Another Best Friend And Some Jealousy

"Maybe, I'm mistaken!" Da-Jung bit her thumb and took out her phone from her bag. She again looked at the message which was sent to Woo-Jin regarding the account number. She became angry when she saw that there was no reply "Is he crazy or what? First, he asks me to send money at so and so time, when I couldn't do that, he makes me clean his house and now when I'm asking for his account number, he is not even responding? How irresponsible he is?!"


When Da-Jung heard someone's voice, she turned around only to see that same face again.

"Are you talking about me?" She heard the man ask. However, she was in no condition to respond to his question because she was very much assured to see her old-time bestie, Son Jinha in front of her.

And she immediately hugged him.

The man was taken aback by the sudden hug and he pushed Da-Jung away. "What are you doing, Miss? Are you crazy?"

Da-Jung giggled. Hearing a familiar long-gone voice after a long time, she was now completely assured that this person was her friend. "Yes, I have gone crazy, Mr. Son Jinha!"

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" The man was taken aback again and he stared at the crazy woman hugging him with a puzzled look on his face.

She giggled again and flicked his forehead. The man winced and she answered "Idiot! It is me... Da-Jung, Byeon Da-Jung from XS High School."

As the name recurred in his mind, Son Jinha looked at the person with a surprised look on his face. He was very much surprised to see his friend grow into such a beautiful woman. "Is this that Da-Jung I know? The girl who was bubbly with short hair?" He asked trying to make sure and Da-Jung gave a nod.

He hugged her when he was assured that it was his best friend. "Wowww! I'm so happy to have met you!"

"This seems like the best day of my life."

"Me too!" Da-Jung hugged him back.

However, their adorable and cute moment was short-lived as they were interrupted by some tapping of footsteps inside the room. Both Da-Jung and Jinha let go of each other to see who had entered inside. And they were surprised to see Yang Woo-Jin inside the room.

"If you guys want to have fun, please do it outside of the building quarters. I don't like office romances!"

Da-Jung clenched her fists tightly in anger upon hearing Woo-Jin's rude and arrogant words. 'This son of a... How can he just say something like this without even knowing anything?'

"It wasn't anything like that, Mr. Yang! We were just..." As Son Jinha was trying to explain, he stopped when Woo-Jin signaled him to stop with his hand waving in the air.

"Please, don't do such indecent stuffs next time, Mr. Son! You and I have worked together for a long time."

'Worked together?' That was when Da-Jung saw the Id-card which Jinha was wearing. And she saw the occupation which was written. 'Stage manager? Is he a stage manager here?' Da-Jung was very much perplexed.

"And please don't give me such looks, Miss Byeon!"

When she heard Woo-Jin speak, she immediately realized that she had her mouth open wide. She immediately closed it and stood straight. She gave a small suppressed smile.

"We can start practicing together from tomorrow. I will get the piano and everything assembled here. This will be 'our room' for practicing." He emphasized more on the words 'our room'.

Woo-Jin had thought that he would send her his account number when he would meet Da-Jung in the practice room. But he was very much angered to see Da-Jung hugging someone. He didn't like it and he also didn't wanted to see it again.

And so he entered inside. He somewhat knew that Son Jinha who had been working under him for three long years wouldn't do such a thing of this kind with a person who had just arrived. But he was very much angered when he saw Da-Jung give the brightest of her smile upon seeing Jinha.

A pang of jealousy came across Woo-Jin's heart. He didn't know why but ever since he met her, he had this different uneasy feeling inside himself.

And now he was jealous just by seeing those two hug one another. He didn't even know what was he teasing her for and he just wanted to stop it and be serious with her. But no matter how much he tried; he was always fooled by her.

Even after being this successful, Woo-Jin just felt one thing missing in his life. He was happy to do something which the other person liked but he just felt like he was lost in a desert with no water, no food, nothing!

And when Woo-Jin saw these two hug one another, it just felt as if someone deliberately poked the cactus into him. It hurt a lot! And he was very much angry to see that wide opened expression of hers. If Da-Jung would have been alone in this room, Woo-Jin didn't know what he would have done to her.

Saying what he had meant to say, Woo-Jin turned around and left after closing the door behind him with a slam.

"What is wrong with him?" Da-Jung frowned.

"Maybe something is bothering him." Jinha answered and looked at Da-Jung. "How about we go out and have something to eat?" He made a drink signal and continued "And also get a few drinks?"

Since Da-Jung had nothing to do, she instantly agreed. Besides, even if she was busy she would have taken time to go out with Son Jinha, because they had met after eight freaking long years.