I’m Fed Up

When James witnessed Mirae looking at him, he couldn't help but smile but soon that smile faded when he saw tears at the corner of her eyes. He wanted to ask her as to why she was crying but he couldn't make out a sentence to ask her.

He looked at her hand which was resting at her lap and he hoped that he could hold it and calm her down but he wasn't that close to hold her hand or something. He could only talk with her from a far.

"Are you okay?" And he asked a simple yet inquisitive question which made Mirae come to her senses. She looked at James who was looking at her worried and she stood up. "I'm sorry. I will use the restroom."

Mirae knew that she was just stupid to think that far but why was it that her heart was hurting so much? Why was she even crying?

Wiping her tears with the back of her hand, Mirae walked out of the theatre to the washroom. Thankfully, the restroom was empty and she stared at herself in the wide mirror.

The mirror showed the reflection of herself and Mirae noticed another fault within her. She was just some simple, middle-class girl. Her clothes were not expensive and she was always dressed plain. A mocking laugh escaped her mouth and she punched the mirror.

It hurt!

"Sorry, I'm not feeling well. I'm heading back home." After a few more minutes in the restroom, Mirae typed a message to her friends. She deliberately didn't message James's cause now, she felt that it was better to avoid him.

The chances of them getting together were very low.

Mirae came out of the washroom and jumped up in fright as she saw a familiar silhouette standing by the door frame. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" She asked James who was standing at the doorway folding his hands above his chest.

James shrugged his shoulder and nonchalantly replied "I came to take you. SIMPLE!" He gave a smile and approached her. From her red eyes and swollen face, he could make out that she was crying. Now he had no reason other than this to hold her hand.

James held her hand and began to take her inside the theatre. When Mirae removed her hand from his hold he turned around and looked at her "You don't want to complete watching the movie?" He asked raising one of his eyebrows.

Mirae hid both her hands behind her back and answered while keeping her head lowered. "I'm not feeling well so, I will be heading home."

"Yeah? Then, let's go. I will take you home." James took a step back and stood next to her. He took the hand which was behind her and Mirae again shrugged it off "Please! I want to go alone."

"Alone? You can be alone in the car. I will keep my mouth zipped." He again tried to hold her hand but this time Mirae pushed him. "Please STOP!" She looked up at him and that's when James noticed her face. She was crying even now.

Mirae again lowered her head down and began to walk out.

For a while, James was stunned by her but he followed after her. He also walked out and saw that she had already walked very far. James began to take big steps after her.

Hearing footsteps behind her, Mirae increased her speed. Time by time, she kept on wiping her tears. When she heard the footsteps nearer, she stopped and turned around. "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?" She screamed at James who had also stopped because she had stopped.

"I'M FED UP! PLEASE, LEAVE ME ALONE! I will take a cab home." She began to yell not caring about the impact.

When James heard Mirae and saw that she was walking away, he screamed back "I'M ALSO FED UP!" When he noticed that Mirae had stopped walking, he walked after her and stood opposite her, face-to-face.

"I'm also fed up, Mirae. I want to know why you are running away like this and why you are crying. I want you to open up with me." And he began to ask her questions... When he noticed that Mirae was calm, he held her hand and comforted her.

"You can share with me anything you want, Mirae. I won't dislike it. Just open up with me." He lightly brushed her knuckles of her cold hand and linked his hand with hers.

"You can share anything, Mirae. Even if it is about me."

Slowly, slowly while saying words like that, he brought her to his car. He took a look at her face and she was still crying. But this time, she looked cute. A small chuckle escaped his mouth and he pulled her into an embrace.

"You can always share things with me even if; I don't want to listen or will feel bored, I will listen to you, Mirae. ALWAYS!" He slightly rubbed her back but soon he pushed her away and looked at her with a confused expression.

"What did you just say?" He asked keeping his eyes opened wide.

"When did you start calling me Mirae? Weren't you calling me Miss Mirae?" Mirae looked at him with a questionable expression and then shrugged when she saw his puzzled expression.

Didn't know why all this while, she felt it really different for James to only call her Mirae and not use any formalities towards her. Once again, she got a hope in her heart that something might start in between them but she just shrugged it off.

Mirae didn't wanted to show James that she was going to cry again and that too for some silly suspicion.

Even James hadn't realized that he was not using any sort of formality towards her. He was holding her hand, he was embracing her, and he was also comforting her. And then he was just calling her by her name.

He felt joyous to think about this. And the best part was that it was really nice to just call Mirae by her name without any formalities.

"Uhh, well... it just happened." James scratched the nape of his neck and quickly opened the door for Mirae. "Please, get in, Miss Mirae..."

Now that he realized how he was calling her, he decided to call her using the same formality again thinking that maybe he had offended her.

Mirae broke him off and said "Mirae, please!" With that, she sat inside his car.