A Confession

"Ever since, I brought you home when you were drunk that night."

The night when she was drunk... Ah-Yeong remembered that night clearly.

The last time Ah-Yeong got drunk was when she had food together with Dae-Hyun and Eun Jin after he had introduced Eun Jin as his university classmate. That night itself, she should have realized that he was playing with her but instead of that Ah-Yeong had gone to a pojangmacha to drink and get wasted.

However, when she was unconscious due to drinking, she didn't know who had taken her back home... And the next day after that was Sang Hoon's birthday....

It had already been some time since that incident happened and she looked at him with her eyes widened in surprise. 'He knew it from that time?'

She saw him getting up from his seat so, she immediately said "Then why did you never told me about it?" As she got no reply from him, she continued "And the day after that was your birthday, why did you never said anything? You even requested that we sleep..."

"I wasn't that sure about it first. But after sleeping with you that night, I was confident enough that you were involved with someone else. Those love bites on your neck, the way you were calling that man to not let you go in your sleep made me assured that you were with someone else." Sang Hoon interjected Ah-Yeong by looking at her with mixed emotion in his eyes.

Ah-Yeong widened her eyes with utter shock. "Then you..." She saw Sang Hoon walking inside the kitchen and she sighed. She rested her elbow on the table and placed her hand on her forehead. Right now, all this came as a big shock to her. Up of that, she no longer was able to stay here and ask further questions to him.


She stood up from her place and walked after him. Standing by the doorway, she saw him washing the utensils in the sink, ever so calmly.

"Why you never..." When Ah-Yeong was about to complete her question, Sang Hoon turned around and said "Let's talk outside while having a walk. The weather seems to be nice and I will answer all your questions outside." He gave a smile.

Ah-Yeong took another sigh and followed after Sang Hoon.

While Ah-Yeong was stepping out of the door, Sang Hoon blocked her path by his hand in front of her and asked "You don't want to change your clothes or something? Like you have been wearing them since two days..."

Ah-Yeong looked down at her clothes. She was wearing a T-shirt and shorts.... Maybe she can get a change. She gave a nod and walked to her room. Changing into some comfortable clothes, she came out and the two walked out of the house for a walk, of course... with questions and answers!


"So, why do you not want to divorce me?" It had only been five minutes since they walked out and Ah-Yeong asked her question which she had been holding inside herself for so long.

"It is simple. I love you, Ah-Yeong." Sang Hoon nonchalantly replied and bought his hands behind his back.

"Why?" Ah-Yeong glanced up at Sang Hoon and noticed that he was still calm and composed.

"Why do you love a woman like me?" She again asked after looking at him. Her face had only one expression and that was confusion.... She was very much confused as to how Sang Hoon could be so calm despite of knowing that his wife cheated on him?!

If it had been some other man, maybe, he would have divorced that woman right away or strangled her to death but Ah-Yeong really couldn't understand as to why this man loved her even after knowing her dirty deeds.

"I just love you. I don't care what type of woman you are, Ah-Yeong. All I do is love you and I don't want to divorce you."

However, his same and simple answer surprised her again. She stopped in her tracks and kept her hands on either side of her waist.

"Despite of knowing that I was cheating on you... you just kept quiet and don't want to divorce me." Getting a nod from Sang Hoon, Ah-Yeong heaved a long sigh. She rubbed her forehead with her hand and then looked at him.

Sang Hoon still had that calm and composed look on his face. From that smile, she could make out that this man was really feeling pleasant.

"Do you know that if some other guy was in your place, he would have either divorced me the instant he knew that I cheated on him or either he would have strangled me to death?!" Saying that, Ah-Yeong began to walk further.

However, she stopped in her tracks when she heard Sang Hoon say just like a whisper "I can't divorce you just because you had an affair or something. I love you, Ah-Yeong and this, I mean it from the bottom of my heart. This love which I have for you, I can't just toss it away like a used toy.

I know, I should have stopped you from meeting that guy but I just don't know... I just don't know how to do that. I feared that if I was to do so our relationship would crumble even more just like that time when I had kissed you all of a sudden and we tried to avoid one another for a long time while committing to our mistakes.

I didn't wanted those things to happen again so, I just waited hoping that you would return, Ah-Yeong."

Walking and standing beside her, Sang Hoon held her hand. Although Ah-Yeong retracted her hand from his, he again held it back and said "I might have been stupid to not tell you about my feelings, Ah-Yeong... So, now... I want to say them properly."

With that, he clearly pronounced "I-LOVE-YOU" and expressed his feelings.

"I..." Sang Hoon pecked her lips and said "Let's go home now... We can talk more inside." He turned around with a shy look on his face never leaving the hand which he had held for even a second and walked inside the house.