A Few Unanswered Questions

"Did you do the same thing while taking off this ring from your finger?" Woo-Jin wanted to ask but he could only mumble after she had left. Her talking in such a way, made him feel hurt. He could feel his heart being pierced with thousand needles.

Sometimes, he regretted the fact they were divorced. Maybe if he could time travel, he just wanted to travel back to the time when Da-Jung's father said many insulting things to Woo-Jin and Da-Jung asked if he loved her.... then instead of saying he never did... he would have said that he loved her, and will always love her. But those were just fantasies.

Woo-Jin pinched the bridge of his nose. He felt like a stupid with where his thoughts were going.

"Time travel? Heck! As if I would have that chance in life."

He stomped his feet and laid down on his bed. He had to wake up early tomorrow so that, he can drop Da-Jung back home. He wanted to drop her home because he wanted to ask a few things which he wanted to ask ever since they met after years of divorce.

But in the morning when he woke up, he got to know from his parents that Da-Jung was gone. And he assumed that Da-Jung didn't return the heirloom back to his mother because she wasn't making a fuss about it.

Yet he just wanted to make sure because his heart told otherwise. He walked in his mother's room and checked her drawers and in one of those drawers was the box which Da-Jung had bought while coming inside his room.

A sarcastic smile crept on his face as he realized that Da-Jung was stubborn and sneaky as ever. Instead of asking his mother and talking about it, she kept the heirloom secretively and left.

"Does she not feel about our divorce like how I do? Atleast for once, also?"


Now that Woo-Jin had realised that Da-Jung never thought about their divorce, he was adamant to ask a few questions to her. Even if she would give no response, he wanted to know.

While they were practicing together, Woo-Jin stopped singing. He looked at Da-Jung who was busy reading the musical notes. She was so busy that she hadn't even noticed him standing next to her. When he cleared his throat, that was when Da-Jung looked up at him with a questionable yet surprised look on her face.

"Can we talk?"

Da-Jung closed the notes which she was reading and placed it on the table. She slightly nodded and looked up to hear what he had to say.

"I would like to speak somewhere in a private place."

"I think there is no one other than us two around. So, let's talk here, Mr. Yang. What do you have to say?"

Woo-Jin gritted his teeth when he heard her. 'Mr. Yang? We had just gone to my parents' house yesterday night and she is now calling me Mr. Yang right after we came back? Just how much does she hate me?'

"Do you... regret what is happening between us?"

"What?" Da-Jung looked at Woo-Jin a bit more than surprised. She didn't understand what he was asking her about. If it was what they talked about last night or if it was how they came in this mess together. She didn't know what he was asking her about.

"Isn't it obvious what I'm asking you about?" Woo-Jin questioned her back. He clenched his fists tightly with anger. He didn't even know why he was angry. But he was just furious when he saw her act like as if she didn't know what he was asking her about.


Woo-Jin waved his hand and stopped her. He rubbed his temples and sighed. Rubbing his hands over his mouth, he spoke "Do you regret that you got entangled with me again?"

Da-Jung noticed the troubled expression on Woo-Jin's face. She sneered as she realized that this was the talk that Woo-Jin wanted to chat about and that too in private. She stood up from her seat and walked a little away from him.

Turning her back to him, Da-Jung noticed the reflection of hers on the mirror in front of her. And also, Woo-Jin's who was standing few steps away from her.

"I regret... every single second I spent with you, Mr. Yang! Is that a good enough answer for your question?"

She turned back to face him and noticed his face twitch. An evil smirk spread over her lips and she scoffed "I think this is a good answer to your question."

Woo-Jin observed her smirking as if she was gaining a victory over him. Sometimes, there comes a feeling in your heart where you get so angry that you just don't want anyone to laugh at you or make you feel bad otherwise you don't know what you end up doing to them.

The same happened with Woo-Jin. He was so boiling with anger when he saw Da-Jung giving a victory smile that he took long strides towards her and pushed her to the mirror.

"Ouch! What are you doing? That hurts!"

Even when Da-Jung shouted after her back touched the mirror hardly, Yang Woo-Jin didn't budge. He just wanted to tear apart that grin over her face. He was really hurt by her reply. A LOT! A lot means it was just a lot.

It felt as if someone was squishing his heart.

Now that... they were practising together, Woo -Jin thought that maybe they would get together and make up for the mistakes they made in their past... But after hearing her cold response last night, he realized that Da-Jung never wished the same.

And he wanted to know the reason for it.

Sure enough, he was not satisfied by her answer because now he wanted to know why she regretted spending time with him when she was the one who had said it on her own that she liked every time they spent together. So, what was it that made her hate him so much?

He agreed to the mistakes which he made but he could also be forgiven for that, right? His mistakes weren't that big for not to be forgiven. It was actually her parents' fault who never accepted him ever since they were married.

So, why was she hating him?