Chapter 12 Marriage and Revelation

Yuki open her eyes again. But this time she is to weak to get up. She only glared the man who is sitting beside her and stroking her hair gently.

" Dont be mad Yuki, I already assigned the man who shot you to clean the stable for one month as punishment."

" And your still groggy because of the sleeping drugs." The man says.

" Where Am I?Why did you bring me here and Where is my bracelet?" Yuki firing so many question.

" Your in my mansion, bringing you here with me is not in the plan.But when the spy I sent to your house reported that your dad was taken away and you were attack I order my men to get you and save you and bring you here.

" And your bracelet i throw it already, that cheap looking bracelet you dont need it here. Im going to find you a much more beautiful one."

"Maybe that bracelet is cheap to your eyes but its one in a million.

" But that bracelet was given to you by that man!!" The man said in full of anger and jealousy.

Yuki tighten her fist at what she heard but she is too weak to punch this man face.

"Young Master we found out who takes the girl father." The butler says.

" The Hissuburo clan takes his father!"

" What?Did your dad offended the legendary Hissuburo clan?" The man ask Yuki.

But Yuki did not know the clan, so she only shake her head in confusement.

Right now she is confused she knows her dad being so eccentric and righteous will definitely not offend or borrow money. His adopted father is not rich but Yuki was trained by him that whatever she wants she must work hard for it. So when she got a good grade her father gave her gifts.

They are not poor but not rich but one day he heard the chairman of the school asking her dad for monetary favor to help the school library construction. His dad stand up went inside his study and comes back with an attache cas in his hand and gave it to the Chairman. And Yuki saw how glad and grateful was the chairman.The chairman keep bowing his head and the eyes is full of tears giving thanks to her father.Then after a few months she and her dad was invited to the library opening. The chairman let the citizen see and thank the sponsor.

That day no one thank her dad.Only the chairman does because his ask the chairman to keep quiet about it before this day come.

Yuki respect her dad even more and he became more mysterious in her eyes. But she did not ask because she wants her dad to tell her everything.

Yuki was awaken is awaken from deep memory when the man spoke again.

"Yuki eat this." The man says while he took the spoon and feed her a bowl of congee.

Yuki's head become more painful, the guy added to her confusion. She does not know him, she was annoyed by him because of what he does on her things, but she was taken aback by his kindness to her.

Yuki did not ask but contained her strength. As she ate the congee, a desire to keep better keep nudging on her mind. She is so worried at her father. At thinking of this a tear fall on Yuki's eyes.

The man became worried. And ask the butler to get a doctor.

"Are you ok? What is happening? Dont cry we will save your father!" The man.

But Yuki keeps on crying, she blames herself for being weak. If she is not weak then this would not happened. Then something happens a bubbling feeling and her blood rush through out her body.

The guy did not notice whats happening to Yuki who now is standing and looking at the mirror. The mirror is more dazzling, so Yuki went there and saw her bracelet but her bracelet is inside the mirror but she could see that her bracelet is under water.

It is so magical that Yuki saw herself and the room reflection in the mirror covered by the watery surface, but she is still dry. For she see a a fish and other aquamarine life while the sand could not cover the brilliance of her bracelet. Yuki touch the mirror and was so amaze that her hand went though it and feels the water.Yuki took her hand back she could not believe this is happening, but what more is important that she could now take her bracelet. So she shook the feeling of fear and once again touch the mirror and took her bracelet.

When Yuki took the bracelet everything turned to normal.The Bocchan just came to her side very worried because now Yuki is standing.The people in the house did not see anything only Yuki knows what happened and she hid the bracelet. A doctor came and examine Yuki.

Ken did not notice June went outside and June calls on the bird. June talks to the animals and ask her sister, she even whisper to the wind to take care of her sister.

June was called by Ken inside so June went back.

" The tracker I found it!" Ken says

June saw the tracker.Looks like Yuki remove it.June is going to walk in the room but was stopped by the things she see.

She saw what happened, an old man was talking to a younger man and the old man keeps on dismissing the guy but the younger man did not listen. And in a swept move attack the old man. Then she saw Yuki attack but Yuki's martial arts lacks so Yuki was overpowered. Then the man took the old man left Yuki unconscious at the floor. And a few minutes later a man in suit appears carries Yuki and takes her away.

June saw everything, she saw it like she is watching a movie.June thought that the scene was over. But as she took another step a vision appears she saw Yuki lying in an island covered in blood.

June did not loose a minute. She runs but Ken caught her.

" What happened?"

" I know where she is!" June says and give Ken the place.

Ken was so puzzled, the place is so far at Yuki's dad place.They even need a boat or plane to get there.But June keeps on nudging him to drive fast. Ken follows her only and did not ask anything.

Yuki went to the Yaeyama Island, after hearing the butler information.She plans to go alone but the man keeps on insisting to join her.And on the travel Yuki learns the mans name Eiichi. Yuki agreed and use the mans vehicle in order to reach the island at the most earliest time.

When they reach there, the men of the Eiichi approaches them and give them the information.

Yuki learned that his father was taken away by Hissuburo clan. According to the men his dad is still ok and was lock and guarded. The men could not come closer because the guards are too many and the skill is far better than them.

When Yuki heard that she insist on bringing her to the place.

" I will go with you!" Eiichi decided.

" No this is my problem, do not involve your self."

"Bu-!" Eiichi words were not heard by Yuki for she walks and force the man to bring her to her father's place by twisting the man fingers.

The man cried in pain and follows Yuki. While Eiichi's eyes dance in amazement while she follows them and saw Yuki's actions.

They reach the place in no time. But Yuki and Eiichi's men were all discovered by the guards and caught them.

Yuki and Eiichi was interrogated.But Yuki did not back down.

" Who are you, what are you doing here and who sent you?"A man in a mask ask.

" Im Yuki Arizawa, Im here because someone from here took my father. He is Daisuke Arizawa." Yuki bravely said.

"Daisuke Arizawa! Hmmm."The man repeating her words.Then another person approach him and whisper in his ears.And he whisper back.The man went out of the room leaving Yuki, Eiichi and 5 of his man. And after a few minutes a man went in, this man is so old but the posture and his effect is so regal, that even the man who interrogate them bows to this old man. Then behind him is Yuki's Father.

As the man approach them Yuki did see the uncanny resemblance within the two.

" Is she your adopted daughter?" The old man ask with still authority in his voice.

" Yes!" Yuki's father replied.

"Then if you dont want to succeed me she will be my successor, but our bloods does not runs on her and she is a female too. So she will marry a Hissaburo guy. For all generation Hissuburo clan is run by a mighty warrior.

"No, she wont be entangled with this clan. When you abandoned my mom and me, you lost the right in my life. So we will live freely by my daughter." Daisuke said.

"Then neighter of you two will leave this place. Rejection means death. Being the head of a legend clan is a great honor and rejecting it means death for all of you."

" Then take my life and let them go. Let your clan died on me!"

" You are my son!"

" But you never been a father to me, my father is Yosuke Arizawa!"

" Then you gave me no choice as the current head of this clan I will cut ties from you." The old man took a sword and swing it and he is going to cut the head of Yuki's dad.


" I will accept!!! Yuki shouted.

" I will marry to Hissaburo clan!!" Yuki cried because she cannot bare seeing her dad going to die because of this petty thing. Yuki begging the head and bow on his feet.

It was the scene that June and Ken both saw. They both fly from land to the island. They just make sure no one had seen them before flying here. That is the easiest way to reach the island in a span of short hour.June thought while they are still in the car.They were shock to see that Yuki is captured but they are more shock to hear her words.

" Your not allowed to marry anyone of them you are my bethrothed!!!" Eiichi shouted.

"What!!!!" Everyone says in unison.

" What are you talking about?" Yuki is so confused.

" You promise to marry me!! When we were young and I was kidnapp you help me escape by your shouts so kidnapper runs away and as a thank you for saving my life I said that I will marry you and you agreed."

Yuki just shook her head for she does not remember this boy.

" It happens 10 years ago!"Eiichi convincing Yuki.

But still Yuki look at him with a clueless face.

" Sorry son but Yuki does not remember that, if that happened 10 years ago. You see Yuki met an accident when she was 11 and she could not remember everything even her first language and country." Yuki' s father says.

" Enough!!!!!" The old man says who is now very angry. This people are interrrupting him for giving them punishment.

" All of them execute them!!" The old man order.

The men took them all ready to kill everyone but was stop by a voice.

" Stop!"

Then a man walk this time with a cane.His age is beyond anyone here.He looks like at least 90 years old. But he is still so dignify and rightheous.

" You never change Raiden, you are a good, strong and a brilliant fighter but you forget to become a human in this clan."

" You have forgotten the essence of a true family.The true meaning of Hissaburo making us a legend clan."

"We value the people, value the nature, value the family. But you lack of this things!"

" But this girl is not even related to your son by blood but willing to take his fathers responsibility."

"She has what you lack and that is compassion and love." The old man says wisely.

"But the law of our clan is important grandfather!"

"Yes the law is important, but you are the very first one who ignores the law of this clan. You broke the law by leaving your son and wife alone."

Raizen was struck by the words of his grandfather.For what he says is true.Raizen understand his shortcomings then apologized to them.

As Raizen instruct the men to untie Yuki and others. Many blades fly towards them. And everyone was hit including Yuki, Eiichi and Daisuke.

" No!" June was so horrified that she shout and went out of her hiding place and runs to them and she pick up the sword and swings it fast to block all the Kunai's that is coming toward this people. Then in a very swept move. June kick all the Kunai's on the floor and throw it in the air and then she jump and swing her sword to booze the Kunai's to aim where it came from.

The Kunai perfectly hit the target!

" Come out, you coward." June demanded.

"You could not do anything the Kunai's are all poisoned, now this clan is going to die." The man laugh while he is going out from his hindings but his knees is giving up.

" What have you done Kirihito! You traitor!" Raizen said.

After hearing it June went to Yuki.

"Yuki! Yuki!Open your eyes!"June says while she hold Yuki's shoulder.

"Give me the antidote!" June demanded.

" The antidote is not here all of us will die here including you." The man says who took a last Kunai aiming June.

But Ken move fast he block the knife and kick the man.

" Oh Yuki my sister dont you dare die." June screamed.