Are You Disappointed That Nothing Happened Between Us?


Da-Jung opened her eyes when she felt her body feeling immensely hot. She removed the blanket which was covering her and took off her pants. Unbuttoning her shirt and keeping it open, she fanned herself and threw it on the bed. With just a bra and panty, Da-Jung walked out of the room to grab some water.

She had not completely regained her consciousness and she was walking lazily in the living room trying to find her kitchen. "Why is the kitchen in the right?" She mumbled with her eyes half closed and took some water to drink. As she was feeling hot, she sprinkled some water on her chest and her thighs.

The cool water made her feel good and she sat on the couch to drink water. While she was drinking, she saw a blurred version of someone seated beside her.

Da-Jung placed the glass down on the table and rubbed her eyes only to be pinned down on the couch by Woo-Jin. "What…what are you doing here?" Da-Jung asked being stupefied at the position she was in.

She felt Woo-Jin moving closer to her.

"Don't you think I should be the one to ask this question?" Woo-Jin pushed both her hands above her head, held them with one hand and with the other hand, he pushed her hair which were covering her face.

Woo-Jin looked closely at her lips which he was trying to kiss them yesterday night. But since Da-Jung was spouting nonsense in her sleep, he couldn't kiss her. He wanted to kiss her now but he couldn't because of Da-Jung struggling in his hold. He smiled as he felt his heart beating faster like those old days whenever he was making out with her.

"What do you mean?" Da-Jung struggled from his hold but it was of no use. Woo-Jin's grip was very tight!

"Look around!"

When Da-Jung looked around the house while still being pinned down by him, she noticed the unfamiliar surrounding she was in and she realized that it was not her house.

"Where are we?" Da-Jung asked being confused. Last night she was in her house so why… wait!!! Last night…

As her mind travelled back to last night, she remembered that she was with Jinha drinking but then after having her drinks, while going back home, Woo-Jin had taken her home.

"What happened last night?" Da-Jung asked not being able to remember anything after Woo-Jin had taken her inside the car. Woo-Jin grinned evilly and moved closer to her and whispered in her ear "Are you disappointed that nothing happened between us, Miss Byeon?" He loosened his grip over her.

Da-Jung rolled her eyes and pushed him away. With a chuckle, Woo-Jin sat next to her and threw his coat on her. "Cover yourself! I don't like bodies that are flat." Although he said that, he didn't mean it. In fact, Da-Jung's body was getting him hard between his legs and he just hoped for her to cover herself.

Even after four years, she hadn't changed. The same soft skin, milky thighs and perfect round tits. Woo-Jin gave an unreadable smile.

Da-Jung again rolled her eyes. She threw the coat back on Woo-Jin and said "If you don't like bodies that are flat, I don't need to cover myself." She stood up and showed her curvy figure to Woo-Jin.

Woo-Jin was trying hard to control his crotch from bulging out. Because if it did, it would be the most embarrassing thing ever. He took the coat and covered his legs. "Fine do whatever you want! I don't care." He gave an almost defeated look and wished for her to go inside the room so that he could go to the washroom and release his stress which was tensed up inside him.

And he was glad to see her gone inside the room. Woo-Jin let out a sigh of relief and removed the coat from his legs. Indeed, the thing between his legs was trying to stand high and mighty.

"Gosh! When did I become such a pervert?" He asked himself as he found his actions very indecent.

First, trying to kiss her and now this… he grunted.

Da-Jung wore her pant and shirt and came back. She saw that he was still seated there and she walked towards him. Keeping her hands on her hips, she said "Just make sure that you don't bring me to your house next time, Mr. Yang! If people get to know, they might think that we are dating. So please!"

"Let them consider that!" Woo-Jin said casually while looking at his nails.

"It might not be a problem to you, but it will be to me, Mr. Yang. So please refrain yourself from helping me out. And thanks for last night!" Da-Jung smiled and walked out of his house back to her room.

"I will be happy if people speculate that we are dating, Miss Byeon; because I want that to happen."


In the afternoon straight from her work, Da-Jung reached JH Entertainment Company. She walked to the practice room she was supposed to be at and was quite amused to see various musical instruments and everything inside the spacious room.

It just felt like a dream come true. Da-Jung smiled and instantly took various photos of it. Who knew if this moment would come again in her life or not?

Since Son Jinha and Sina would be going on a date today, Da-Jung felt alone thinking that no one would be with her. But when the door opened and she saw Woo-Jin enter inside, she facepalmed herself.

"Why did he had to be here?"

And maybe her mumbling in her mouth was way too loud cause she heard him ask "Why? Can I not be here, Miss Byeon? Or were you waiting for someone else?"

Da-Jung again felt angered upon the man who was assuming that her and Jinha's relationship was something else. She wanted to clear it out to him but then she thought 'Why should I clear out things with him? It is not necessary to do so. Let him think whatever he wants. I don't care!'

"Shall we start?"
