The Day When They Got Back Together And Did Something New

Yang Woo-Jin looked around and noticed the students murmuring. He knew that this topic was going to be a hot news tomorrow. Nevertheless, he just wanted to do what he had been trying to do since a few months.

Ever since he felt that he was nothing less than a loser in Da-Jung's family, he wanted to end up all things with her. But every time, he wanted to say it, Woo-Jin was afraid that he would end up hurting her.

But today, as he was not able to write his exam, Woo-Jin realized that he was just a fool to run around and around like a crazy dog after his wife. Even after knowing that he had his exam, Woo-jin was very much annoyed by Da-Jung because all she said to him was to come early to see her perform on stage. She hadn't even wished him a good luck!

And after this, Woo-Jin realised what value he had in her life and also in her parent's life. He surely was a poor guy who was not of their status!

So, even if it hurt the two of them, Woo-Jin thought it was better to take a divorce because he knew that things after this were surely not going to get back to normal! But he just wanted to see how things would go for once more!

Seeing Woo-Jin silent, Da-Jung approached closer to him and held his hand. "Please, let's go home and talk! Tell me everything that I did wrong and I will try to be good with you."

Woo-Jin felt her small hand trying to intertwine with his big one and he just couldn't help but sigh. Just like how it was hard for Da-Jung to read those words, it was also hard for Woo-Jin to write them and send them to her.

Seeing Da-Jung's adorable face, Woo-Jin couldn't help but give her one more chance. If she was to change, then he also would change. He said to himself and they walked out of the university building to the parking lot.

While going back home, Da-Jung received a bunch of texts and calls from her parents and friends. As she was going to reply, her mother called and she picked up the phone. And when her mother asked as to why she ran away without even singing, Da-Jung looked at Woo-Jin who was driving.

She held his hand and looked at him from the side and said with a smile "I had an important matter to attend to, Mom! Don't worry... the competition will come again but this chance won't!" Da-Jung smiled and hung up the call. She looked outside of the window and noticed the clear blue sky. It was just like that day when she had gone for her first date and met Woo-jin.

"You know, Woo-Jin Oppa? I don't know what made you change your mind but I'm really grateful for what you did because... without you I can never be happy. I really love you and I also can't stay without you!"

Realizing the mistake which he made, Woo-Jin parked the car in an empty and deserted area. "I'm sorry about my behavior back then!" He remarked when Da-Jung turned to look at him with a questionable look on her face.

"I..." Woo-Jin stopped while his eyes suddenly met Da-Jung's and he inched closer to her face. Touching her short black hair, he looked into her eyes and continued "I love you too, Da-Jung!" With that, he kissed her parted lips.

[WARNING: Hot content ahead! You can skip if you like.]

Da-Jung also kissed him back. She unfastened her seatbelt while running her hand through his hair. It had been a long time since they made out and this felt to be the perfect opportunity to make love.

He travelled his hand behind her back and sensually unzipped her dress making Da-Jung waver with his touch. As his cold fingers brushed her hot back, Da-Jung flinched and pulled Woo-Jin closer to her chest.

He pulled her and made him sit in his lap. As he slowly began pushing her dress down by her shoulders, she pushed him a little away such that she could see his face and asked with a shy and flustered expression on her face "What if someone sees us?"

Yang Woo-Jin chuckled and kissed her hand that had rested on his chest. He pulled her dress halfway down to her waist, exposing Da-Jung's fair body and round breasts which were hidden with a peach bra.

Inching closer, he kissed her protruding collarbone and replied with a cheerful smile on his face "Don't worry, my darling! It is an empty road; no one will see us. And even if they did, they will know how much we love one another; doing something like this even when the sun hasn't gone home yet. Hehe!"

"Idiot!" She laughed after hitting him lightly on his chest.

Woo-Jin also laughed with her and held her hands in his. Kissing them, he looked in her eyes which were a bit puffed up due to that crying. "I'm sorry for making you cry." He said while caressing her eyes and closed the gap in between them with a kiss.

"I wish I could witness you sing in this dress, Da-Jung! You looked absolutely stunning; so stunning that I just wanted to hide you from all those men who were looking at you."

He travelled his kisses down to her neck and left small red bites as he passed down. Reaching her breasts which were showing the erected buds despite being covered with a bra, he looked up at her with an evil grin on her face.

As Da-Jung looked down at him, he mischievously remarked "These guys are begging me to be set free. So, I'm going to free them." He unhooked her bra and pulled it down exposing her soft and small erected breasts.

When she covered them with her hands being a little of his continuous stares, he removed her hands and took one last look before engulfing one by one in his mouth. As he sucked one, he played with the other and this made Da-Jung's breath hot.

Slowly, Woo-Jin snaked his hand in between her thighs. Rubbing the area which was hidden by a panty but damp, he bit her left breast.

"You are wet!" He said as he slowly pulled down her panty and touched her private part. His fingers made a sloppy sound as they were rubbed around her wet area.

As his pace of rubbing increased, Da-Jung tried controlling her moans by biting her lips and covering her mouth with her hand. Her body wavered with his mouth sucking her and his fingers doing their work below and she started to move on his lap. A familiar yet different feeling got aroused in her body and she started to move her hips even faster. Her breath turned raspy and she tightly clenched his shoulder.

With his fingering speed increased, Da-Jung couldn't control her moans no matter how much she tried and she moaned out loud. Although, this was all common between them because they had been together for four years, Da-Jung felt a little different with what happened today.

They were distancing themselves from each other for a long time and now, they are suddenly engaging into this... It just felt a little different and this was the reason what made her shy and suppress her moans like a first-timer.

But now that, she had seen the look in his eyes, she no longer felt shy and instead, she decided to take the initiative; cause he was going too slow which was very hard for her to control.

"TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT!" She said as she began pulling his t-shirt upwards. Woo-Jin stopped and raised his hands upwards so that Da-Jung could remove his t-shirt. When she removed it, she threw it on the seat next to her and kissed his chest.

Woo-Jin was surprised with her initiative but he smiled and touched her hair. "I don't want this day to ever end." He said and unzipped his pants.

He closed the gap in between them by kissing her lips which had just stopped kissing his chest just a moments ago. And with that, he entered inside her.

Feeling him inside herself after a long time, Da-Jung growled with ecstasy. Her body arched upwards as she felt her breast inside his mouth.

She ran her hand through his hair and clasped her hands tightly around his neck. Slowly, the car was filled with various moans as the couple orgasmed a couple of times to fulfil their incomplete and restrained desires.

That day during Winter, Da-Jung and Woo-Jin were just about to break up but they didn't and found themselves doing something new and bold in their fourth year of married life.



As Da-Jung woke up from her slumber after having a dream of someone she didn't wanted to think about, she grunted. Her life was already miserable and now she already started having dreams of this man again.

Thinking about the time when they were on the verge of breaking up, Da-Jung felt embarrassed. "I shouldn't have done that with him. If he wanted a divorce, I would have given him then and there…" Contemplating over her past for a long time, Da-Jung shook her head later on while saying that it was waste to think about her past… because she believed that they won't have to meet again.

But who knew that she was destined to meet Woo-Jin again?