had thought of doing some work until dinner time. But he hadn't realized that it was already dinner time until he heard some various noises coming from the kitchen.

He immediately walked out of the room only to see a crying Ah-Yeong standing inside the kitchen.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He walked towards her and held her by her shoulders.

"I tried to cook but I failed." Ah-Yeong replied.

Sang Hoon looked at the mess created in the kitchen and then looked at her "Are you feeling hungry? You could have told me; I would have cooked something for you." He made her sit on one of the chairs by the dining table and began to clean the mess.

"It wasn't for me but for you." Ah-Yeong stuttered and answered in a low voice. She saw him looking at her very surprised.

"W... were you really... trying to do that?" Sang Hoon asked with a flabbergasted expression on his face. When he saw Ah-Yeong giving a nod, he quickly walked towards her and sat beside her. Taking her hand in his, he asked puzzled "Were you actually going to cook for me?"

Ah-Yeong slightly gave a nod and said while looking down on the floor "I know I did a wrong thing and I feel guilty about it. You have done so much for me and I want to try opening my heart for you."

Hearing her words, Sang Hoon became very elated. He slowly lifted her face up and said "It is enough that you told me. You don't have to do anything more than this, Ah-Yeong. Just be by my side, always. That much is enough for me to know that you accept me, okay?" He kissed her forehead when Ah-Yeong again nodded.