Chicken, Beer And Woo-Jin

As the sweet and bitter soju touched her throat, Da-Jung moaned with happiness. "It feels amazing to have a drink while eating." She took a bite from her BBQ chicken and took a shot of soju at the same time. It truly was heavenly.

"Ahh!!! It is yum!" Meeting her long time best friend, having some unexpected incidents and then throwing that all aside by drinking and eating BBQ; everything felt great!

Son Jinha noticed his friend who was eating with no care in the world. He chuckled at her childish behavior. It felt like old times. Although back then, they couldn't drink because of being underage, they enjoyed eating the delicious dishes that were served in a typical stall.

As he reminisced his old days, he gave a beautiful smile. He also took a shot from the soju and ate just like Da-Jung.

"So from how long are you working in Woo-Jin's company?" Da-Jung took a bite from her chicken and rested her back on the chair while waiting for him to reply. The alcohol was starting to effect her and she could feel her cheeks turning red.

"Woo-Jin? Since when did you became so casual with him? If he hears you, he surely wouldn't like it." Son Jinha was surprised upon hearing his bestie calling Woo-Jin with his first name. He had been in the company for three years and he never called him Woo-Jin. He couldn't do so. So, why was she doing it?

"My ass Yang Woo-Jin!" The alcohol had increased its effect on Da-Jung. It had probably started working even quicker because she was getting furious just by hearing Woo-Jin's name. She was finding it hard to control her anger.

"Have a grudge or something against him?" Now her angered behavior towards Woo-Jin made Jinha curious. But then he thought that she might be his hardcore fan or something and was broken-hearted by his harsh words. "Are you by chance his biggest fan?"

Da-Jung who was taking another sip from her soju choked after hearing Son Jinha's question. "Biggest fan? Do you wish to die or what? Fan my ass!" She spoke through gritted teeth and took another sip.

And the cold alcohol went down her throat and calmed down her boiling anger. Placing the bottle down on the table, Da-Jung eyed Jinha for a while.

Jinha gave a 'hey-why-are-you-staring-at-me' type of look and raised one of his brows with doubt.

"You got a girlfriend?"

This time Jinha was the one who choked on his alcohol. He spitted down the alcohol on the floor and complained "Hey! Give me a warning before you ask me such questions! I was almost choked to death."

And when Da-Jung gave a displeased look, Jinha sighed with defeat. "No girlfriend. Purely single!" He answered to her question while signaling with his hands that he was a pure saint.

"Oh good!" She gave a thumbs-up and noticed him having another sip from his soju.

Eyeing him for a while, she asked "Do you by chance still think about Sina?"

Another shot of a sudden question, again, made Son Jinha choked. Right now he just felt like squishing Da-Jung's neck for asking questions of this kind without any warning. When he saw her being silent, he took another sip from his bottle and answered

"I think I do." He scratched the back of his neck while being a little shy.

And soon enough as Da-Jung heard his reply, she took out her phone and called Sina.

"Hello! What's up?" Sina picked up the call. She was packing up her things to go back home but she received a call from Da-Jung and she picked it up.

Da-Jung looked at Jinha and smiled "Are you free tomorrow?"

"Mhmmm yes! Why?" She answered while ascending down the stairs.

"I'm setting you up on a blind date. Enjoy and thank me later!"

"What? Why?…." Before Sina could react properly, the phone was cut off. "Blind date? Is she crazy?"

"Why did you do that? Do you want me to suffer while seeing her go with someone else?" Jinha looked at Da-Jung being confused.

Da-Jung took another sip from her soju and said after flicking his forehead "Idiot! That is for you. I will send you the location. Make sure to be there on time and meet Sina. She is also still single. And probably waiting for you..." She gave a devil grin as she became satisfied paying the cupid. Now all she jus wanted was things to go smooth between her two friends who always had feelings for one another but coudn't tell.

And after saying that, both Byeon Da-Jung and Son Jinha talked about their old times. As they began talking more and more, they also ordered for more bottles of soju and drank.

Talks progressed and Jinha got to know that Da-Jung was divorced. Maybe if he had not liked Sina, Son Jinha would have proposed Da-Jung and married her. And also wouldn't have let her alone like this just like her ex-husband.

He felt bad to see his friend hiding so many things behind her warm smile. It felt really bad. Da-Jung was the most cheerful person in their group and he couldn't see her cry like this. Maybe the alcohol tolerance had reached its peak and Da-Jung could feel herself losing her consciousness.

Now she had to leave.

She stood up from her chair and took stumbling steps outside the restaurant. Jinha also followed after her, after paying the bill. He too was drunk and could barely take steps to walk. And when Da-Jung walked out of the restaurant, she tripped and lost her balance. However, instead of feeling the rock hard floor, she felt someone's arm holding her by her waist.

She opened her eyes which were closed because of her thinking that she woud fall down, and looked at the pair of black eyes which were looking at her. At once, Da-Jung realized who the person was and she struggled to stand straight and get away from his grip.

However, Woo-Jin being the tough guy didn't let go of Da-Jung and took her in his car.

Son Jinha just stood there baffled while looking at the two who were looking at one another eye to eye. And as he saw Woo-Jin, his boss, taking Da-Jung inside his car, he also walked after him. Woo-Jin looked at Jinha who was standing behind him and he instructed him to sit in the front seat. And with stumbling steps, Jinha sat inside Woo-Jin's car.

Even though, Woo-Jin didn't wanted to take Jinha along due to the jealousy filled inside his heart, he thought that he shouldn't be bad to his employ who had worked hard with him for three years.

Nevertheless, he didn't allow him to sit with Da-Jung. Instead he sat beside her, made Jinha sit in the front seat and ordered his driver to drive. Actually, the thing was, ever since he saw them hug, Woo-Jin was curious to know what relationship these two held and he had followed them here.

He was very glad to know that they were just friends and nothing more but he was also very hurt to see Da-Jung cry.

Those tears… they were the same when he had asked her to sign the divorce papers.