Chapter 11 Where is Yuki?

Both June and Ken did not sleep at all, they keep on looking for Yuki. But its already morning but the system could not find her.

June is really worried Yuki's assignment is to monitor the base while they are gone.But yesterday her sister went out because of the emergency of her adopted dad.They even receive a call from Yuki that she will stay a night at her adopted Father house so she Ken were left at the base.And today is suppose to be Yuki's returned, but this things happens.

Youyou had given them breakfast but the two ignored the robot. Since they could not find Yuki in the system they decided to look for Yuki in her father's house.They took a bath and both run to. Ken gave order to the system to keep on looking for Yuki while they are outside the inn. And he also decided not to pull out Akita and Haru in their current mission.

In the car June is praying hard. She is praying that nothing happens to her sister. His dad would be very mad and upset if somethings happens to her sister. And most of all she is regretting that she should have said the truth to Yuki so that Yuki would know her real family.

" Dont worry we will find her!" He assures

" How can we find her?Even the computer and the track you put on her could not give us where she is!"

" Yuki is still fine."

"How did you know?"

"The bracelet that we have has link on each one of us. When we are in deep trouble the bracelet will blink slowly. When we are near death the bracelet light will blink faster. And we are dead the bracelet lost its colors." Ken explains.

June instantly look at the bracelet her bracelet is normal ,that made June a little calmer.Then she looks at Ken bracelet he notice that the bracelet that he has is different from her.

Ken notice that June is observing the bracelet.

" June the bracelet is choosing us that is why the bracelet will be in different form. The form of the bracelet is base on who is the bearer, its character and its gender. Mine is black like onyx. And yours is pure ice crystal with different flowers, Haru has a silver chain. While Akita is bronze plated bracelet and Yuki has entangled heart white gold. And when Ayaka is the bearer of the bracelet it has different form, it is blue pearl bracelet."Ken said.

" When Ayaka died that time the bracelet we are wearing blink so fast then when she died. The color of our bracelet fades. It turns into stone." Ken said in a very sad tone.

Ken is still sad at the thought of loosing her teamate girlfriend and lover.And this time he is so scared he does not want the same thing happen to Yuki.

He is still holding that Yuki is still safe at the moment.

Yuki is safe at the moment. She is not yet harmed. Her eyes opens and was blinded by the bright light. Yuki instantly stand, she notice that this is her not room. She continuesly look her surroundings trying to remember what happened last night.

The room that she in is a princess room, from ceiling to floor, to its walls and its furnitures spell luxury. The bed is so soft and big then Yuki notice that she is in night wear and all of her stuff including her bracelet is gone.Frantically Yuki got up and search the room.

When Yuki open the closet, the door of the room open and a maid went in.

Yuki wanted to run and hide but the maid curtsied then went outside then came back again with a clothes is a hanger rack. And the clothes are beautiful dresses.

Yuki dont understand what is happening while the maid ask her to choose and wear any of the dress.But Yuki insist on looking for her clothes but the maid could not answer her for the clothes she' s wearing was on the garbage already.

Since Yuki could not get the answer she look for the bathroom and went in to take a bath and to change cloth.But when she enters the bathroom the maid also went in and help her.

Yuki could not hide her embarrasement, she is not used to this kind of treatment.Then she really push the maid outside and lock the room. She move fast take a bath and went outside for she remember everything.

She was preparing for bed when she heard a commotion. Yuki decided to investigate it and saw his adopted father agruing but taken by man she did not see.

Yuki run and fight for her dad but the man are too many.One of her attacker gave her a chop in the nape that made her loose conciousness. And she woke up in this room

Yuki is so furious, she went outside the room and went down of the house. She did not bother if the staircase is so grand and the chandelier regally at the center nor she did not notice the soft carpet she is stepping on.

Then a man appeared smiling at her with a wide arms welcoming her, but because she is so furious she run toward him and gave her kick.

The man falls down. And the whole household went crazy when they see the young master falls on the floor. Immediately a person who looks like a butler came and called the security who held Yuki's hand.

But the Young Master stand up and said.

" Dont touch her!"

And the security yielded.

" Yuki can you not remember me?" the guy ask.

"Where are my things? Where is my dad?"

She demanded.

" And where am I?"

"To answer your question, your things are in the garbage all those cheap looking clothes are now burned?" The man confidently answered.

"Nani!!!?"And Yuki going to attack the man again and the guy run.

The servant just watch the young master and the wild girl run around the house and was stupefied at the scene.

The butler order to follow get the girl.And instruct that nothing should happen to their Bocchama and to the wild girl.The security run after the two and soon caught both of them.

"Why are you so mad? I even gave you beautiful clothes in exchange!" The man said gasping out of breath.

"Yo-!" Yuki was stopped by the next sentence.

"I even look for your father and found him!" The unknown man said.

" Where is my father then?" Yuki ask. She calms down upon hearing it.

" I will tell you but we need to eat breakfast first."

"Are you going to tell or not!" Yuki is starting to be mad again.

" Bocchama the men that we send something happened to them." The butler interrupt them.

" One of our men is in critical state the other one is injured and the other one follows the father of the girl." The butler added.

Because of what Yuki heard she became more determine to go. So she shook the two security holding her hands. And runs for the door.

But Yuki did not make it and was stunned by tranquilizer gun.

When the young master saw what happened he scolded the man who shot Yuki.

" Bocchan let us treat both of you." The butler reminded him.

" And we have a pill that will wake the young miss."

The man stop scolding the security. And carry Yuki,his beautiful Yuki. Then he takes her to the bedroom and instruct everybody on different task.

" Dont worry we will soon find dad." The man assure and kiss Yuki's forehead.

On the other hand June and Ken went to Yukis home. They went inside since Ken saw that the gate of the house is open. They knock at the door but no one answered. Then Ken turn the doorknob and found out that the door is not lock. He gave June a signal and they both went in only to see a living room turned upside down.

" Yuki!"" June called but no one answered.June went upstair but there in so sign of Yuki found in the place.

"Where is Yuki!!!" June so deperate and tired looking for her sister.