Being Kidnapped In Broad Daylight

It had been an hour since Da-Jung was inside the taxi. She felt something unusual because the route was not somewhat what she always used to take for going back home.

"I have to take a friend of mine so, I came here." The taxi driver said as if he had read her thoughts. Da-Jung didn't say anything and sat back on the seat.

The car came to a halt and a weird crazy looking guy entered inside the car. As he began to sit in the back seat, Da-Jung questioningly glared at him and the man sat inside.

"One more person will be coming over, Miss. So, please let my friend sit behind."

Da-Jung felt a little suspicious but she didn't give any importance to the man sitting next to her. She trusted on what the taxi driver said and moved further away from the man.

Da-Jung noticed that the car was going in a lonely road and she asked the driver being a little afraid. "Where are we going?"

This time also the taxi driver said the same thing that he had some friend to take over however, Da-Jung doubted. She told him to take a turn behind or drop her there but the taxi driver insisted on making her stay.

She took out her phone to call someone but the man beside her snatched the phone from her hand.

"Hey! Why did you take my phone? Give it back!" However, as she turned around to see the suspicious man, she saw him holding a syringe in his hand.

Da-Jung immediately became terrified and she moved even further away from the man. She tried to open the door but they were locked.

"Sorry, Miss! But this is where our destination comes!" She heard the taxi driver speak and then she noticed the man beside her moving next to her. Da-Jung lifted her leg and kicked him but it made no impact on the guy.

Instead, he charged over her and sat on top of her, pinning her hands above her head and getting the syringe ready. As Da-Jung struggled and moved to dodge the needle, the man grabbed her small neck and gave an evil grin.

"You are a f*cking beauty!" He moved on top of her making sure that his lower part touched her thighs. He leaned over and tried to kiss her but Da-Jung began to move uncontrollably.

The man gave up on kissing Da-Jung and injected the aphrodisiac in her skin. "Few minutes and you will be my slave!"

He gave an evil laugh and Da-Jung slowly, slowly began to feel something different inside her body. She began to feel hot as if she was on fire. Although, she was reluctant to take off her clothes, her body wasn't listening to her and she began to move her hands all over her body.

The two men laughed as they were fascinated by the scene in front of them. They gave a high-five to each other in the success of their plan and soon began to take charge of Da-Jung who was feeling some sexual needs flowing throughout her body.

They took her to the small house which was in front of them. The taxi driver opened the door and the man who was holding Da-Jung in his arms, took her to the bedroom.

"Then, let me go first! She seems to be troubled." The suspicious man who gave the injection said and leaned over to kiss Da-Jung but the taxi driver stopped him.

"I should be going first because I was the one who bought her here." He shrugged his shoulders as if he was stating a fact and pushed the crazy weird looking man away.

However, the man who injected her declined and pushed the taxi driver. Soon, the two started to quarrel upon who will go first and who will go second.

Woo-Jin couldn't believe his eyes on what he was seeing. He didn't believe that these things were happening in broad daylight. He thought that it was safe for a woman to travel alone in daylight but these… f*cking a**holes, he couldn't believe them.

Thankfully, he followed her otherwise who knew what would have happened to Da-Jung. He didn't even wanted to think about what would have happened and he shook his head.

He saw the two men taking Da-Jung inside a small house and he also followed them behind. Thankfully, the door was left open and he stepped inside. He heard the quarrelling sounds which were coming from inside the room left to the kitchen and he walked there.

He walked towards the two men who were quarrelling with a rubber mallet in his hand. He had taken this rubber mallet from the back of his car.

As he opened the door, the taxi driver saw him and Woo-Jin gave a smile. "I don't think you guys should be doing this."

Hearing the voice of someone else, the man who was going to lean over on Da-Jung stopped and turned around. He saw a man holding a mallet in his hand.

"Thankfully, I followed her otherwise, who knew what would have happened to her." Woo-Jin smirked again and took a peek at Da-Jung. She was being restless and going for her clothes while taking deep breaths and moaning.

Since, they were now seen by someone, the men decided that it was better to finish the guy who interrupted them and go for the woman later. They rushed towards Woo-Jin.

Woo-Jin's hands trembled but when his eyes fell on Da-Jung who was struggling with pain and uneasiness, he charged at the two with force, dodging their attacks and hitting the taxi driver on his leg with the mallet.

The taxi driver fell on the ground but the man who had injected the drug was standing still. He looked at Woo-Jin who was taking deep breaths and signalling him that he would also hit him with the mallet.

Seeing him to be somewhat familiar, the man chuckled and asked "Aren't you the famous artist, Yang Woo-Jin?"