She Wanted To Let Him Know How Hurt She Was

"Aren't you the famous artist, Yang Woo-Jin?"

He looked at Woo-Jin closely and nodded. "Yes, you are Yang Woo-Jin! I have seen your videos and stuff."

"However, don't you think that it is bad for your reputation for you to hit your fans like this? Therefore, just go and let us do what we were supposed to do! You keep our secret safe and I will keep your secret safe, okay?"

The man started to blabber and Woo-Jin rolled his eyes upon the words said by the man.

"I don't care if my fans who… ARE LIKE YOU, be dead or be gone to hell! That woman there, is much much precious to me than FANS LIKE YOU!!!" Woo-Jin suppressed his smile and charged further with the mallet in his hand towards the man.

He began to hit the guy but the man dodged. He leaped over at Woo-Jin and due to his heavy weight, Woo-Jin fell on the floor taking the man with him.

"I hate it when you guys say you are my fans! I never taught my fans to be this VILE!!!" Woo-Jin smiled and hit the man with his mallet. The man struggled at first but when Woo-Jin gave a hard blow on his head, the man fell unconscious and Woo-Jin took deep breaths.

He heard the sirens of the police and he covered Da-Jung with a towel he found inside the bathroom. "Please stay still, Da-Jung! The police is here… I will get them arrested and I will help you."

The police entered inside and took the two criminals with them. Thankfully, they were not in serious condition so, they didn't do anything to Woo-Jin. They just asked him to come to the police station later for interrogation. They thanked Woo-Jin for his help and walked away.

Woo-Jin took a breath of relief and walked towards Da-Jung who was removing all of her clothes. He had to take her to the hospital. If not, then he would be in trouble.

Da-Jung noticed Woo-Jin. Although, she felt that she was just hallucinating, she felt his presence. She didn't wanted those two men to do something bad to her. She wanted someone whom she knew be close to her.

This uneasiness, this pain was just making her feel unable to control herself.

She removed the towel which was covering her and began to pull up her shirt. However, Woo-Jin stopped her and hurriedly took her out of the house to his car. He was afraid that if he would wait for long, he would have to do something which would break the bond he had formed with her now.

He didn't wanted to do that. So, he hurriedly rushed to the hospital even after Da-Jung was pushing herself on him and doing dirty things.


At midnight, Da-Jung opened her eyes to the sound of a ringtone. That ringtone wasn't hers but it was annoying her for some reason. She looked at the plain surroundings around her and then at the hospital gown which she was wearing and then at the man who was soundly asleep on the sofa.

"How did I end up here?" As she began to think, images of what happened in the morning resurfaced inside her brain and she took a close look all over her body. There were no marks or whatsoever and her body didn't hurt.

Then she remembered that there was someone else along with those two guys… he was fighting with them and saying something about fans.

Da-Jung noticed the IV drip which was connected to her body and she took deep breaths. This day was so horrible. She cried in the lift, hit Woo-Jin and then was almost raped by two men.

She stared at her knuckles which were now wrapped up in gauze bandages. It did hurt but the men trying to rape her hurt her more.

Da-Jung observed Woo-Jin who was sleeping on the sofa in a small uncomfortable position. If this man wasn't there, those men should have eaten her by now.

Tears escaped down her eyes as she realized that this man was again there to protect her. The same question came in her mind again… if Woo-Jin could protect me now, why did he not do so back then?

Da-Jung removed the IV drip connected to her and stepped down from the bed. She walked to the window and opened it for some fresh air. The cool air felt like a soothing wave for her and it calmed her.

She smiled as the wind touched her face and blew all her hair behind. Da-Jung closed her eyes and allowed the breeze to touch her face.

At this moment, Da-Jung thought about how her life would have been if her son would have been alive. Maybe they would have been together and also she would have been with Woo-Jin.

The divorce - Da-Jung regretted her words she spouted when Woo-Jin spoke nonsensical words about her father. Yes, those words hurt her but if she knew that she was pregnant, she wouldn't have said that and would have not agreed for the divorce.

She remembered the doctor saying her that if proper care would not be given, the child would not survive. And at that time when she was pregnant, she had to pay for her father's bills, the debt she was in due to her father, and then herself.

Da-Jung used to worked hard in the morning to pay for everything and at night she cried like a baby alone in a small single room. Sometimes, her life was so hectic that she even wished to abort the child and work as a prostitute to pay the money.

But realising that it would be a last symbol between her and the man she loved, Da-Jung decided against it and kept the baby. However, she didn't know that she would lose the baby after giving birth.

She cried her eyes out as she realised that the baby was nowhere with her. Da-Jung kept those memories hidden in her heart forever. She never thought that a day would come where she would want to share these memories with her ex-husband.

Today, when Da-Jung said that her child was no more, all those hidden memories resurfaced in her mind and she wanted to share all those with Woo-Jin.

She wanted to take him to the place where her son was buried but upon seeing him asleep on the sofa, she thought of leaving away quietly.

But as she turned around, she saw Woo-Jin standing before her. Da-Jung gasped and heaved a sigh of relief. Now that she was caught, she walked to the table to get her phone and bag.

"You should stay until tomorrow. You are unwell!"

As if Woo-Jin had read her mind, he instructed her and Da-Jung frowned. "I have to go and make the payment for my father's room. So, I must go!"

Da-Jung hung her bag over her shoulder and walked to the door.

"I already did the payment!"