Songs That She Liked, Always!

Since Da-Jung was told that she has to practice a little on her piano skills, she thought that Woo-Jin would practice his singing and that she would practice playing the piano but when she saw him seated by the piano, she looked at him confused.

"Why are you giving me that look? I'm the one who composed this piece so I should be the one teaching it to you." Woo-Jin shrugged his shoulders and arranged the notes.

Hearing his explanation, Da-Jung nodded and walked towards him. She stood beside him.

"Please sit! I am not going to eat you or something!" Woo-Jin signaled her to sit beside him and Da-Jung hesitatingly sat beside him while keeping a wide gap in between them. Woo-Jin noticed the gap between them and he chuckled "Sit comfortably, like I said I don't like flat bodies so, be comfortable!"

Da-Jung roared inwardly at him and sat properly. As she observed him playing the piano, she couldn't help but stare at him.

This piece was so touching.

Always, Da-Jung had wanted the both of them to play piano together but she didn't expect that her wish would be fulfilled when they were divorced. As she saw him play the piano in a serene and captivating manner, she asked "How did you learn this?"

"I changed my major and studied music."

Da-Jung again looked at Woo-Jin surprised. "Wasn't being a journalist your dream?" She couldn't help but ask him. After all, curiosity is a man's best friend. Woo-Jin wanted to be a journalist so bad and they were also going to break up just because he was not able to write his exam.

"I quit that. Thought it was useless. Music feels nice to me!" Woo-Jin turned the page and began playing the next part. Although, he wanted to say that he was doing this for someone, he couldn't just bring it up due to the consequences which would have come if he had said it.

"Do you remember this?" Woo-Jin asked when he began playing the song which he had heard Da-Jung listen to while they had met for the first time. Da-Jung remembered the tune. It felt familiar.

"Umm… the tune feels familiar but I can't recollect the name." And while trying to think hard she began biting her thumb. Woo-Jin smiled as he stole glances at her while she was trying hard to recollect the name. Her habits also were still the same.

"It is Charlie Puth's 90's love." Woo-Jin said hoping that Da-Jung would recount their first meeting with this. But as he heard just a faint reply, he was a bit disappointed.

"So was I the only one who remembered it?" He mumbled to himself and turned on to the next page. And he played another song which was very much familiar to Da-Jung and she easily said the name. It was because she was listening to it just weeks before.

As she heard various songs which she almost knew, she looked at Woo-Jin and asked "Why are you playing these songs? Shouldn't we practice for the songs you have written and composed?"

Hearing the word 'we' made Woo-Jin felt a little bit happier. And with a big smile on his face, he replied "For this concert, I'm only going to do covers of different songs I have listened to ever since I was young…" He stood up and removed his coat which was making him hot for some reason.

"I did say this during the interview, did you not make a note of it?" He asked after removing his coat and sat down beside her.

During the interview, Da-Jung was already huffing and puffing due to the conversation they were having so, even if she did ask him about the concert, she hadn't focused much on his answer. And even while giving Sina the recorded file also, Da-Jung didn't bother to recheck his answers and edit them. She just gave the file as she was done with making a copy of it.

"Uhh! I… I forgot!" She gave a sheepish smile and scratched the back of her neck.

Woo-Jin took a USB drive from inside his pocket and handed it over to Da-Jung. When Da-Jung looked at him with wide confused eyes, he explained "This is the list of the songs I'm gonna sing during the concert. And there are also videos demonstrating how they all are being played on a piano. So check them out when you go home."

With that, Woo-Jin stood up and took his coat in his hand. "That's it for today, Miss Byeon! See you tomorrow! You can stay or leave." He gave a polite smile and left.

Meanwhile, Da-Jung was left in a daze. She thought of his gentle voice again and again. Maybe if he had been gentle like this ever since they met again, she would have also been good towards him. He was gentle but things just changed after divorce. Or when they were on the verge of breaking up.

"Tsk! Tsk! You are a pain in the ass, Woo-Jin Oppa!" She muttered under her breath and left after taking her bag.

While on the way, Da-Jung thought of the casual conversation they had during the piano practice. If someone would have seen them, they would have assumed that they had known one another for a long time.

Now that she thought about it, she couldn't believe that they were the one who were conversing. It felt as if their souls swapped with some two loving birds who just wanted to know about each other.

However, Da-Jung was a little disappointed to know that Woo-Jin quit his dream of being a journalist. She even thought that maybe if they were together, they would have pursued their dreams with the support from one another.

Maybe… it was just a maybe.

Da-Jung shook her head with all the thoughts that were scattering in her brain and making her mind a mess. After reaching home, she inserted the USB into the laptop and began to listen to the songs.

And all those songs which were in it, felt familiar. It were the songs she used to listen to a lot. And Woo-Jin also used to listen along with her.

"Did he choose them thinking about me?" For a second, she asked this question to herself and later shook her head. It was obvious from the way they had divorced, there was no reason for them to be thinking about one another again.

But was that actually true?